Surgical Procedures for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are not really dangerous because normally it gets out of the body through urination. Then again there are cases when kidney stones develop to something bigger than expected so they stay in the body. When this happens then it is time to visit your doctor so that you can go through necessary tests and figure out the next best steps to be taken. Usually a patient with kidney stones may just be advised to stay home and drink lots of water so that eventually the kidney stones are flushed out. Sometimes though that is not enough and so after careful thought surgery may be considered as it is needed.

There are many things to consider before someone with kidney stones should consider surgery. Here are some of the things to observe and take note of. If you are experiencing these things then you seriously have to start thinking about surgery. If the kidney stones seem to be stuck over quite a long period of time and is starting to cause the person pain. Also, when the kidney stones blocks the normal flow of urine and causes a urinary tract infection to persist. On very bad occasion, ignored kidney stones that are getting bigger may eventually cause kidney tissue damage which is evident in bleeding.

For over 20 years open surgery was the only way to go when it comes to removing kidney stones. As in any open surgery, recovery period takes a long period of time as in around four to six weeks which is really bad news. This is the reason why people tend to just self-medicate thinking it will wade out.

However things can just get worse if you leave things at that but who can blame those people? Going under the knife is not something that is easy to undergo. The good news is that these days, due to advancement in technology, many surgery choices for the removal of kidney stones no longer require open surgery and can even be performed in an outpatient setting.

Here a number of procedures are discussed. The most common surgery choice is Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy or ESWL. There are a number of ESWL devices available but basically they all work the same way. Shock waves are created outside the body and then it penetrates the skin and tissues to make its way through the kidney stones that will eventually be broken down into small pieces.

Now for more kidney stones in more complicated areas or states, there are other procedures to choose from. For larger stones or kidney stones that are hard to locate, there is the percutaneous nephrolithotomy. This requires a bit of going under the knife since a surgeon has to make a tiny incision at the back to create a tunnel directly to the kidney. What is good about this procedure is that it can remove fragments of kidney stones directly. For stones located in the mid and lower ureter, Ureteroscopy might be needed. No incision is required for this procedure.

The surgeon simply passes a small fiberoptic instrument called a ureteroscope until it reaches the ureter. Upon locating the kidney stone, it is removed with a cage-like device or breaks it with a special instrument that produces shock wave. This particular procedure, however, is rarely used to day because of the high risks involved.

Can You Get Spider Vein Treatment

Can you get spider vein treatment? That is one question that only your doctor can answer after conducting a thorough physical examination and reviewing your medical history.

The patients medical history is important because spider vein could be caused by age, heredity, medication or pregnancy. If you think that only females get it, men also do but it is rare for men to undergo treatment so this can be removed.

If you are considering spider vein treatment, you have to be physically fit because people who have circulatory problems, diabetes, heart condition or a blood born disease like hepatitis or AIDS cant undergo this procedure.

One issue that prevents some from undergoing spider vein treatment is the cost. It may be as low as $150 per leg but this could be much higher depending on how many veins have to be treated, how large are the veins, the experience of the doctor and where this will be done.

If you cant afford it, you may want to check if your insurance will be able to cover it. The bad news is that it is rarely covered by your provider because spider veins are considered to be a cosmetic problem, nothing else. If you are lucky, you will be required to present photographs or laboratory studies before your request is approved.

The procedure used by most doctors today is called sclerotherapy. Here, the doctor will inject needles into the affected veins. Studies have shown that the patients condition will improve by 50 to 90 percent but this takes months. The end result is that the spider veins will disappear but this does not prevent new ones from appearing later on.

Patients who choose to undergo sclerotherapy will be on an operating table for about 15 to 45 minutes. Again, this depends on how many veins need to be treated. Anesthesia is not used all throughout and you are awake the whole time. Since the needles are so thin, the only thing you will feel is a prick.

Once you have been injected with the fluid, the area will be bandaged and you will have to wear a prescribed tight fitting hose for 72 hours.

During this time, your legs will look like someone beat you up. To remove the sclerosing solution that was injected, your doctor will advise you to walk. Until the next session which is due in the following month, you should not carry heavy items, exercise, sit, stand or squat for a long period of time.

If money is not an issue and there is nothing in your medical history that is preventing you from undergoing sclerotherapy, the only thing you have to do now is look for a doctor.

Just be sure that the specialist is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). These people are members of a bigger organization namely the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

But can spider veins be prevented? Yes it can as long as you wear a support hose regularly as this helps prevent unwanted blood vessels from developing. You should also exercise regularly and maintain your weight. Lastly, you must avoid exposing yourself too much from the sun as its harmful rays can also do damage.

But some people still experience spider veins despite the measures mentioned and if you want to get rid of it, you have no choice but to undergo spider vein treatment.

