The Effect of The Glycemic Index on The Body

The Glycemic Index was discovered in 1981. It determines the rates of how different carbohydrates effect the body. The Glycemic Index is especially important to those who suffer from diabetes who need to watch their blood glucose. Diabetes have a difficult time breaking down glucose found in many carbohydrates and digesting them normally. This causes kidney and sometimes liver damage The effect of the glycemic index on the body is that it allows people to know which carbohydrates are the ones that can cause the most damage and those that break down easily in the system. The effect of the glycemic index on the body is crucial to anyone who wants to monitor their blood glucose level.

For example, certain foods, such as vegetables and fruits, with the exception of the potato, can be good glycemic foods. They are low on the glycemic index and tend to take a long time to break down in the body, giving the system plenty of time to absorb the sugars and eliminate them without causing too much damage to the body. Other good glycemic foods include whole wheat pastas and certain types of rice. There are many excellent whole wheat pastas on the market today that make a wonderful substitute for traditional pastas that are made from white flour.

By being aware of the glycemic ratings, the effect of the Glycemic Index on the body can also assist a person who wants to avoid those carbohydrates that absorb quickly into the system and are the most difficult to digest. These include white breads, refined sugars, baked potatoes, rice, items made with white flour. By understanding he ratings of these carbohydrates, a diabetic can be educated to know the effect of the glycemic index on the body.

Years ago, people with diabetes would simply be told to avoid carbohydrates. It was not until 1981 when the medical community began rating different carbohydrates as to their impact on the system. It became apparent to medical researches that certain carbohydrates absorbed quickly into the system and others absorbed more naturally and were more desirable alternatives to the high-rated carbohydrates. By 1981, the medical community was discovering he effect of the glycemic index on the body not only pertaining to diabetics, but to others as well. The effect of the glycemic index on the body gave birth to some very popular low-carb diets such as The South Beach Diet and other diets that monitored carbohydrate ratings.

The effect of the glycemic index on the body can assist a person who is watching his or her carbohydrates, either due to diabetes or a diet, to determine which carbohydrates are more dangerous for their body than others. A person who has been diagnosed with diabetes should familiarize him or her self with the Glycemic Index as soon as possible.

Diabetes can be controlled by a healthy diet. By learning about the Glycemic Index, one can empower themselves to learn which foods should be avoided and which foods can be beneficial to their health. All individuals can benefit from the Glycemic Index, but this information is particularly invaluable to someone with diabetes.

Teeth Complications of Diabetes

People who suffer from diabetes must be extra vigilant when it comes to taking care of their teeth. Diabetics do not process sugars and starches from their systems effectively and this causes their blood glucose levels to remain high. The condition of high blood glucose is called glycemia. It can cause many complications in an individual including those that affect the kidneys, heart, blood, eyes, and even the central nervous system. People do not die from diabetes. They die from complications caused by the disease that is often allowed to get out of control.

Everyone is prone to tooth and gum problems. There are many causes. Heredity plays an important role as does dental hygiene. Smoking also contributes to tooth and gum problems. But the diabetic has more of a chance of developing tooth and gum disease than the average person. If a diabetic allows his or her blood glucose level to remain high, it has a severe impact on their teeth. This is particularly true if the person with diabetes is older than 45, an age when many people begin experiencing problems with their teeth.

High blood glucose levels make one more prone to infection. Periodontitis is an infection that affects both the gums and bones in the mouth. People with this condition often have receding gums that make their teeth look larger than they are. A person with diabetes must make certain that he or she receives a dental exam periodically to make certain that they do not acquire this infection of the gums and bones. If left untreated, Periodontitis can cause someone to lose their teeth.

It usually begins with a buildup of germs in the teeth that are helped along with the high blood glucose. One of the problems with having glycemia is that it enables germs to grow faster than they would on someone without this condition. As the germs begin to build up on the teeth and gums, the gums begin to get red and sore and swell. In many times, a person can see that they have gum disease when they brush their teeth and the gums begin to bleed. This is the time you want to call your dentist.

If untreated, the gum disease can lead to the infection of Periodontitis that can become so severe that it causes one to lose their teeth. Many people with diabetes as well as those with compromised immune disorders risk acquiring this disease. This is why it is so important to have your teeth examined by a dentist on a regular basis.

Teeth complications of diabetes do not have to cause one to lose their teeth. If caught early, there are many procedures a dentist can perform to stave off infection and save the teeth. In addition, a person with diabetes can help eliminate teeth complications of diabetes by following the advice of their physician when it comes to controlling their disease. Use the Glycemic Index to understand which foods to avoid that will raise your glucose levels. Exercise and maintain a healthy weight. Do not smoke. Avoid alcohol and take any medication or insulin as prescribed. In addition, it is imperative for a person with diabetes to monitor his or her blood glucose levels periodically throughout the day and keep an accurate record of their readings. This information should be presented to the physician at each visit so he or she knows if your medications need to be changed.

By managing the care of your diabetes, you can avoid many of the complications that accompany this disease. By seeing your dentist on a regular basis and informing him or her of your condition, they can help you with a regiment that will enable you to maintain healthy gums, avoid infection and allow you to keep your teeth.

Medications That Treat Diabetes

Currently, there are many different medications that treat diabetes. Most people who are diagnosed with Type II diabetes are given medication instead of insulin. In most cases, a combination of drugs are used. These drugs work with the body to increase insulin production and make it easier for the body to eliminate glucose.

