Home Remedies For Gout

Gout, that arthritic condition that for so long has been associated with rich old men, is a painful and debilitating condition. Not surprising then that home remedies for gout usually begin and end with managing a diet that does not aggravate the conditions that can bring on an attack.

The home remedies for gout that are centered around diet should start by cutting out those foods which are purine rich. Purine is found in certain foods and in differing levels. When the body breaks down purines, it leaves behind what is called, uric acid. This waste product from purines, is what causes crystals to form around the joints in the body and it is these crystals that causes gout.

Therefore if foods that are not rich in purines are added to the diet and those that are rich in purines are eliminated or lessened in the diet, then this will go a long way as one of the home remedies for gout. Typically red meats, seafood, beers and wines all are rich in purines and should be avoided.

Foods that should be encouraged in the diet as a form of home remedies for gout includes the common apple. Apples that are prepared and cooked into a preserve are a great way to combat the conditions that often lead to gout attacks. Yes, a simple apple preserve, made without sugar, is a easy and simple step to lessen the build up of uric acid that causes gout.

Cherries are another food that should be encouraged in a gout sufferer’s diet. Cherries are pretty much considered a super food for many reasons, not least because they have the ability to remove toxins from the body. It is the removal of toxins that will help with the workings of the kidneys, which for a gout sufferer, who needs to rid the body of uric acid, is going to be key. So eating fresh cherries to lessen the uric acid in the body is especially powerful for the gout sufferer.

Charcoal, in many guises will draw toxins from the body. A poultice can be made and applied to the inflamed joint by mixing charcoal powder and flaxseed with enough water to form a paste. The paste is then smeared over the affected joint and a clean cloth is wrapped around it to keep the paste in place.

Often times the pain and fragility of a gout ridden joint is so bad that trying to apply a poultice might just be too painful. In that case icing the joint might just be what is needed. Ice will sooth the inflammation and it will also help to numb the area and bring much needed relief the pain of gout should never be underestimated!

As with many home remedies, plenty of drinking water should be added to the diet and body weight kept to a healthy level.

Tips and tricks to better your memory

Memory is important in our lives. It will not only tell us who we are and remind us of the things that have happened in our lives, it will also give us the knowledge that we need to survive. We use memory when we learn new lessons in school or when we are studying for an exam. We also need an excellent memory when socializing. People who can remember names and people appear to be warmer and are better conversationalists than people who are forgetful. Thus it is important that you start bettering your memory.

Below are some tips on how to improve your memory. Some you can do to improve your brains function while the others are preventive measures that will help you have great memory skills even after old age.

1. Change your lifestyle
As far-fetched as it seems, what you do with your life can affect your memory. Thus, people who want to better their memory do not only try out memory techniques but also change their whole lifestyle. You can start by avoiding vices that will hurt your brain processes. This includes smoking and drinking beyond the one bottle a day limit for women and two bottles a day for men. This is of course for beers only.

Stress is another factor that can lessen your memory skills. Stress have been shown to not only weaken the body and the immune system but also to weaken the mental processes. Since stress cannot really be avoided, you need to make sure that you find ways to relax and curtail stress. You can do this by resting your head on weekends and having enough sleep everyday. You should also start exercising and meditating which are both good for the brain.

2. Change your diet
What you eat will determine who you are. This may be a clich but it is true nonetheless. If you want to have a more powerful brain, you should make sure that you include in your diet what is often called the brain foods. These are foods that contain choline and proteins which help in the development of the brain. Examples of these brain foods are tuna, salmon and other fishes; soya, tofu, milk, peanuts and meat which are rich in proteins. Veggies and fruits also help by keeping the body strong and rich in supply of anti-oxidants. Young children in fact are encouraged to eat lots of these foods especially at that age when their brains are still developing.

3. Exercise your mind
One of the reasons why the brain slows down is because it is not used as often as it should be used. There are studies in fact that support this. People who answer crossword puzzles, play strategic games and work even when they are old are less likely to have Alzheimers. The use of the brain is actually a preventive measure for the onset of forgetfulness during old age.

4. Use memory techniques
Your brain also needs you help. It does not mean that if your brain is powerful, you will not make the job easy for it. If you want to better your memory, use memory techniques that will help you remember more. One example is the use of mnemonics, or key letters or words that will represent a whole lot of information. Another memory technique is the association, which allows you to associate an information or item with something that you can already see or what you already know.