Reversible Sun Damage Treatment Advice

Who doesn’t love to spend the day outside under the beautiful summer sun? Not too many people I know, but, if you do you should know that the sun can damage your hair as well as your skin. You will need reversible sun damage treatment to your hair if you spend a lot of time outside

You use sun screen on your skin but what can you do when the sun damages your hair?

Mostly, hair products that contain sun protection factors do not contain enough to really do any good protecting your hair so the reversible sun damage treatment has to come after sun exposure in the form of deep conditioning.

The sun alone can cause your hair to become dry and brittle, add in some salt water from the beach and a little sand, not to mention the wind and your hair gets bombarded.

The UV rays from the sun break down the protein of the hair shaft and decrease production of the scalp’s natural oils that usually nourish your hair.

If it could cry it would after a long day at the beach. Treat it right when you get home and use a deep conditioner after a good washing. You can overcome the sun damaging effects this way almost overnight.

The key is to continue to deep condition after every outing, even if it just into your backyard. You don’t have to be at the beach to damage your hair just being out doing yard work can do the same thing.

Protect your hair when you are outside by wearing a nice wide brimmed hat that can also help protect your neck and shoulders from sunburn.

Of course, you should always be using sunscreen protection on your skin as well. Just remember to continue to reapply the sunscreen per package directions. If you plan on spending the entire day outside it is recommended that you find some shade to give your body a break from the sun, if possible.

Stay away from drinking a lot of alcohol when out in the sun and stick to drinking water. Staying hydrated is important in keeping skin and hair healthy at all times but especially in the summer when the heat can rob you of essential electrolytes lost by perspiration.

But, stay away from those overly sugared energy drinks, they will only aid in your body becoming even more dehydrated.

It wouldn’t hurt to stock up on those replenishing sports drinks that the athletes use and drink one after a day in the sun. You will feel better the next day if you do and make sure to eat a good portion of protein to keep your body in good running order.

Summertime is a wonderful time of the year and a great time to spend outside with family and friends having fun. Just keep in mind that you should take care of your hair as well as your skin when it comes to being out in the sun. Reversible sun damage treatment to hair begins with protection first and then deep conditioning afterward.

Identify Different Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pools and Cleaning

Identify Different Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pools and Cleaning Products

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with chlorine.

Chlorine had been made popular because of its effects on pools and household flood. We wash with chlorine and is satisfied with how it eliminates the different stains that are present in clothes and at odds materials. Everyday, individuals drink water that has chlorine and bathes in it very. Nevertheless, one can always think of the advantages of safer and bacteria – free water. Who wouldnt want that?

But, there have been rampant reports of the kind of health hazard chlorine can be. Now, more than ever, is the time when you have to recognize the different dangers of chlorine in showers, pools and cleaning products which are fruitfully abundant in almost everything.

Chlorine is a commonplace chemical that occurs rarely within the environment. It is a kind of chemical that can be manufactured in factories due processes. The interesting part is, chlorine is used as a safety treatment for water which people drink, bathe and sink into. Chlorine is also used in cleaning products as well.

Therefore, chlorine can be considered as a substance that can both protect and harm the environment and the mortals using palpable as well. Under controlled conditions, the bad effects of chlorine incumbency show minimized. Chlorine itself can be harmful as well as its byproducts such as dioxins and organochlorines. These byproducts, when released, remains within the environment. They are also very much persistent and dont break down rapidly; meaning, they tend to accumulate over time.

Chlorine as pollution?

Paper is made because of chlorine. Havent you wondered how paper became white? The wood where they came from is colored brown yet the finished product can buy for as white as snow. Again, byproducts of chlorine namely dioxin and organochlorines are released as misuse products digging into the environment which can be highly carcinogenic and toxic. When they combine with other chemicals, they form other kinds of substances that are equally harmful to the environment.

Here, chain of events can occur. When chlorines byproducts get affiliated with water, fishes will and be contaminated and when people eat the fish or the animal that ate the fish they become affected as well. This chain can be directed to a persons digestive system and entirely perform severe damages.

