The Use of Essential Oils for Pets

When people have success using essential oils for healing and rejuvenation, they automatically assume they can use them on their pets as well. Sometimes this is indeed true. However, it takes special knowledge of animals to know when and how to use essential oils for pets. With many pets, you should avoid the use of essential oils altogether. Birds especially are susceptible to severe reactions to essential oils. You should not even diffuse these oils in the air near birds. They can have respiratory problems that can be deadly.

Cats are another subject. There is much controversy over whether you can use essential oils with cats. Many purveyors of these oils recommend frankincense for ear mites and peppermint for respiratory troubles. These are just a couple of the remedies suggested for the ailments of cats. Veterinarians, though, explain that essential oils do more harm than good to cats. Oils like peppermint are too “hot” for cats. Their sensitive skin will burn. Also, any essential oils that a cat takes in, whether it be through the air or through the skin, must be eliminated. This is done through the cat’s liver.

The problem is that a cat’s liver is more delicate than a human’s or that of other animals, as well. It takes some forty eight hours for the cat’s liver to process and expel the essential oils. This can lead to a build-up and finally to liver damage.

Dogs are more suited to the use of essential oils, but you should still never use them without diluting them. If you use a reasonable amount of caution, you can use essential oils to help dogs with many common problems. You can massage the essential oils mixed with carrier oils into the dog’s skin. Use an area of the skin that is the least hairy. You can also use a diffuser in a room twice a day and let your dog breathe the air from it. Since a dog’s liver is hardier, this will not damage it. You can use a mister to spray around the areas where the dog stays, too.

Many dogs will develop arthritis as they get older. Sometimes owners will even euthanize their dogs just so they won’t have to suffer with this ailment. However, there are essential oils that can help your dog live a more comfortable life. Some are juniper, pine, rosemary, and birch oils. When your dog becomes ill, it can mean damage to your flooring and furnishings. Besides that, you don’t like to see your dog suffering. For vomiting, you can use essential oils of lavender, tarragon, or peppermint. You can use a cinnamon oil massage for diarrhea.

Dogs often get what are known as “hot spots.” These are raw areas of skin where the fur has either been chewed or worn off. They can be very difficult to treat, and vets have several antidotes for them. If you want to try essential oils, try Melrose and lavender. They both clean the wound and reduce inflammation.

Care should be taken when using essential oils on or around animals. Some pets just can’t take it. Yet, for those pets that are able to tolerate them, they can be a great help.

How to Use Essential Oils for Skin Care

People have been using essential oils to nourish and soothe their skin since the time of the ancient Egyptians, at least. For awhile, chemical products were coming on the market every day. People went almost completely away from using essential oils. In recent years, it seems that they’re back.

With the resurgence of the use of essential oils, people are finding ancient answers to common problems. Several different essential oils have been used for simple cleansing. Some of these are sweet basil, lemon, lemongrass, neroli, juniper, and peppermint. Any of these oils can be put in by a few drops in a mild soap. Acne is a distressing skin condition that is related to overproduction of sebum in the skin cells of the face. Essential oils have long been used to help the condition. Geranium, chamomile, tea tree, and lavender oils are among those employed.

These essential oils can be combined with a light carrier oil and applied directly to the skin. However, the extra oil of the carrier may seem to be too much. In this case, the essential oils can be dropped into fragrance-free lotion or cream and rubbed into the affected area. The biggest single factor causing skin to age is the fact that skin loses the ability to hang onto moisture. Thus, it dries out and becomes more fragile. Skin can also age because of exposure to sun or pollutants such as smoking.

Essential oils supply a variety of remedies for aged and wrinkled skin. Frankincense, neroli, or rose oils are excellent oils to use for this purpose. Put them in carrier oils or in fragrance-free lotions to rub on the face. Sandalwood oil, carrot root oil, and many others can be used.

Dandruff can be a bothersome ailment. There are all kinds of chemical remedies in your local stores to treat it. However, there are many essential oils that can help the condition in a more natural way. Cedarwood, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, or rosemary essential oils can be used. There are many other oils and combinations of essential oils that have been used successfully. Any of these can be dropped into hair oil, or added to a water and vinegar mixture to rinse the hair with.

Chamomile and lavender oils are the two best essential oils to use for sunburn. One method is to put a few drops into a cool bath and soak until the heat goes away. The other way to use them is to drop a few drops into a carrier oil and rub gently onto the burnt skin. For severe burns, see your doctor. It seems counterintuitive that essential oils can help to clear oily skin. However, people have been getting good results with these treatments for years upon end. Juniper berry, chamomile, cedarwood, and lavender oils, to name a few, have worked wonders. Add them to water to make a rinse for your face after you wash it.

Skin problems aren’t new to the world. Using essential oils to treat them isn’t new either. However, because these treatments were ignored for so long, they are new to many people now.

Having Fun with Essential Oils

There has been a growing trend in the use of essential oils. The increasing variety of bath products in the health and beauty market gives us an idea of what customers are looking for. No longer are consumers satisfied with synthetic essences, but we are finding that more and more people are looking at the quality of the products they are purchasing.

You too can create your own unique blend of quality soaps, bath salts, massage oils, and creams with essential oils. Using quality base products (essential oils, carrier oils, beeswax, soaps, salts, and creams), create bath products just the way you like them. When you purchase ready made products, some may be too strong or too light. Some products may claim to have a certain level or purity or certification and still not be as effective as they claim to be. Remove the uncertainty by being able to create your own health and beauty products.

