Causes Of Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are more commonly known as sinusitis. It can definitely create a lot of pain and discomfort to the affected individual. To better understand your health condition, there is a need to determine its causes and one way to do that is by consulting a medical professional.

How can you tell if you have a sinus infection? Well, its really easy and you just need to look out for some symptoms such as a feeling of tenderness around your eyes, nose, forehead, and cheeks. Some patients even suffer from headaches, nose discharge, congestion, or fever, and cough. Most sinus infections are chronic and so you will need an experienced doctor to avoid frequent occurrences in a year. With the proper treatment, you can get rid of your sinus infection in no time.

Sinuses protect your skull. Sinuses come in four pairs which connect it to the nasal passages and the nostrils. When youre able to inhale germs, the infection will start. When the lining of your sinuses become inflamed, you will be suffering from a sinus infection.

Common colds are the main reasons for sinusitis. When you have a cold, there tends to be congestion inside your nasal passages. The sinuses drainage is inhibited, thereby causing the inflammation.

Scuba diving and flying can also cause sinusitis. You see, when you dive under water or you fly up into the air, the pressure changes. This change in pressure can cause inflammation in the nasal passages, causing sinusitis. Pregnant women are more prone to sinus infections because of the changes in the hormone level inside the body. Because of the hormonal changes, the nasal passages tend to swell causing discomfort and pain. Women who are taking contraceptives like pills are also prone to sinusitis because the pills trick the body into thinking that the person is pregnant and in turn, it creates hormonal changes as well. Asthmatics are also at high risk of developing the infection.

On most sinus infection cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin, clarithromycin, and moxifloxacin. Depending on the severity of the infection and the age of the individual, the doctor can prescribe broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum medications. Some medicines may cost big money especially if the infection occurs frequently but if it means reducing or eliminating the pain, anyone will be willing to spend that kind of money.

To sum it all up, the causes of sinus infections are the following: when you inhale germs, common colds, change in pressure when scuba diving or flying, pregnancy, and the intake of birth control pills. If any of the situations applies to you, you will be at high risk of developing the infection as well. When you feel any pain around your eyes, nose, forehead, or cheek, take that as a warning and schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. Sinusitis can really cause a lot of pain and discomfort. There are several effective medicines like antibiotics that the doctor can prescribe. Consult your doctor now and have your condition examined.

Once youre given a prescription, you need to follow all the instructions carefully. That way, your condition will get better and the pain will go away. Know the causes of sinusitis so that you can easily tell if youre exhibiting some of the symptoms. Sinus infections can be cured, so dont hesitate to visit your doctor.

The Yeast Infection: Its Causes and Symptoms

What Causes a Yeast Infection to Occur?

An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to yeast infections. Once you learn the yeast infections causes and symptoms, you will be armed in the fight against it. While you may not be able to avoid all yeast infections in the future, you will know how to protect yourself from most of them.

Yeast infections are caused by levels of yeast that have gotten out of control. This can happen due to a number of factors. Fingers and toes that develop yeast infection in their webs were infected due to excessive sweating. Invest in some loose, cotton socks; they help your feet get more air and dry the sweat that invariably occurs when feet are confined in shoes.

Vaginal yeast infections can come about when a woman is having her period or is pregnant. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in her body at these times. Birth control pills and steroids also contribute to vaginal yeast infections. A stressed-out emotional state or a compromised immune system can also allow a yeast infection to spring up. Yeast infections have been known to occur due to vaginal injuries.

All types of yeast infections can be caused by taking antibiotics. In the normally functioning human body, the yeast fungus is kept to reasonable levels because our good bacteria kills some of it. However, if we take antibiotics to kill off bad bacteria, we often get rid of the good stuff along with it. This leaves the yeast with no natural predator; so much yeast is allowed to grow that an infection takes place. This is a good reason to take antibiotics only when absolutely necessary.

How Can I Recognize a Yeast Infection?

The answer depends on which part of the body is being attacked. Oral yeast infections, also known as thrush, are fairly common in babies. Thrush will appear as a red patch of skin in the mouth; often, this rash will be coated with what appear to be milk curds. However, this is not milk; do not try to clean it off, or bleeding will result. A rash on the skin from a yeast infection will usually have a scalloped shape and may have several patchy, red areas on the surrounding skin.

A vaginal yeast infection will have symptoms including redness, irritation of the tissues, and swelling. There may be a white discharge that is noticeably thicker than the discharge that occurs with ovulation. In some cases, it may be clumpy to the point that it resembles cottage cheese. There may be discoloration. Urination is likely to cause burning pain, and intercourse may also be uncomfortable. The vaginal area will probably be very dry and itchy.

I Have a Yeast Infection; Now What?

Not so fast you still need to see a doctor to make sure that you do, indeed, have a yeast infection and not some other kind of infection. Your doctor will be able to prescribe a medication to help your body fight off the yeast infection.

The Truth About Vaginal Yeast Infections

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

This type of infection is very common; out of four women, three will get a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetimes. This condition comes about when a woman has too much of the fungus Candida growing in her vagina. While this fungus is always around, it can get out of control.

