Types Of Warts

Most people know that warts exist, and are quite troublesome, but not everyone knows that there are a number of varieties of warts. While they all have the same options for treatment, it is helpful to be aware of the different types, as well as their probability for occurrence. In being armed with this information, one is better able to recognize them and make an informed decision about the most suitable treatments.

Plantar warts are the kind of warts you are most likely to find on the soles of your feet. Plantar warts get their name from the plantar surface, which is the sole of the foot. When plantar warts appear in clusters, they are known as mosaic warts. But whether a cluster occurs or only one, they frequently appear small while in fact the majority of the wart is grown under the skin. The reason for this is that pressure on the foot from walking and other normal activities causes a large part of the wart to remain inside. In plantar warts there is usually a visible black dot; this is the blood supply to the warts. It can become quite painful to walk when one has plantar warts; the added pressure from wearing shoes often intensifies this discomfort.

Periungual warts are the warts which appear near the nails. These warts can range from aggravating to very painful. Periungual warts should be treated as soon as possible, or they can cause even more damage. Left untreated, the virus that caused the wart can enter the nail and cause the nail to become deformed. It can also cause the nail to develop a fungal infection. While periungual warts are most often found on toenails, they can also occur on the fingernails. Periungual warts should be treated as soon as they occur and are noticeable.

Flat warts are those which usually occur on the face in children, and in shaved areas such as legs and face in adults. They often appear in clusters. Flat warts are inclined to spread if they are not removed; but they may reappear after treatment due to the fact that the virus is still there. Although this particular type can be mistaken for other skin conditions, like any other kind of warts they are very contagious. Flat warts can be spread from contact with the infected person’s skin, or by using towels or other personal items.

Common warts, or seed warts, usually appear on the fingers, toes, and knees. Seed warts are most prevalent in older people. This type of wart is found on the upper body and face. Over-exposure to the sun increases the likelihood of seed warts; heredity also plays a role in getting this particular type of wart. The surrounding blood vessels give this type of wart its black appearance; this visible black spot is the reason why these common warts are frequently referred to as seed warts.

Genital warts are a form of sexually-transmitted disease. Approximately forty million people in the United States are currently infected with genital warts, and the numbers of diagnosed cases are increasing. They are extremely contagious, and they are spread by sexual activity. There are more than thirty different types of warts that are in this category. The Human Papilloma Virus which causes genital warts is the primary factor in causing cervical cancer. It is estimated that nearly four thousand women in the United States will die from this disease in 2007.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness a.k.a. alopecia in women is the most common form of hair problem that women come across. It involves a typical hair loss pattern, resulting from hormones, aging and genetic predisposition.

Hair loss pattern resulting from alopecia in women

Unlike in men, female pattern baldness does not cause hair loss in a well-defined pattern. The hair starts thinning all over the head though there is no hair line receding. It is rare for alopecia in women to result in total baldness.

In the case of females, the scalp hair loss may begin at any age though usually after 40.
The patterns of female pattern baldness can vary considerably in appearance and may include:

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp often with more noticeable thinning toward the back of the scalp.

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp but not involving the frontal hair line.

Diffuse thinning all over the scalp with more noticeable thinning toward the front of the scalp, involving and sometimes breaching the frontal hairline.

Symptoms of alopecia in women

In normal condition a woman tends to lose around 100-125 hairs per day. Losing more hair than that indicates that the condition is not normal.

The following two conditions indicate alopecia in women

Hair thinning over the entire head

Hair loss at the crown or hair line, from mild to moderate

Causes of female pattern baldness

The disease is triggered by the presence of a male hormone called testosterone in female body. Testosterone is produced by androgen hormone.

Certain women are decidedly more sensitive to testosterone than others. This sensitivity results in hair thinning on their scalp. Testosterone interacts with the enzyme 5 alpha reductase produced by the body. The interaction causes the production of DHT within the hair follicle.

DHT causes production of shorter and finer hairs. When DHT is not received well by hair follicles, it causes reduced blood supply and it causes hair thinning on the scalp.

Diagnosis of female pattern baldness

Women tend to have less obvious hair loss patterns than men and they face non-pattern hair loss more frequently than men. Diagnosis of female hair loss should be conducted by a trained and experienced physician.

The physician diagnoses this hair disease on the basis of hair loss appearance and pattern. He also checks whether other possible hair loss causes can be ruled out. He may also go for a skin biopsy or other procedures to diagnose the medical disorders.


The diagnosis of female pattern baldness should be followed by a proper treatment. The patient is usually administered Rogaine. Another medicine is Aldactone, which is useful especially for the women experiencing hair fall after menopause. A modern and popular method used in the case of female pattern baldness is hair transplantation.

Is an Eczema Treatment Using Antihistamines the Best for You?

Is an Eczema Treatment Using Antihistamines the Best for You?

Antihistamines are used to suppress the bodys natural production of histamines. When one is exposed to certain allergens substances that cause allergic reactions the body produces histamines as part of its defense systems. This is why an eczema treatment may sometimes include antihistamines to lessen the symptoms of the skin disease, such as inflammation, reddening and itching of the affected areas.