These products are not just for the women. Men too can enjoy the benefits that the essential oils provide. Create seductive blends that enhance masculinity and also provide the emotional balance. Experiment with different oils and carrier media to obtain the right blend for your special someone.

Once you’ve gained some experience learning to manufacture your own special blends of essential oil combinations, make some extra and use them as gifts for your family and loved ones. The oils can be given alone or by combining them with other useful products such as bath brushes, towels, diffusers, and anything that your gift recipient would appreciate. Learn about the medicinal effects of essential oils and combine them with other oils or bath products to create a “Cold buster” package or a “Relaxation” package. There are so many ideas and you are only limited by what you can create in your mind.

Creating the massage oils and bath products are easy to do. Keep in mind that safety precautions are a must when working with the essential oils. The oils are concentrated and may cause a physical reaction if not handled properly. The use of gloves purchased at a local drug store will be sufficient in most cases.

There is a difference between fragrance oils and essential oils. The fragrance oils do not carry the same therapeutic benefits as the essential oils do. The essential oils are derived from a plant (tree sap, leaf, bark, etc.) whereas the fragrance oils could be synthetically manufactured. The healing benefits are then lost if the original properties of the plant are not intact.

Have fun creating new blends and unleash the health benefits of essential oils at the same time. Enjoy placing different mixes of scents in various areas throughout your home. You will also be able to easily change the emotional climate of the room as easy as changing your home. Experience the maximum benefits of aromatherapy when you properly air the room between scent changes. There is no end to creating your own special environments. You will only be limited by the variety of essential oils you own!

Aromatherapy Newbies: 10 Tips

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding alternative medicine. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about alternative medicine.
Aromatherapy Newbies: 10 Tips

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Essential advice for aromatherapy beginners and all aromatherapy enthusiasts.

aromatherapy, tips, essential oil, carrier oils, alternative medicine, natural health, aromatherapy encyclopedia, aromatherapist

Article Body:
I go back when I first discovered aromatherapy several years ago. I was open by foremost oils and excited to try using them. Looking back, I realize I should have done a works more research before diving into aromatherapy. I offer you the advice I wish Id had when I was an aromatherapy novice:

1. Buy One or Two Aromatherapy Books< / b>
Mass just one or two books to start your aromatherapy library. Select books that are general resources, which entrust give you some basic information and help you discover the areas in which you have the most interest. Two of my favorites Are Colleen K Dodts The Essential Oils Book< / i>, and Joy Bowles The A – to – Z of Essential Oils< / i>.

2. Join Aromatherapy Confab Forums< / b>
Forums are great resources for aromatherapy newbies. Read past discussions, request questions, and be taught from others. The Yahoo Platoon Aromatherapy for Everyone is a friendly place for beginners, and members range from novices to experts.

3. Do Some Research on the Internet< / b>
While its nice to have an aromatherapy book or two at your fingertips, there are some excellent resources on the internet, too. Be a critical reader, though, and consider your source. Information offered by a manufacturer or affiliate seller may not be as trustworthy as information offered by a more objective source. Aromatherapy websites I touch to over again over build in AromaWeb and Wavelengths Natural Health Aromatherapy.

4. Choose Five or Lavish Important Oils to Start< / b>
Though you may be tempted to buy more, slap to begin with just five or ten different essential oils. Essential oils can be quite treasured, ergo you may want to experiment with a few at inaugural and then invest in more if you nail down to pursue aromatherapy further.

5. Make Sure to Buy 100 %, Pure, Unadulterated Essential Oils< / b>
When you buy essential oils, hang out a well – known and reputable manufacturer. Synthetic, fragrance, and perfume oils are not essential oils they contain man – made chemicals and have no aromatherapeutic value.

6. Buy at Least One Carrier Oil< / b>
For nearly all au courant aromatherapy applications, you will need to dilute essential oils into a carrier oil. Good all – purpose carrier oils include sweet almond oil, sunflower oil, again grapeseed oil. Buy cosmetic grade carrier oils, and use only a few drops of essential oil ( s ) per ounce of carrier oil.

7. Store Your Oils Properly< / b>
Essential oils should be stored only in dark glass containers. Since essential oils are volatile, keep the lids tightly closed. Essential oils also carrier oils should be stored away from heat again light. Carrier oils will go tainted eventually, so its best to buy smaller quantities.

8. Learn How to Do a Patch Test< / b>
Essential oils can cause adverse reactions, due to allergy or due to sensitization over time. A patch test helps to dispose whether you might react to a particular essential oil. Learn how to enact a skin patch test on yourself with each newfangled oil you want to use topically.

9. Dont Use Aromatherapy with Children or Pets< / b>
Until you are thoroughly familiar with needed oils and associated safety issues, dont use them on children or pets, or while convincing or breastfeeding. Cats, in particular, may be adversely affected by essential oils. Make sure essential oils are kept out of stretch of children.

10. Dont Ingest Essential Oils< / b>
Though you consign read conflicting information about taking essential oils internally, you should avoid doing this. Some essential oils that are fairly safe to use topically may be quite toxic if taken internally. In addition, some essential oils may interact go underground prescription or due to the counter drugs.

As you experiment with again learn more about aromatherapy, you will become more dashing using essential oils. There is therefore vastly to inquire into, so be protected and posses fun!

Sometimes it’s tough to sort out all the details related to this subject, but I’m positive you’ll have no trouble making sense of the information presented above.