Signs that a woman is suffering from a yeast infection include pain when urinating, burning or swelling of the vagina and the surrounding area, and redness in the area. She may also have a white discharge from her vagina; this discharge will not have an offensive odor.

How Can I Treat a Yeast Infection?

There are many treatments on the market today that can help you leave your yeast infection behind. You may be able to use over-the-counter medications if your yeast infection is a relatively light case.

You should still visit a doctor to make sure that the infection is merely a yeast infection, and not an STD with similar symptoms. This may sound like a hassle, but it is worth it to protect your health! The doctor will probably examine the affected area and take a sample with a swab in order to identify what is causing the infection.

How Can I Prevent a Yeast Infection?

You can drastically reduce your risk for a vaginal yeast infection by simply keeping your body clean and dry. Yeast thrives in warm, moist environments, so you will want to change out of wet bathing suits and sweaty exercise clothes as soon as you are done with the activity. Wear cotton panties whenever you can, and avoid tightly-fitting underwear. If you are taking birth control pills, this may increase your risk of getting a yeast infection.

You should not use douches, because they get rid of the good bacteria that is supposed to kill yeast. Similarly, avoid feminine sprays and scented tampons. If you have diabetes, you must keep your sugar level under control; there is evidence that extra sugar in the urine can help feed the yeast and encourage an infection.

Other Important Facts

If you get yeast infections often, you may suffer from a condition known as RVVC. This stands for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Your doctor can provide guidance in getting rid of this disease, and will usually prescribe some type of medicine to kill fungus. You might need to take this prescription for up to half a year.

You should not try to diagnose yourself. If you take antifungal or antibiotic medications for a condition that merely mimics a vaginal yeast infection, you may be setting yourself up to experience a yeast infection that is very hard to kill.

If you can cut down on your intake of sugary foods, you might be able to avoid yeast infections. You should also stop taking steroids if possible.

Vaginal yeast infections can be tough to stop. However, with a little help from a doctor and a few precautions, you may be able to put these infections behind you.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescents

Sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and are highly infectious diseases. Unprotected sexual contact risks the lives of the young by afflicting with sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV infection and even unwanted pregnancy. Every year, nearly nineteen million cases of sexually transmitted diseases are reported in the United States alone and out of these, half of the cases involve people from the age group of fifteen years to twenty four years.

The best way to make sure the adolescent doesnt contract sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain from all types of sexual activities. In spite of this, if the adolescent becomes sexually active, he/she must be advised by the parents to take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease. The best precautionary measure is to use a condom every time the adolescent has sexual intercourse. Only when other sexually transmitted diseases are prevented and controlled, HIV infections can be prevented.

It is best when the adolescent delays and abstains from sexual relationships, because the younger the person, the more susceptible he/she is to get a sexually transmitted disease. Having sexual contact during menstruation is also risky. It is good to avoid anal intercourse and if it is performed condom is a must, even when having oral sex. Every person should get STD checkups as frequently as possible, irrespective of being sexually active or not, after they turn into adolescents. Precaution must also be taken when getting injected by an intravenous drug, that the needle used to inject must be sterile. The adolescent must be educated about the symptoms and risks of sexually transmitted diseases.

Adolescents must be thoroughly informed even if they say they know it all. They must be asked to indulge in only safe sex, if doing so. Parents should talk honestly and calmly about safe sex and must answer all their childs queries. Topics such as STDs, birth control methods, having sex because of peer pressure, and date rape must be discussed in detail. Most people think that kissing is safe, but it can spread the sexually transmitted disease, herpes and many other diseases. Condoms do not provide hundred percent protections for genital warts, AIDs and genital warts. Females shouldnt douche as it can make the infection go deeper into the reproductive tract and can also wash off spermicidal protection. At a time, sexual intercourse must be provided with only one partner, who isnt involved with any other sexual partner.

The sexually transmitted diseases are Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS, Human Papillomaviruses or HPVs, chlamydial infections, pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, syphilis, and genital warts. The symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases take time to surface. Some of them are also symptom less and even these diseases can be contagious. Especially in the case of female, the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases. But females get severe symptoms and get it more frequently. Sexually transmitted diseases can harm the fallopian tubes and uterus. It can even lead to inflammatory disease, which in turn can cause ectopic pregnancy or infertility. Cervical cancer, in females, can be associated to sexually transmitted diseases. If a female gets a sexually transmitted disease during her pregnancy, the disease can pass onto her child. Sometimes the newborns infections can be treated successfully, but at other times, the child can be disabled for life or die.

If an adolescent is diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases, his or her treatment must start immediately. The early the sexually transmitted diseases are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat them successfully. The other sexual partner must be informed so that they can get themselves diagnosed and can undergo treatment. The adolescent must be instructed to stay away from sexual activity while the treatment is going on. The checkup must be followed after the treatment. Tests such as pelvic examination, Pap test, and test for STDs should be taken periodically.

Sexually transmitted diseases can affect people of all economic levels and backgrounds. Half of the cases of sexually transmitted diseases involve young people below the age of twenty five. The more sexually active the person is the more risk he/she is. And multiple sex partners at a given time are very dangerous too and must be strictly abstained from.


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