Brain Exercises can help Reduce the Risk of Mental Illness

Brain Exercises can help Reduce the Risk of Mental Illness

There are many different types of mental illness in the world, and they affect people differently. This is why it is often so hard to pinpoint what they situation is and then to find the right course of treatment for it. The goal with such treatment is to help the individual have as good of a quality of life as possible. Since there is no known cure for mental illness this is the next best thing to offer.

There has been some research to indicate that brain exercises can help to reduce the effects of some mental illnesses. Many people suffer from Alzheimers where they cant remember things very well. This typical affects older individuals and the onset of it is generally slow. However, it can make the quality of life very poor for such an individual. They can become a threat to themselves as well so they need constant care.

By engaging in brain exercises at a young age though it may be possible to prevent such a mental illness from taking control of your brain functions. As a person gets older it is natural for their cognitive abilities to decline. However, there is also research that shows it doesnt have to be this way at all. Instead it is possible for a person to continue improving on a cognitive level as they get older.

Most people dont realize that they should work to train their brain. Allowing it to just format any way that it will without some direction from you isnt a good idea. Yet that is a concept that too many people have never given any thought to. How can you expect your brain to form the way you want it to if you dont have any defined goals about what that is?

Many people have coined brain exercising to reduce the risk of mental illness as mental fitness. It is never too late for someone to change how their thinking process is. That is the good news because people too often assume that what a person has always done is what they are destined to continue doing. Change can be difficult but it can also be accomplished with dedication and a good game plan.

The younger that you are when you start engaging in brain exercises to reduce the risk of mental illness the better off you will be. Those individuals with a family history of mental illness definitely want to do all they can in order to prevent it. There is still plenty of research in this area though that has to be done. While we are far from having all of the answers, we are also on the right path.

The more that you work your brain the better it is going to be. The effort you put into it is going to help you live a happier and healthier life. The time you invest in the process today is going to pay off for you in the days ahead. Decades from now you can continue to be a confident and productive member of society as well. There is a great deal of personal power that comes from brain exercising so dont underestimate it.

Another benefit is that you will be able to get your mental health and your physical health in balance with each other. This is important because they are both a part of how you will look and how you will feel. When one of them isnt getting the attention it needs then you as a person will suffer. Exercising your brain is every bit as important as exercising your body.

The fact that brain exercises do offer so many benefits is a good reason for you to take part in them. There is still plenty of research that has to be done in order to fully determine how they can help people with mental illness. Taking part in such activities though can help you do all you can to reduce the risk of suffering from such problems when you get older. Since it is possible that such benefits exist you want to give yourself the opportunity to really benefit from them.


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Benefits of Fish Oil

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel have fats that can produce fish oil. Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are recommended by health-care professionals to be included in a individuals diet. Omega-3 acids are mainly docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA.

Omega- fatty acids are essential in cell building. It is important to get them from our diet since the body cannot produce this kind of acid. Research showed that Omega- 3 plays a significant role in brain and fetal development during pregnancy and infancy. Fish oil are believed and proven to provide numerous health benefits. Aside from this, there are also a lot of advantages by taking fish oil supplements.

Fish oil can:

Improve brain development and memory. There are studies showing that DHA actually plays a major role in brain functions. Low levels of DHA can increase the risk of having Alzheimers disease. Intake f fish oil during pregnancy is also recommended. According to a research conducted by the University of Western Australia showed that pregnant women who ingest fish oil supplement actually give birth to babies with better hand and eye coordination, better in speech and better cognitive development at the age of two and a half.

Aside from Alzheimers disease, fish oil can also help in reducing the risk of other mental illnesses like depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children, dyspraxia, bipolar disorder and dyslexia.

Reduce the risk of hear attack. Even if the DHA and EPA are fatty acids, they can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It helps in preventing blood clots in the heart. So aside from heart attacks, fish oil is also important in reducing risks of coronary heart disease.

Reduce the risk of cancer. Researches have showed that fish oil can help in reducing risks of developing breast, prostate and colon cancer. They stop the growth of cancerous cells and inhibit its growth. For postmenopausal women, those who consume more Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and mackerel or fish oil supplements are less likely to develop breast cancer.

Reduce the effects or helping patients deal with lupus, arthritis, colitis and asthma. Its natural anti-inflammatory capabilities can reduce pain brought by inflammatory arthritis and gastritis.

Help a lot during pregnancy. Not only does Omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil help in he fetal brain development, it can also reduce the risk of giving early or premature birth, post-partum depression for mothers, allergic reactions among babies an low- birth weight. Not only does it helps in pregnancy, there are preliminary researches showing fish oil to aid in getting pregnant or fertility.

Help improve the body overall. Fish oil can help in producing serotonin, the happy hormones. Happiness can help a lot of people deal with stress and other emotional issues which can totally improve a persons emotional and mental disposition. They can also revitalize and rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, weight loss and improve eyesight. It is even said that fish oil can reduce acne and make your hair a lot better.

Fish oil is very important in building a better you. But doctors and experts suggest in taking pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements. The problem with eating too much fish can actually lead to mercury contamination.

So, ask yourself, are you getting enough fish oil in your body? If not, then it is time to start making sure that you do.