What Causes Warts?

Warts of all kinds are annoying and some can even signal danger. It would be nice to prevent them. To have any chance of doing that, you need an idea of what causes warts.

All warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus gets into the skin at a certain point and infects it. The cells in that area grow very rapidly. A wart is formed at that site.

Warm, moist environments are breeding grounds for many varieties of warts. Anyplace that is wet can be a threat. A shower or locker room floor can be a problem in this area, especially if warm water covers the floor. People can pick up HPV in swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas.

Skin abnormalities give the virus a place to take hold. If you have an irritation or a rough spot on your skin, it can give rise to a wart. If you are a swimmer, you may have plantar warts because of the combination of the moist environment and rough or broken skin from the surfaces of the pool. Plantar warts get worse because pressure from walking on them pushes them into the skin.

You can also contract HPV at the site of a patch of broken skin. This can be a rash or a cut. It can be a hangnail or a fingernail that you have bitten off very closely. It can even happen with a scrape or a scratch.

You can get common warts following excessive handling, such as in a job, of meat or poultry. The same goes for fish. Working with these foods keeps the skin moist over a long period of time.

HPV also causes genital warts. They are considered a sexually transmitted disease. They can be spread through contact with the throat or the mouth occasionally. Usually, they are contracted through exposure to the genitals or the anus.

Once the HPV is in your system, the warts can be carried to any other place on the body. You do this by scratching or touching them. Then, when you touch another body part, the HPV is spread. If the strain you have is genital warts, the infected areas will be on the genital areas.

You may have genital warts for awhile and they may go away. If this happens, be careful. You can still spread genital warts even if you are showing no signs of the infection. Genital warts are highly contagious, so you should take precautions such as using condoms during sex.

The question may arise as to whether a mother can spread genital warts to a baby when it is being delivered. The answer is that she can, but only rarely. The only time this would be a concern is if the doctor suspects that the warts will bleed excessively. At that point, a cesarean section will probably be performed.
There are many ways that warts can be spread. Some of them have to do with the warm, moist environment that fosters their growth. Some have to do with sexual activity. However HPV is actually the only cause of warts.

The Most Common Types of Warts

In America, a fairly large number of men, women, and children have warts. Despite being harmless and common, there are many who wish to have those warts removed. However, before doing that there are very few who actually take the time to examine and learn about the types of warts they have. While it may not change your decision, it may still be a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the most common types of warts. There is a good chance that one of them may be the kind of warts that you have.

As previously mentioned warts are common, among individuals of all ages. Perhaps, that is why a number of warts are referred to as common warts. Common warts are warts that typically appear on the hands and the fingers. They are rarely found alone; common warts tend to be in groups or in clusters. Like many other types of warts, these warts are often hard or have a rough or scratchy surface. One of the reasons why they are commonly found on the hands is because these warts tend to appear where there is broken skin. This broken skin is often common on the fingers, especially when nail biting is a habit.

Also, plain warts or flat warts are another common type of wart. They, like many other wart types, are often found on individuals of all ages, which include men, women, children, and the elderly. Plain or flat warts tend to grow in large groups; however, unlike many other warts, they are not rough or hard to the touch. Instead, many appear as if they are relatively soft. It is not uncommon for shaving to be associated with flat or plain warts.

Planter warts are also another common type of wart. They are also found on individuals of all different ages. While warts can appear on just about any part of the body, planter warts are more common on the feet. Their location is what causes some planter warts to be unpleasant and painful. A planter wart can appear as a single wart, but it is not uncommon to also find them in groups. What is unique about these warts is how they grow. Most warts grow outwards; however, planter warts, most likely because of their location, tend to grow inwards.

Although the above mentioned warts are the most common traditional, types of warts, there is another type that is spreading across America. Those warts are known as genital warts. In addition to being known as a skin condition, genital warts are also known as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This is because these warts are most commonly spread through intercourse, even protected intercourse. In some cases, genital warts are more difficult to have removed, but, like most other warts, it is possible.

Now that you may be able to determine which type of wart or warts you have, you may be able to decide on an appropriate course of action. Almost all warts can be removed at home, but it is advised that you, at least, seek professional advice. In fact, if you have genital warts, you are urged to see a healthcare professional. This is because, in addition to having your warts removed, you may also need to be prescribed medication. This medication may help to reduce the number of outbreaks you experience.


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