Questions to Ask When Selecting Your Sports Medicine Doctor

Just as cars are not created equally, and neither are sports shoes there are some rather large differences between sports medicine doctors. The good news is this creates huge amounts of diversity; the bad news is that this can create numerous problems with finding someone who is well qualified to treat sports related injuries and help prevent injuries from occurring. To help you find the best sports doctor to help you meet your needs, use these questions as a guideline when you are interviewing doctors.

You should first ask your doctor how long they have been treating athletes. This should be at least several years if you are looking for experience, do not expect someone with less than 3 years of experience to be very helpful. If you decide to use a doctor new to the field, be aware that they should be cheaper and willing to work closely with you.

It is also wise to ask your doctor if they are currently the official team physician for any teams in your area. If they say yes, ask what teams so that you can contact the coach for a reference. Remember, if the coach does not give a positive reference that is still an excellent opportunity of information. Find out exactly why they do not recommend the doctor you are considering so that you can gather as many facts as possible.

Ask your potential doctor if they are a member of any special organizations such as the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. Memberships into these groups typically require credentials to be verified in order for acceptance, this helps to keep only the better doctors amongst membership ranks.

You should also ask if your doctor has attended any specialized training courses. Some examples are the American College of Sports Medicine team physician training course as well as the course that is offered by the US Olympic Committee. If they have not attended any special programs this is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is worth noting for your own piece of mind.

A very important question that you should ask is what percentage of the practice is pertaining to sports medicine. Unless the doctor is a sports medicine specialist, you should not expect to hear 100% and even if they are a specialist, they are unlikely to really have a 100% level. Most practices are as low as only 30%

Ask if the doctor has any particular specialties. For example, there are doctors who specialize in orthopedic surgery, as well as various other medical fields. If you are just looking for a basic sports medicine doctor then often choosing a family practice or even an internal medicine doctor is the best decision. From the primary doctor that you choose you can receive referrals to other doctors as they become necessary.

Your final consideration should be looking for a doctor that is willing to meet with you before you filling out any paperwork. This means that they should be willing to do an interview, preferably free where you can talk to them for a few minutes to learn about them, their experience, and their practice. Many doctors do this, especially those who are pediatricians. This means that your sports medicine doctor should be willing to have an initial interview as well. Using this to your benefit means you can ask your questions and see how comfortable you are before you actually need their services.

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Knowing About Adult Acne

Acne has long been associated with the adolescence stage, perhaps because this is the time when breakouts occur but adults can also develop acne and having no acne when you were a teenager does not mean that you will not have one when you reach your 20s and 30s.

In fact, there are many that only develop the condition later in life. Doctors attribute the phenomenon to the fact that internal body systems and make up change over time and one factor that causes the development of acne is the bodys hormones. Another theory is the fact that there are certain types of acne that only occur when one is already an adult.
Although there is no conclusive evidence that the rate of occurrence for adult acne has risen up, more and more adults are observed to be seeking treatment for their conditions. This may be brought about by increasing awareness on the problem of acne in adults and the fact that it can be cured.

About a quarter of men in their mid 20w to their early 40s experience or develop acne. Women, however, have a bigger problem as they are most likely to develop adult acne. In fact, about 50 percent of women in the same age range have acne breakouts. Another bad news is the fact that controlling the acne does not mean that recurrence will not occur. There are even some people who get acne problem when they are about 40 years old, some even beyond 50.

Unlike with adolescent acne when the skin is much more elastic and its ability to heal and regenerate is still fast, adult acne is more prone to permanent scarring. This is perhaps because as one grows older, the skin loses its collagen which primarily needed for the skin to heal and bounce back after much damage. Another reason is that adult acne conditions are often more severe than what is usually experienced during adolescence.

Although there is really no preventive measure that will completely eradicate the possibility of developing acne later in life. As mentioned earlier adult acne is actually caused by the changed in the internal body system. There is really nothing much that one can do about that.

Still, it does not hurt to develop practices that may prevent mild cases of acne from exacerbating further. One of the steps to consider of course is to always keep the face clean. Although any soap will actually do to clean the face, there are people whose sensitive skins do not respond well to the harshness of some body soaps. Dermatologists therefore recommend the use of a mild soap that is water soluble to make sure that it will go easy on the skin and it will not leave any traces that can clog the skin further.

Another preventive measure is the use products that will reduce the oil on the skin such as facial masks that are often worn while sleeping, which is the time when oil production goes on haywire. Another is the use of rice paper during the day, which helps in controlling the oily environment where the acne bacteria thrives on.

Exfoliation and disinfection are also needed to keep the acne bacteria at bay. Products with 1% to 2% beta hydroxy acid (BHA) or an 8% alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) ingredients are great exfoliants. BHA is actually better than AHA but some people are allergic to it. Benzoyl Peroxide, on the other hand, is the first line product that is used to disinfect the skin and kill of the bacteria.