However, antihistamines interfere with the role of histamines in suppressing allergic reactions. So if you are suffering from eczema, you might as well give scrambling to your doctors clinic right away to get a prescription a second thought. Antihistamines may give you side effects even worse than the eczema symptoms you are trying to do away with. This is why many doctors recommend other forms of topical treatments for flare ups, such as ointments, foams, lotions and gels.

How do antihistamines work?

Certain organs in the body the skin, lungs and the length of the digestive system naturally contain high amounts of histamines. In fact, almost any of your bodily organs have them for defense. Aside from immune regulation, histamines also play other roles in the body such as:

* Secretion of digestive acids in the stomach
* Regulation of sexual response
* Regulation of sleep
* Relay and modulation of signals from one neuron cell to the other

As part of the bodys immune system, histamines trigger the pooling of blood supply in areas where foreign or invading organisms are present, such as in injured body parts like wounds. This is to supply larger concentrations of everything needed for the bodys efficient healing. However, large concentrations of histamines in a given area also results to inflammation, reddening and itching yes, just like the symptoms present during eczema flare ups. That is why certain treatments for eczema make use of antihistamines to get rid of such symptoms.

Can I use eczema medications with antihistamines?

Not just about everybody can take antihistamines. Many doctors advise people to steer clear of antihistamines if they have:

* Asthma
* Chronic bronchitis
* Hypertension
* Glaucoma
* Problems with the liver or kidney and other organs
* Any chronic illness

Histamines are also contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, or if one is currently taking medications, be it conventional or all-natural. If you suffer from eczema and have one of the things mentioned earlier, then you should consider resorting to other modes of treatment for eczema, the ones that do not contain antihistamines.

Taking antihistamines for a long period of time can actually do more harm than good. It can cause histamine deficiency, which contributes to:

* Mouth ulcers
* Headaches
* Excessive hair growth
* Ringing in the ears
* Eye and ear problems
* Mental and emotional disorders such as schizophrenia

Half of the people classified as having schizophrenia, according to studies conducted, have low levels of histamines circulating in their blood stream. The depletion of histamines may be due to certain antipsychotic drugs prescribed for them. However, increasing the levels of histamines in their blood stream significantly improved their condition. Also, it is said that people with low levels of histamines usually experience anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.

If you suffer from eczema at the same time with other conditions such as difficulty in breathing, you should consult your doctor for an eczema treatment other than that with antihistamines.

Updates On The Benefits Of Fish Oil

Many scientists believe that the discovery of fish oil as brain food 150,000 years ago became is the starting point that separates modern humans from the ragtag band of earlier species. The discovery was actually an accident since fat or oil from fish was a common diet of many early people in the East African Rift Valley.

Fish oil is a brain food that caused their thinking skills to expand with incredible speed, allowing them tremendous advantage over every other species on the planet. Within a short time, they were able to dominate the earth. For these believers fat or oil form fish is most likely the candidate for the brain food that initiated their mental development. Fish oil by then was a rare type of fat that would have been in short supply on the plains of Africa but was found in great abundance in the lakes of the East African Rift Valley.

They believe that fish oil is the crucial dietary factor that enabled early generations to evolve into modern humans about 150,000 years ago. For them it is the missing link that will allows us to age with our mental capabilities completely free from many disorders. Dementia and depression are one of these disorders, both a mental health problems.

Dementia is a loss of brain function and usually occurs with other diseases. The causes of dementia are mostly not preventable. There are studies that say that dementia can be controlled by practicing healthy habits like quitting smoking, controlling high blood pressure and diabetes. Dementia has many types and one of them is the vascular dementia, a type that is caused by series of small strokes or changes in the brains blood supply. A notable healthy habit that can help reduce vascular dementia is by taking a low-fat diet and exercising regularly.

Depression on the other hand, is a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder with symptoms like severe sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and sleeping time, feelings of hopelessness, and sometimes can lead to a suicide. A recent study revealed that higher blood levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are associated with a lower risk of these two diseases among elderly persons. EPA is found in certain fish and are believed by some to lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimers disease.

New medical research also revealed that almost every chronic disease is affected by an imbalance of eicosanoids. It is by constantly controlling insulin levels that a person can gain control of eicosanoids which is the key to prevent diseases and maintain wellness. Eicosanoids affect our body as a whole including the heart, mind and even emotions. Excess in insulin leads to a wide range of disease conditions.

There is also a need for a person to regulate calorie without hunger or deprivation. It is believe that by doing so, aging is reversed. And lastly for a person to gain balance in her well-being, a person most supplement her diet with tolerable amount of fish oil.

Hormones are the key to longevity and optimal health and you have the power to control your hormones through your diet. Once you achieve this, you can have the power to reverse the aging process, prevent heart disease, reverse cancer, reduce pain and inflammation and treat neurological disease.

And since controlling your hormones is the key to a longer and better life, fish oil is the missing link that allows you to achieve it with no side effects.