What Is The Correct Diet For Body Building

There is a common myth going around that you can go on a see all, eat all diet for body building. The theory is that as you are lifting weights, you will burn off anything you eat. This is pure nonsense. If you continue to eat unhealthy foods you will never get the body you desire.

When bodybuilding or following any other form of exercise, you should also look at your eating habits. Instead of eating three large meals a day, you need to start eating five to six smaller ones every 3 hours or so. This will help to burn calories by speeding up your metabolism but it will also stop you feeling deprived which is a common feature of some diets. Also if you are working out and your body is not getting enough fuel you can enter something called the catabolic state. This is where your body thinks you are actually starving and starts to store calories as fat and feeds on lean muscle instead. The exact opposite of the effect you are trying to achieve which is to build lean muscle and burn calories!

Eating quality food more regularly, you should also find your blood sugars are more regulated and you are less likely to reach for a sugary snack. Every meal in your diet for bodybuilding should include a mixture of food groups. If you only eat carbohydrates at one meal sitting, your energy levels will spike and crash. You will also produce too much insulin tempting your body into becoming a fat storing device.

Your body needs a combination of protein and complex carbohydrates to work at its optimum levels. Good examples of proteins that you should be consuming are eggs, chicken and turkey breast, tuna and good quality red meats. You also need some good fats in your diet although less than 30% of your calorie intake should come from unsaturated fats.

Diet supplements are big business in the world of bodybuilding. Some work, others don’t and some actually harm your health. Approach all supplements with a degree of caution. If they are being recommended as part of your routine, ask why? What is it that you are specifically lacking that taking these powders or pills will accomplish?

If you are a vegetarian or a vegan and want to start weight training you need to be extra careful. Unless you have a great well balanced diet, you may find that you lack energy and focus. This doesn’t mean that you have to start eating meat but a lot of bodybuilders do eat eggs, tuna and other fish. In other words they cease to be strictly vegetarian but do still avoid meat. They ensure that they eat a wide variety of vegetables, complex carbohydrates and good sources of vegetable protein such as Kidney beans and tofu. Vegans can be successful bodybuilders without compromising their beliefs but they need specialist help and advice on their diet for bodybuilding.

Sample Diabetes Diet

If you are looking for a diet to follow because you have diabetes and do not really know where to begin, maybe a look at a sample diabetes diet would help you get started. Eating regularly, at the same times everyday is essential to controlling your diabetes effectively.

You should never skip meals and always have healthy snacks ready to go so all you have to do is go to the kitchen to get them without having to prepare something first. Choose a day or two during the week when you will do enough preparation to get you through to the next prep day.

some things will not last a week so if you split up the days then you can be sure that everything you eat is fresh and no more than three days old. Fresh food just tastes better.

The following is a few suggestions of a sample diabetes diet plan:

Breakfast: 1c healthy cold cereal or cooked oatmeal
1c fat-free milk
1/2 orange or grapefruit
tea or coffee


1c low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat vanilla yogurt
1/2 c fresh or canned fruit, chunked and mixed into cottage cheese or yogurt
tea or coffee

Lunch: 3 oz. lean turkey breast sandwich with lettuce on whole grain bread or pita
1 tsp mayo or salad dressing
1 small apple
water with lemon or iced green tea


small tossed salad with tomato, onion, radish, cucumber and 1 oz. feta cheese
3 oz. canned tuna
2 tablespoons Greek vinaigrette
water with lemon or iced green tea

Dinner: 3 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 medium potato
1c fresh green beans
tea or fat-free milk


3 oz. fish (salmon, tilapia, cod, perch, etc)
1 c rice pilaf
cooked sliced carrots
tea or fat-free milk

Snacks: 3 cups no butter popcorn
1/2 c low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with cut up fruit
low-fat cheese and about 6 crackers

Get used to drinking water because you need to keep yourself hydrated. Staying hydrated will help you control your blood sugars easier by keeping the sugar from becoming too concentrated in your blood stream.

Keeping your carb intake evenly disbursed throughout your day will also help keep your blood sugar from spiking and help you stay at the same insulin dosage your doctor recommends for you.

By following this type of diet you may also lose some of the excess weight you have, especially belly fat. Not to mention the other risk factors you will be decreasing like those for heart disease and stroke that can put you at an increased risk when you have diabetes.

Eating right is just a smart thing to do whether you have diabetes or not and add in some regular exercise and you have the ideal plan for losing weight and controlling your diabetes.

