All about Blood Pressure Medication

Have you tried changing your lifestyle to help your blood pressure only to find it isn’t helping very much? Sometimes lifestyle changes alone aren’t as effective as when combined with blood pressure medication.

There are many different kinds of blood pressure medications out there today. Usually two different medications are used rather than one alone. Here are some of the main blood pressure medications:

Alpha-Blockers: This medicine reduces nerve impulses to your blood vessels allowing easier flowing of the blood making your blood pressure decrease.

Alpha-Beta-Blockers: These work just like the alpha-blockers but also slow your heart beat. This means less blood pumps through your vessels making your blood pressure decrease.

Nervous System Inhibitors: This medication relaxes your blood vessels by controlling the nerve impulses making your vessels wider and decreasing blood pressure.

Beta-Blockers: These reduce your nerve impulses to your heart and blood vessels, making your heart beat decrease while dropping your blood pressure.

Diuretics: These are also known as ‘water pills,’ a very common medication. These diuretics work in your kidney, flushing out all excess sodium along with water from your body.

Vasodilators: These open your blood vessels directly by relaxing the muscle in your vessel walls which then causes your blood pressure to decrease.

ACE Inhibitors: ACE stands for ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme.’ These inhibitors prevent a hormone called angiotensin II from forming, which will usually cause your blood vessels to narrow. They help the vessels relax which makes your blood pressure decrease.

Angiotensin Antagonists: These block your blood vessels from angiotensin II. When blocked these vessels can widen letting your blood pressure decrease.

Calcium Channel Blockers: These keep any calcium from entering your heart’s muscle cells and your blood vessels causing your blood pressure to decrease.

An alternate to taking any medication if possible is watching a few lifestyle habits. For instance a healthy diet can help control your blood pressure. Substitute salt for other seasonings and add lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Get at least thirty minutes of physical activity or exercise a day. That doesn’t mean you have to exercise thirty minutes all at once. Ten minutes here and there is just as effective.

Try to keep your stress level at a minimum. High stress can increase your blood pressure so find something that relaxes you and helps you de-stress. Do this whenever you find yourself stressed out beyond your means.

Try to cut back on tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Quitting altogether is more beneficial but isn’t always easy. Remember there are many resources and products available to help you quit either of these habits.

Sometimes these lifestyle changes will not work alone. Your doctor might prescribe you a blood pressure medication if not two. Just talk with your doctor to find out what would be better for you and your blood pressure. Ask any and all questions and if you are taking other medications tell your doctor. Certain medications including oral contraceptives and cold medicines can increase your blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Medications – Remembering To Take Them

Are you currently taking medicine for your blood pressure? Do you take other medication as well? Remembering to take any medicine can be a hassle to some people especially if you have to take more than one at a time. Here are a few things that might help you remember because it is very important you do not forget to take your blood pressure medication.

Some people purchase little pill boxes that help you organize your pills. You can purchase pill boxes that have one for every day of the week. You put all the pills you need to take into each box for each day. You can purchase these almost anywhere and they do come in handy for those that are forgetful.

If you take medicine regularly you might try keeping it on your bathroom sink. When you finish getting ready or even just brushing your teeth, you can take your medicine. Have your blood pressure medicine and any other medication that you have to take right there. This is a great easy reminder.

Get into a routine. Taking your blood pressure pills at the same time every day will eventually get you in the habit and you won’t forget. If you have to take your medicine with food you could always take them every day with your lunch. Getting in the habit of this is a great way to never forget your blood pressure pills again.

There are many people that put notes everywhere to remind them to do something. Taking your blood pressure medicine is no different. Put up a note on your fridge or on your computer at work. Every other day or every week change the color of the note and place it in a different spot; on the phone, the mirror, the fridge, wherever you will see it.

A really great way to remember to take your blood pressure medicine is to make your own little personal chart. Try to use different color pens or pencils if you have different medications to take. This is a very neat and organized way to keep track and to help you remember.

If none of these would work for you, try having a friend or relative give you a quick call during the day to remind you. While this might sound effective it may not work as well for some. If you take your blood pressure medicine while you are on the phone with them it can be very helpful. If they just call to tell you and then you hang up, you might forget in that time.

If you have a computer and are savvy enough you could set up a reminder. You can also find free services that will do this for you and send you a reminder email. Have it tell you to take your blood pressure and have it repeat until you have taken it and then delete it. Make it do this daily and you will remember to take your blood pressure medicine.

You can easily come up with your own creative ways of remembering to take your blood pressure medication. Try a few different ways and see what works best for you. Once you get into a routine of taking it you shouldn’t have a problem remembering to take it.

All about Blood Pressure Medication

Have you tried changing your lifestyle to help your blood pressure only to find it isn’t helping very much? Sometimes lifestyle changes alone aren’t as effective as when combined with blood pressure medication.

There are many different kinds of blood pressure medications out there today. Usually two different medications are used rather than one alone. Here are some of the main blood pressure medications:

Alpha-Blockers: This medicine reduces nerve impulses to your blood vessels allowing easier flowing of the blood making your blood pressure decrease.

Alpha-Beta-Blockers: These work just like the alpha-blockers but also slow your heart beat. This means less blood pumps through your vessels making your blood pressure decrease.

Nervous System Inhibitors: This medication relaxes your blood vessels by controlling the nerve impulses making your vessels wider and decreasing blood pressure.

Beta-Blockers: These reduce your nerve impulses to your heart and blood vessels, making your heart beat decrease while dropping your blood pressure.

Diuretics: These are also known as ‘water pills,’ a very common medication. These diuretics work in your kidney, flushing out all excess sodium along with water from your body.

Vasodilators: These open your blood vessels directly by relaxing the muscle in your vessel walls which then causes your blood pressure to decrease.

ACE Inhibitors: ACE stands for ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme.’ These inhibitors prevent a hormone called angiotensin II from forming, which will usually cause your blood vessels to narrow. They help the vessels relax which makes your blood pressure decrease.

Angiotensin Antagonists: These block your blood vessels from angiotensin II. When blocked these vessels can widen letting your blood pressure decrease.

Calcium Channel Blockers: These keep any calcium from entering your heart’s muscle cells and your blood vessels causing your blood pressure to decrease.

An alternate to taking any medication if possible is watching a few lifestyle habits. For instance a healthy diet can help control your blood pressure. Substitute salt for other seasonings and add lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Get at least thirty minutes of physical activity or exercise a day. That doesn’t mean you have to exercise thirty minutes all at once. Ten minutes here and there is just as effective.

Try to keep your stress level at a minimum. High stress can increase your blood pressure so find something that relaxes you and helps you de-stress. Do this whenever you find yourself stressed out beyond your means.

Try to cut back on tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Quitting altogether is more beneficial but isn’t always easy. Remember there are many resources and products available to help you quit either of these habits.

Sometimes these lifestyle changes will not work alone. Your doctor might prescribe you a blood pressure medication if not two. Just talk with your doctor to find out what would be better for you and your blood pressure. Ask any and all questions and if you are taking other medications tell your doctor. Certain medications including oral contraceptives and cold medicines can increase your blood pressure.