Discount Dehumidifier

If you need a dehumidifier for your basement or other room, you might want to look around for a discount dehumidifier. They are all over the internet and you should have no trouble finding what you need.

One specific site I found deals only with dehumidifiers and there are hundreds to choose from with more being added on a daily basis. I looked through the site and found some great deals. Depending on the model of dehumidifier you choose you could save anywhere from 3% to 34% on your discount dehumidifier. Some examples of the brands you can get on this site are Frigidaire, Soleus and Eva-Dry.

Do your same diligence when looking for a dehumidifier even though you will not be paying full price. Make sure the dehumidifier fits the room or area you want to place it in. To do this correctly you must measure the area by length and width and then multiply the two numbers. This will give you the square footage of the area you need dehumidified.

Since mold and other allergens need moist areas to live and thrive in, using a dehumidifier will not only decrease the moisture in your home it will also decrease the allergens as well. So if you suffer from allergies you will notice a significant decrease in your symptoms.

Air with a lot of moisture in it is uncomfortable. You know this by trying to be outside on a very hot and humid day. Humid air can make you feel sluggish and can even make it harder to breathe. A dehumidifier can help you be more comfortable in your home and help save you money on your cooling bills in the summer by drying out the air in your home.

The humidity in your home does not just come in from outside either. When you shower, or cook, especially boiling water for pasta, or even drying clothes in your dryer you add humidity to the air of your home. The bathroom is one of the most humid rooms of your house, especially after you take a shower.

Not only should you make sure you have adequate ventilation in your bathroom you should turn on the exhaust fan every time you take a shower and/or open the window, if you have a window in your bathroom. If you do not have a window in your bathroom, make sure to keep the exhaust fan clean and free of lint and dust to ensure that it is working properly.

These steps will allow the humidity to escape. If this is not enough though you may want a small dehumidifier to help. Humidity in your bathroom can cause mold and mildew to grow and ruin your paint or wallpaper and rust metal fixtures.

With everyone trying to save money these days, if you need a dehumidifier you might as well make it a discount dehumidifier and save as much money as you can. It would cost a lot more to have to redo your whole bathroom.

Foods That Can Help Arthritis Sufferers

Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, over-the-counter pain medication may become a common fixture in your life. Unfortunately, some individuals are susceptible to addiction and there are health complications due to over-consumption. So, what should you do? Consider more natural ways to seek relief. In fact, start in your kitchen. Although there are no guarantees, many arthritis patients see success by incorporating certain foods into their diets.

What type of foods may help those, like you, suffering from arthritis?

Pineapple. Pineapple is recommended for arthritis because it contains a chemical called Bromelain. Many claims this helps to prevent inflammation. In fact, some athletic trainers recommend its consumption to keep joints pain free and flexible. As with any other health foods, it is best to consume fresh instead of canned or frozen.

Oily fish. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are often encouraged to avoid meats. Meat has fat that is known to produce inflammation agents in the body. The only exception to this is with fish. Oily fish, such as mackerel and salmon, are rich in omeg-3 fatty acids. These acids have many health benefits. They inhibit the release of joint destroying chemicals and compounds. Supplements are found in most retail stores, but it is best to get these oils directly from the source.

Celery. The celery plant contains many different anti-inflammatory agents. These can lessen the suffering of arthritis pain and discomfort. It is best to eat the celery seeds. Most recommend placing up to one teaspoon of celery seeds into a cup with warm, but not boiling water. Let stand for a few minutes and drink. This can provide almost instant relief during an attack. The celery plant as a whole contains anti-inflammatory agents; so eating fresh celery regularly has benefits too.

Red chili pepper. Red pepper, also known as cayenne pepper, can help relieve the joint pain associated with most types of arthritis. As for how, you may be amazed. Many claim it causes the release of natural endorphins. Essentially, your body itself stops the pain. Not only should patients consume red chili pepper, but a topical mixture works too. Many recommend mixing up to one quart of rubbing alcohol with once ounce of cayenne pepper. It is important to note, this mixture is to be applied to the skin during bouts of pain. Under no circumstances should you drink the mixture due to the rubbing alcohol.

