You Can Control Diabetes

Perhaps you, like many other Americans, have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes can be a life threatening condition and can cause many different complications in individuals with this illness. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, be aware that you can control diabetes. By maintaining your weight, following the instructions of your doctor and taking your medication, as well as watching your diet, you can eliminate the complications that often arise in someone with this condition.

There are many ways you can control diabetes. Many people who are first diagnosed have a period of time where they are in denial. Although Type II diabetes has become somewhat of a national epidemic, many people refuse to believe that they could possibly have this disease. Perhaps they are not overweight or do not eat a lot of sweets. These are only two precursors to diabetes. Many people who are not overweight or who do not eat a lot of sugar have also been diagnosed with Type II diabetes. It strikes everyone. And there are also some indications that it can be an inherited disorder. If you have a first degree relative who has diabetes, there is a very good chance that you may inherit this disorder. You should bring this matter to the attention of your physician so he or she can do some simple blood tests to determine if you are at risk for diabetes.

You can control diabetes. If you are diagnosed with Type II diabetes, one of the first things you need to do is to get a blood sugar monitor so that you can keep a record of your blood sugar. Your doctor will want you to do this several times a day, particularly after you eat. You will also, most likely, be prescribed certain medications. You should take them as directed. You will also be given diet suggestions.

Many people who have Type II diabetes are non compliant. This means that they do not take their medicine, monitor their blood sugar and eat all the wrong things. You can control diabetes if you simply comply with your doctor’s instructions.

One of the best things you can do to control diabetes is by being aware of the Glycemic Index that is given to certain carbohydrates. Those with Type II diabetes are warned to stay away from carbohydrates. Diabetics have a difficult time breaking down the sugars and starches and absorbing them into their system. Certain carbohydrates have higher blood glucose levels which takes them longer break down. By being aware of which carbohydrates rank high in the glycemic index is just one way to monitor the glycerin, which is the amount of glucose in the blood. It is imperative for a diabetic to monitor their glycemia.

You can control diabetes if you take your prescribed medication, monitor your blood sugars, become aware of carbohydrates that are high in the gylcemic index and keep an eye on your glycemia, which is the concentration of glucose in the blood. By complying with medication, testing and diet, you can keep your diabetes under control.

Weight Control In Diabetes Management

It is imperative for a person with diabetes to manage their blood sugar and carbohydrate intake. This is the objective of diabetic management. Unlike people without the disease, diabetics do not process certain sugars and carbohydrates through their system, which increases the glucose level in their blood,. Glycemia is the term used for the measure of glucose in your blood. People who have diabetes have to measure the amount of glucose in their blood several times a day. Monitors are provided to people with diabetes by their physicians so that they can do this. There are many different monitors on the market today that make monitoring blood glucose levels easy and painless.

There are several reasons as to why certain people are prone to acquiring diabetes. Although there is a genetic link to the disease, weight also plays a significant role in diabetes. People who are considered obese have an increased chance of acquiring diabetes and poor weight management makes it difficult for them to control the disease.

People who are overweight can, in some cases, eliminate the condition by losing weight. If, for example, a significant gain in weight caused a person to acquire Type II Diabetes, a proper diet and elimination of the obesity can reverse the condition of the disease. Weight control in diabetes management is not only essential in treating the disease, but can also actually reverse this potentially life threatening condition. There have been many instances where those who have been obese and who have lost weight have also lost diabetes. This reversal effect, however, only works with those who contacted the disease by being overweight. Those who contact diabetes through a genetic disposition cannot reverse the condition.

Weight control in diabetes management can take many facets. From eating the correct foods and eliminated carbohydrates, particularly those that are high on the Glycemic Index, from your diet, you can not only lose weight, but manage the disease.

Exercise is crucial for everyone. It raises our energy level, keeps us active, improves our mental state, is instrumental in treating depression but is essential when managing diabetes. By exercising, a person with diabetes can not only better control the glucose in their blood as active muscles can better eliminate blood glucose than idle muscles, but exercise is an excellent way to implement weight control in diabetes management.

Weight management in diabetes is one of the more important aspects of treating this condition. Other ways in which someone can manage their diabetic condition is to take the proper medication as prescribed by your physician and be certain to monitor your blood glucose with a testing device. Many diabetics, especially when first diagnosed, are in denial. Diabetes are among some of the most non compliant patients treated by physicians, which can be dangerous to the patient and frustrating to the doctor.

By following doctor’s orders, eating the proper foods, taking prescribed medication, monitoring your blood sugar levels and watching your weight, you can stave off harmful complications of this disease. Weight control in diabetes management is one of the first methods in treating your condition,.