Chlorine in households

It is a fact that those who supply water directly into your faucets and hoses use chlorine for sanitary purposes. Well, whatll you speculate more dying of microorganisms or of chlorine? People get more disturbed with bacteria and germs that cultivates in water but they can accept the sanitation measure and chemicals that are included in their drinking and bathing water. Despite of this actuality, water suppliers still go for chlorine as their required sanitizing agent. Why? Because its cheap and is definitely effective.

Chlorine in cleaning products and pools

Cleaning products that serves as disinfectant and bleaching agents are considered harmful to the environment and to the person being in contact with chiefly because chlorine contributes to multiple skin irritants and can additional aggravate conditions that arent that serious. Substantial can also be the cause for respiratory breakdown.

Chlorine alternatives

There are safer and are equally effective alternatives to chlorine. Hydrogen peroxide is already being used in some paper industries and companies that manufacture bleaching agents. There are a lot of alternatives aside from chlorine. People just fail to notice.

Upon the identification of the different dangers of chlorine in swimming pools, showers and cleaning products, there is still confidence to change the old ways.
Now that wasn’t hard at all, was it? And you’ve earned a wealth of knowledge, just from taking some time to study an expert’s word on chlorine.

What You need To Know About Gilbert’s Disease

There are quite a number in the American population that had been affected since their time of birth by this condition, Gilberts disease affects about two to five percent of the population in the United States alone. To better understand what it is and how it affects the people ridden with the condition, here are some of the frequently asked questions about Gilberts disease.

1. What is Gilberts disease? Gilberts disease is known to be one of the causes of mild jaundice once in a while. It is typically not dangerous and has no need for treatment. It is due to a condensed amount of a compounds in the liver, which processes a breakdown result of blood cells called bilirubin. Gilberts disease is a condition wherein the liver has a problem in breaking down the bilirubin completely.

2. Where did the name Gilberts disease came from? In 1901, a French gastroenterologist named Augustin Nicolas Gilbert and his co-workers described the differences in the symptoms of Gilberts disease and the other liver diseases. He also provided additional information on how to acquire it and its further transmission.

3. What is bilirubin and what happens to a person with Gilberts disease? Bilirubin is continuously made inside our bodies, it is a form of end product. It is the waste product of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a compound that is found in every persons red blood cells and it is responsible for carrying oxygen to the other cells in the body. Many of the red blood cells that we have and the hemoglobin break down each day and as a result bilirubin needs constant disposal. Bilirubin get carried to the bloodstream and into the liver where it is taken in by liver cells. The liver breaks down the bilirubin further into the gut and to bile. An enzyme or a chemical compound that can be found in liver cells called urodine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) aides the liver cells to break down the bilirubin. People with Gilberts syndrome have a reduced level of UGT and so bilirubin can build up in the bloodstream. High levels of bilirubin in the blood causes jaundice.

4. Who gets Gilberts disease? Gilberts syndrome is a very common hereditary condition that means there is no way to prevent or to treat the condition was it has been passed on to the next generation. About 1 in 20 people have this syndrome – but most will not be aware of it. It is more common in men than women. It is often first diagnosed in the late teens or early twenties.

5. What are the symptoms of Gilberts disease? More often than not, none. Unfortunately, the specific symptoms related to Gilberts disease is not as easy to spot and monitor like in other diseases. Gilberts disease can be very dormant in terms of symptoms that it can manifest in a person for several years with them knowing it.

6. How different is it from jaundice? Jaundice is caused by the excessive levels of bilirubin in the body, more specifically the blood. Because people with Gilberts disease have fluctuating levels of UGT or urodine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase, the build up and the manifestation of Jaundice cant really be used to gauge the severity of a person with Gilberts diseases condition. Aside from the discomfort and stomach pains most of the other signs of having Gilberts disease can be associated with other conditions.