Sesame seeds. The Chinese have long believed and used sesame seeds to combat the inflammation caused by arthritis. As with oil, sesame seeds contain healthy fatty acids. For the best results, eat sesame seeds straight. If you dislike taste or texture, opt for incorporating them into your meals. Eat sesame seed rolls and use them when preparing dinner at home. They can be added to most foods.

Ginger. Ginger is well-known and widely used to fight inflammation. Most commonly used as a cooking spice, it has many health benefits. In addition to reducing inflammation, it assists in treating diarrhea and nausea. Available in a spice format, it can and should be sprinkled atop cooked vegetables and other foods. As with omeg-3 fatty oils, it is best to go directly to the source. Fresh ginger is easy to peel and cook. Wrapped in a towel, bag, and freeze for months. It is also found in the non-carbonated ginger ale drink.

Raw cabbage. Although not as well-known and as popular as the above mentioned foods, many also claim raw cabbage assists with arthritis relief. Some recommend the regular consumption of raw cabbage or cabbage juice. They claim this relieves both joint paint and swelling.

The above mentioned foods may assist those suffering from arthritis. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. Our bodies each process food in different ways. For example, celery can work to reduce joint pain for one individual, but it may actually trigger additional pain with another. In fact, some forms of rheumatoid arthritis are trigged by certain foods. For that reason, be prepared to experiment. Trial and error can help you determine which foods are the best at relieving your own, unique pain.


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Healthy Eating with Detox Recipes for your Body

You probably know by now what detoxification is and the ways that it can be done. A detox diet provides the simplest way to detoxifying yourself. A rule of thumb in detox diets: the more fiber and water, the better. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, beans and nuts. On the other hand, steer clear of caffeine, carbonated drinks, sugars like chocolates, alcohol and yeast.

Dr. Kiki Sidhwa recommends going on a monotrophic diet after a three-day fast. By monotrophic, we mean eating only one type of fruit for every meal. Example, for breakfast, you can eat apple. For lunch, try out oranges or pineapples. Eat until your hunger is satisfied. You can squeeze in a grapefruit juice at around 4 pm for your snack. And in the evening, eat only apples, pears, grapes or bananas.

Of course, this is just one of those do-it-yourself diet plans that you can take on when youre on a detox program. For most people, however, detox recipes are the best way to go. These detox recipes are especially designed to provide you with the necessary nutrient in the body and at the same time, providing you with the necessary antioxidants and substances that will cleanse your body from toxins.
For more fluid intake, you can try Ginger Healing Tea with Turmeric. What you need are the following: 2 cups of water, teaspoon of powdered ginger, teaspoon of tumeric, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup and lemon extract. To make your special healing tea, add powdered herbs to boiling water and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Strain the tea into a mug and add maple syrup and lemon extract. Stir and whalaaah— you can start drinking!

For breakfast, you can try the vegetable super juice. This juice gives you the needed energy boost for your senses, wakens your digestive system and can keep you going until lunchtime. For starters, you need 1 whole cucumber, 4 celery sticks, 2-4 handfuls of spinach, 8 lettuce leaves. You can also add other green vegetables like parsley and fresh alfalfa sprouts. The process is easy and simple, juice all ingredients and add distilled water. You can also add lemon juice for better taste.

And now for lunch, try the Alkalising RAW Soup. All you need are 1 avocado, 2 spring onions, red or green pepper, 1 cucumber, 2 handfuls of spinach, clove of garlic, 100 ml of light vegetable Bouillon, lemon or lime juice and Bragg Liquid Aminos for added taste. Just like our vegetable juice, the recipe is simple and easy to do. Blend the avocado and stock to form a light paste. Add other ingredients and blend. And then you can start eating!

Our dinner treat is Warm Broccoli Soup. All you need is avocado, 6-8 broccoli heads, 1/3 red onion, 1 celery stick, a big handful of spinach, inch of root ginger, cumin and bragg liquid amino for added taste. Lightly steam the broccoli for 5-6 minutes. After steaming, blend all the ingredients together and add garlic and pepper to taste. This is perfect for a cold winter night.

Feeling hungry still? These recipes are just few of the hundred other detox recipes available on the net. The key here is to pack yourself with enough water and nutrients to keep you going without ingesting a plateful of additives, sugars and food preservatives. So what are you waiting for? Start eating healthy!