Sulfonylureas are one of the most popular drugs used to treat diabetes. There are several different types of this drug on the market, the most popular being Glucotrol. These drugs work by increasing the amount of insulin released from the pancreas. These drugs work well in lowering blood glucose levels but also run a risk of a person developing hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when the blood sugar level is too low. Because of this potentially dangerous side effect, sulfonylureas are often given with other drugs, most notably Glucophage, or more commonly known as Metformin.

This drug works well with Glucotrol as it reduces the amount of glucose in the liver while the Glucotrol increases the amount of insulin in the pancreas. Both medications must be taken prior to meals. Most people who are first diagnosed with Type II diabetes are given this combination of drugs which, when taken as directed, are effective at maintaining a healthy blood glucose level.

Another drug that is showing promise in working well with Metformin is Prandin. Prandin also lowers blood glucose levels but at a slower rate than Metformin and has shown good results in studies. Like Glucotrol, Prandin increases the amount of insulin in the body and can also cause hypoglycemia. It is very important for a patient with diabetes to work with their physician to get the right dosage of each medication and never double a dosage or cut one in half. Prandin cannot be used in women who are pregnant or nursing children.

Starlix is another drug that works similar to Prandin but does not require adjustments. The dosage remains constant and is also safe to use on those with kidney problems. Starlix is yet another promising drug being used to treat people with Type II Diabetes.

While most medications that treat diabetes increase insulin developed in the pancreas and decrease the glucose in the liver, newer medications are being marketed that decrease the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines. Precose did remarkably well in trial studies in breaking down the carbohydrates in the system, making it easier to eliminate. However, this medication has not done as well as the sulfonlureas, which are considered the best possible medications that treat diabetes at this time. However, for those who are allergic to sulfur, Precose is a good alternate.

Other new medications that are concentrating on controlling the glycemic control in the system include Symlin and Byetta. While these drugs have proven to be show promise, more testing is needed before they can replace traditional therapies.

A diagnosis of Type II diabetes may be frightening for an individual, but there are many different medications available that can keep this disease at bay. It is very important, however, for a patient to be totally complaint in order for these medications to work effectively. It may take increased dosages, lowered dosages or different combinations of medications in order to get the right balance that will help you maintain a healthy blood glucose level. This is why it is so important for an individual to carefully monitor their blood glucose level throughout the day and keep a record for the physician.

By working with your physician and reporting symptoms and results of blood glucose monitoring, you can empower yourself to keep your diabetes in check and avoid any complications that are associated with this disease.

Insulin To Treat Diabetes

When someone has Type I diabetes, which used to be referred to as Juvenile Diabetes, insulin is the natural treatment. In this case, a person does not produce any insulin and insulin must be injected in order for the patient to survive. Just as there are many different types of oral medications to treat Type II diabetes, there are also many different options when it comes to insulin to treat diabetes.

Years ago, insulin was derived from animals and injected by a needle. Patients often needed multiple insulin injections throughout the day. There were problems with the insulin derived from beef and pork and many patients developed a resistance to the insulin after a period of time. In 1977, modern technology in the treatment of diabetes took a giant leap as human insulin was cloned. Today, insulin to treat diabetes is human insulin and is much more effective than insulin used in the past.

There are many different types of insulin on the market today and, as is the case with oral medications, it may take several different insulin types in order to find the correct balance that will insure good glucose levels. Some insulin, such as Humalog, is very short acting and peaks within an hour after injection. Other insulin, such as Ultra Lente, is very long acting and peaks in 18 hours.

There are three characteristics to insulin. Onset is the time it takes for the drug to reach the bloodstream and begin lowering the glucose. The peaktime is the time when the drug is at the maximum strength and the duration is how long the drug continues to work in reducing the blood glucose level.

Each patient has different needs when it comes to insulin and for this reason, there are many different types of the drug. Cost is also a consideration in many cases as the insulin must be injected every day and, in certain instances, many people have to inject the insulin several times a day.

Another benefit of modern technology in managing people with diabetes through the use of insulin is the insulin pump. This is much more effective than injections as it is a catheter that remains under the skin and separates the insulin into three different types of insulin. Basal insulin is injected continuously. Bolus doses are given to cover any carbohydrates consumed in a meal. You can also have correction doses or supplemental doses. This is especially effective if your blood sugars are high prior to eating.

The use of the insulin pump is much more effective than using injections as it controls your insulin and blood glucose levels on a continuous basis. It is relatively easy to use and most people with Type I diabetes are using insulin pumps.

Not only people with Type I diabetes use insulin. Those with Type II diabetes who have been unable to control their blood sugars through diet and medication are often prescribed insulin. Because the insulin pump is so effective at retaining control of the blood glucose level, many people with Type II diabetes have also opted to use the insulin pump.

Medical science is continuing to search for a cure for diabetes which has reached epidemic proportions in some areas. Until a cure is found, however, there are many ways to treat this disease. When someone gets a diagnoses of diabetes, they often panic and are overwhelmed at all of the information. If you or a loved one is diagnosed with diabetes, become empowered by learning all you can about treating the illness, learning about different medications and making sure that you comply with orders given by your physician.

Patients with diabetes who are compliant and learn about their disease stand the best chance of living a long and productive live, despite having diabetes.