Use this sample diabetes diet to jump start your efforts and be the best you can be and be as healthy as you can be while stabilizing your diabetes and losing the extra poundage around your middle.

Onset Diabetes Diet

If you have been diagnosed with onset diabetes diet changes are one of the things you will need to consider to help you control your blood sugars. Do not panic, this is not going to be that hard. Talk to your doctor first and see if she wants you to consult with a dietitian, especially if you are unsure of where to begin.

Learning what foods to eat, how much of them to eat and at what times to eat them should all be taken into consideration when talking about an onset diabetes diet. Your biggest challenge now is to learn to keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout your day.

Making good food choices and eating at the same times everyday will help you start to feel better, maybe lose some excess weight, and decrease your risk of developing complications of diabetes like heart disease, stroke, blindness and other problems caused by diabetes that you should discuss at length with your doctor when she gives you your diagnosis.

Choosing to eat a more healthy diet does not mean you have to give up your favorites. You can still enjoy some of the things you like the best without having to worry about your blood sugar spiking on you. It may just be a matter of eating smaller portions of the things you like the best.

Here are ten ideas to make your choices seem a little easier:

1. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. They add color to your meals and can make them more appealing to the eye.
2. Eat more whole grain foods like brown rice and whole wheat pastas and breads. Whole grain will keep you fuller longer and will not make your blood sugars spike.
3. Once or twice a week, throw in some dried beans or lentils into the mix. Chili or soup is a great way to fill up without consuming a lot of calories.
4. Fish is a great source of protein and essential fatty acids. Work some into your meal plan two or three times a week.
5. If you have to have red meat, choose a lean cut and if there is any visible fat present, trim it off before you cook it.
6. Chicken and turkey are loaded with protein, just make sure the skin is removed first.
7. Make your dairy foods non-fat or low-fat.
8. Drink lots of water. Stay away from sweetened drinks like soda.
9. Use olive oil or canola oil to cook with instead of margarine or butter, you do n ot need the calories or saturated fats.
10. You can still have dessert, just watch your portion sizes. Try cutting back to a half portion or maybe even smaller if you can.

See, not so hard, you can do this onset diabetes diet. It may take a little practice at first but you will soon be able to incorporate these guidelines into your day and make it seem like you have been doing it all your life. So much better to control your blood sugars every day. So, talk to your doctor about everything and ask for help if you need it.

Treatment For Hypoglycemia

The best treatment for hypoglycemia is very simple, eat food. Eat good food. Food that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates is best. The carbs won’t trigger more insulin to be released and the protein will hold your blood sugar steady.

Hypoglycemia can be a life threatening situation if left untreated. Seizures, unconsciousness, coma and death can occur if your blood sugar goes too low. The normal range for blood sugars is between 70 and 110mg/dl. If you fall below the 70 mark you can be in some serious trouble. Any lower and you may not be able to function enough to call for help and you also may not be able to help yourself. This is dangerous.

Do not hesitate to get something to eat if you start to feel symptoms. You may start with some blurred vision, or get a little shaky if you need to eat. These early symptoms are telling you to eat something, that your blood sugar needs to come up. If you fail to heed the early symptoms then you could be in some serious trouble in very short order. It does not take too long for things to go from bad to worse when it comes to your blood sugar. You can be fine one minute and then in the blink of an eye you could be on the floor unconscious.

Here is what you need to do as your personal treatment for hypoglycemia.

Change the way you eat. Replace those high carb, over processed foods that are so easy to make with some high protein, low carbs meal that you prepare yourself. Can’t cook? Learn, it’s easy!

Start reading the labels of the things you usually buy. I decided long ago that I would not eat any processed food that had more than 10 grams of carbs in it. There is not much out there that matches that criteria. Unless you make it yourself, that is.

Cooking for yourself is really no big deal. Go buy yourself a cookbook and just start to follow the recipes. Start with some simple meals and when you get proficient at them then try to branch out to more difficult meals. It just takes some practice, that’s all. The more you cook the less intimidated you will feel.

Fresh foods are best and there is so much variety out there you will never get bored with the same old things. Get creative. Try new things, look for new recipes online and even get good enough to create your own. You may find things you never knew you liked.

Believe it or not, stress can play a significant role in how your body metabolizes sugar. When you feel stress, your body releases hormones that affect the absorption of sugar into your blood cells. If the sugar doesn’t get absorbed into your blood cells the way it should to be used for energy then the insulin will help your body store the sugar as fat. The the excess insulin will cause you to have to find treatment for hypoglycemia.