Treatment For Hypoglycemia

The best treatment for hypoglycemia is very simple, eat food. Eat good food. Food that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates is best. The carbs won’t trigger more insulin to be released and the protein will hold your blood sugar steady.

Hypoglycemia can be a life threatening situation if left untreated. Seizures, unconsciousness, coma and death can occur if your blood sugar goes too low. The normal range for blood sugars is between 70 and 110mg/dl. If you fall below the 70 mark you can be in some serious trouble. Any lower and you may not be able to function enough to call for help and you also may not be able to help yourself. This is dangerous.

Do not hesitate to get something to eat if you start to feel symptoms. You may start with some blurred vision, or get a little shaky if you need to eat. These early symptoms are telling you to eat something, that your blood sugar needs to come up. If you fail to heed the early symptoms then you could be in some serious trouble in very short order. It does not take too long for things to go from bad to worse when it comes to your blood sugar. You can be fine one minute and then in the blink of an eye you could be on the floor unconscious.

Here is what you need to do as your personal treatment for hypoglycemia.

Change the way you eat. Replace those high carb, over processed foods that are so easy to make with some high protein, low carbs meal that you prepare yourself. Can’t cook? Learn, it’s easy!

Start reading the labels of the things you usually buy. I decided long ago that I would not eat any processed food that had more than 10 grams of carbs in it. There is not much out there that matches that criteria. Unless you make it yourself, that is.

Cooking for yourself is really no big deal. Go buy yourself a cookbook and just start to follow the recipes. Start with some simple meals and when you get proficient at them then try to branch out to more difficult meals. It just takes some practice, that’s all. The more you cook the less intimidated you will feel.

Fresh foods are best and there is so much variety out there you will never get bored with the same old things. Get creative. Try new things, look for new recipes online and even get good enough to create your own. You may find things you never knew you liked.

Believe it or not, stress can play a significant role in how your body metabolizes sugar. When you feel stress, your body releases hormones that affect the absorption of sugar into your blood cells. If the sugar doesn’t get absorbed into your blood cells the way it should to be used for energy then the insulin will help your body store the sugar as fat. The the excess insulin will cause you to have to find treatment for hypoglycemia.

Non Hypoglycemia- Understand the Cause

Non hypoglycemia, also known as non diabetic hypoglycemia, is a condition where the level of glucose in your blood stream falls below a certain number and you experience symptoms. Anyone in the world can experience a hypoglycemic episode but usually hypoglycemia is caused by a medical condition or hormonal imbalance.

There are two types of non hypoglycemia, or non diabetic hypoglycemia. The first one we will discuss is Fasting Hypoglycemia. One obvious cause of fasting hypoglycemia is not eating. When you don’t eat and/or skip meals your body can’t get the fuel it needs so your blood sugar drops to dangerously low levels.

Fasting Hypoglycemia can also be brought on by excessive strenuous exercise. If you do not replenish your body’s reserves during exercise then you will experience an episode of hypoglycemia. Fasting hypoglycemia is the type that can also be caused by a medical condition or hormonal imbalance.

A medical condition known as hyperinsulinism, or too much insulin released by your pancreas, is caused by a tumor in the pancreas. Other conditions, like Addison’s disease, that affect the secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland or the adrenal glands also can cause the pancreas to secrete more insulin than is necessary to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause the drinker to experience a hypoglycemic episode. Alcohol
converts directly to sugar in your system and therefore stimulates the pancreas to secrete the insulin. If you do not eat the way you are supposed to when you are drinking, then you can and probably will feel the symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Reactive Hypoglycemia is a condition that may result due to a deficiency in the liver when it is required to secrete glucagon. Sugar is stored in the liver as glucagon and when the body needs a boost the liver normally secretes some into the blood stream. Liver diseases like hepatitis, cancer, or cirrhosis can inhibit the storage of glucagon.

If you have never had an episode of hypoglycemia before then you probably don’t know what symptoms to look for. Hypoglycemia symptoms include feeling shaky, hungry, being unable to think clearly, pallor, sweating, anxiousness, dizziness or lightheadedness, and blurred vision. Any or all of these symptoms should say only one thing to you, EAT NOW. If you do not get something to eat when you feel these symptoms other symptoms will soon follow and they include falling into unconsciousness, convulsions and even death. Do not play around with hypoglycemia, you could get yourself into all kinds of trouble in very short order.

So, if you feel these symptoms coming on stop what you are doing and eat something to raise your blood sugar quickly. If this happens often you probably keep some hard candy or chocolate at the ready. When your blood sugar is back to within normal limits then you need to eat something a little more substantial to keep it up.

Non hypoglycemia, or non diabetic hypoglycemia, is a dangerous condition that can turn even more dangerous very quickly so learn to control it early.