Hair Trends-Just Look To The Runway

When looking for any type of trends in regards to fashion, most people look to the newest things on the fashion runways. This year is no different. If you want to know what new hair trends are out there, just look to the runway.

There are a few top hair trends for women that came out of the fall fashion shows. In this article I will list a few of them.

I will concentrate on those that “real” women would be more likely to wear as opposed to those over the top styles that few people can pull off and fewer yet would want to try.

So, here we go:

1. One very popular trend today is actually pretty old fashioned: pony tails.

It would be tough to look through any type of celebrity magazine and not see at least a few stars boasting one of these pony tails.

Today, though, it isn’t just the out of the back of the head type pony tail that is popular, it is more of an anything goes pony tail style that seems to be all the rage.

Many women are wearing their pony tails on the side and lower than we may think of as more “traditional” pony tails of the past.

It’s not the cheerleader, perfectly centered in the back of the head, no hair out of place pony tail – It is far softer and lower than it used to be.

2. Another old fashioned look that has made a huge comeback this year are braids.

This look is also about a more relaxed and casual feel to the hair. It isn’t about making sure that every hair is confined but rather allowing a little hair to flow softly.

This provides a beautiful feminine look to the whole hairstyle.

3. Long, soft waves is yet one more popular look this season. I think you may be able to sense a trend this year.

Many of the styles are not only old fashioned, they are softer variations too.

Today, it is about a softer, feminine more romantic look rather then the every hair in place, ultra smooth and sleek look.

For many women, this added casualness just makes it an easier style to simulate at home on their own.

When the style calls for less structure the few loose hairs here and there become part of the overall look.

4. And one last style we will talk about for this year: the deep side part.

This look can be very dramatic and is the perfect look for woman who have really straight hair.

To make sure the hair stays in place you can either put it in a pony tail or add a beautiful pin to hold it in place.

Make sure that you go for the drama by allowing the hair to actually fall over your eye, or at least a little over one of your brows.

There you have it, some of this years top hair trends for women. Most of them are easy and something a “normal” woman could, and would, want to wear.

Benefits Of Natural Beauty Secrets

Women everywhere around the world are literally dying to know natural beauty secrets. As women go under the knife for one plastic surgery after another, they risk their lives and their bodies in an attempt to appear naturally beautiful. Little thought is given to how a botched surgery can affect them or their loved ones down the road. All they can think of is this unrealistic image of whats considered beautiful that they have in the heads thanks to the media and advertising.

The truth is, natural beauty secrets are not really all that secret. Everywhere a woman looks, she can find all natural ways to become someone that is truly beautiful instead of trying to imitate a digitally airbrushed and otherwise changed photograph from an ad in a magazine. A couple of the biggest secrets entail nothing more than loving yourself for precisely who you are, perceived imperfections and all.

There are so many benefits of natural beauty secrets. If you make the decision to love yourself for exactly who you are and make an effort to do so daily, your self confidence will soar. If you are happy with who you are, you will be a happier person.

If youre a happier person, your interactions with others will be more pleasant. If you treat others more kindly, they will also be happier. The world could literally be a better place if women decided to love themselves; instead of aspiring to be something no normal woman could ever be.

Everyone wants a better quality of life. For some women, they feel that if they just looked like that model or such-and-such celebrity, they would have everything they could possibly want and more. They feel that sort of beauty will open doors for them. In reality, while beauty might open a few doors, those doors will quickly be shut if youre ugly on the inside. A woman who is dedicated to getting what she wants and feels she deserves will go much farther in this world than one who relies on her good looks alone.

Another benefit of the natural beauty secret of being happy with who you are is, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, you only have yourself. If you dont like yourself as a person, you cant expect anyone else to like you, either. While some may immediately be drawn to you because of your perceived beauty, they will quickly leave once they realize how poisonous your personality is. Youll wind up alone, with only a mirror for company.

Stop letting others dictate what you should wear, how you should look, or how you should act! Dont let people who dont even know you tell you what to do with your life and body! The media and advertising executives dont know who you are. They dont even know you exist. Make the choice to do whats best for you. That is the real natural beauty secret.