A Drugfree Way to Lower Cholesterol

There has been a substantial increase in people having high cholesterol levels. It has been proven in many studies that an unhealthy increase in blood cholesterol levels can lead or be associated with the development of heart disease. High cholesterol levels can also increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death among people living in industrialized societies such as the US. The increasing incidence of high cholesterol levels in people living in this part of the world can often be contributed to a high saturated fat diet, smoking and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

There are several dugs now available that is being used to treat unhealthy cholesterol levels in people. Most popular of these is the HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor or what is more simply known as Statins. This group of cholesterol lowering drugs come in different name drugs and is increasingly being used in order to help high risk patients drastically lower their cholesterol levels. Statins can also increase the levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol.

Although statins and other known drugs being used to lower cholesterol levels have been proven to be very effective, there are also other ways available for people to lower their cholesterol levels without the use of such drugs. One of these is trying to lead a more active lifestyle. Physical activity and exercise is an important part of several low cholesterol therapies that aim to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Regular exercise can also help in reducing blood pressure, excess weight as well as decrease the diabetes risk.

Following a low cholesterol diet can also help a lot in trying to decrease high cholesterol levels. Scientists have found that a low cholesterol diet can help decrease cholesterol levels by as much as 29 percent in one month. This suggests that a combination diet can also be as effective as drugs like statins used to treat people with high cholesterol levels. It has also been established that eating low cholesterol and high fiber foods can cut individual cholesterol level by seven percent.

A recommended diet that can help people avoid developing coronary heart disease include consuming non-hydrogenated or unprocessed fats, eating a rich diet of soy protein, nuts and fiber rich foods such as oats and barley. Increased consumption of Omega-3 fats from fish and other plant sources can also have a positive effect in any low cholesterol diet as well as a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables.

A Deadly Substance That Could Form in the Body

All vertebrates need cholesterol to sustain health of the outer membrane cells. It circulates in the blood to settle in body tissues and blood plasma in forms of fatty lipids (steroids) and alcohol. Cholesterol is maintained to balanced levels that must not exceed what our body needs.

Today, when every ready food could just be fished out from fast foods and other busy traffic-highway-eateries, all you need is to be concerned about eliminating idle (unwanted) additional intake of this substance that affects a great general health disadvantage impact in today’s generation.

Let us educate first on how Cholesterol functions and affects body metabolic interference before we ever discuss eliminating its excesses. When a doctor mentions of cholesterol, he is definitely addressing such to the low-density lipoproteins (LDL), considered the “bad cholesterol.” The way lipoproteins act as the carrier molecules, it deposit the LDL to the walls of the arteries that cause it to thicken and become devoid of normal blood passage causing arthrosclerosis. High-density lipoprotein is “good cholesterol.”

One of the various uses of good cholesterol act as anti-oxidant, and help manufacture bile, that aids to digest fats essential to the functions of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. All these mentioned vitamins help in the metabolism functions in the reproductive organs, from puberty developmental process until the ripe age, that has to do with the effects of estrogen level in the body.

Main Sources of Good Cholesterol:

1. Three-fourth (75%) of it comes from within the body, or produced internally thru results from synthesizing from densely packed membranes like liver, central nervous system (spinal chord, includes brain), reproductive organs, adrenal gland, and atheroma. The degenerative changes in the atheroma result to development of atherosclerotic plaques and coronary artery disease that affect the natural flow of the blood. When this happens it causes sudden block of the in and out flow of blood from the heart; most of the time causing heart strokes, possibly fatal.

2. One fourth (25%) comes from our food intake (external source), and this is where you must be alerted on what to take in your daily diet. Fats originated from animals are rich in cholesterol, like egg yolk, dairy, and meat, regardless of whatever type in meat source. Observe keenly about tolerating excess of this second cholesterol essential for as you see, it takes only a last portion of that last quart necessary. A mistake in this will surely make up for “cholesterol imbalance.”

Ways to Lower Idle Cholesterol (excess of the 25% Food Originated Cholesterol):

– Select intake of fats from non-saturated cooking oil or direct fat sources from animals. One of the best cooking oil that produce unsaturated fat is olive oil. Other palm oils like coconut are highly saturated. Take low-content-sodium cholesterol fats; instead, eat high fiber vegetables and fruits, and complex carbohydrates. Examples of this are corn, soybeans and legumes, nuts, wheat, and other staple cereals.

– Refrain from eating at Fast foods and other restaurants, they present high fat saturated foods and rich in sodium. Also remember, that alcohol and sugar enhance the degree of cholesterol level, so avoid excessive hard drink sprays.

– Recent researches reveal that the presence of the Omega-3 fat acid present in Salmon, mackerel, certain tuna specie, and other deep sea hunts aids in lowering idle cholesterol.

If Idle Cholesterol is raised to high levels, seek medications as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, Statins, such as lovastatin (Mevacor), and atorvastatin (Liptor), most effective to lower LD, of course with physician’s guidance.

Weight Gain And Cholesterol

It’s really not a secret that there is a connection between weight gain and cholesterol levels. If you are overweight one of the best things you can do for your body is lose your excess body weight.

Weight gain and cholesterol is a common problem for many people as they age. When we age we often have slower metabolisms and just don’t get as much exercise.

Those factors can lead to an increase in the amount of excess body fat you put on.

Of course, sometimes having trouble with your cholesterol levels is a result of hereditary factors, but more often than not it is a result of lifestyle choices.

If we eat too many foods that are bad for us: high in fat and calories and generally lacking in any nutritional value, for example, we will most likely gain weight as well as increase the levels of bad cholesterol.

According to the American Heart Association, you should try to keep your overall cholesterol levels below 199mg/dl. Your bad cholesterol levels, LDL, should be less than 99mg/dl.

The higher your LDL levels the more fat you have in your bloodstream. This fat can clog your arteries and lead to many serious health related issues such as heart attack and stroke.

Of course, you do have many ways you can help control your cholesterol levels and you don’t have to (in many cases, ultimately you need to ask your doctor) rely solely on medication.

Eating right is your first line of defense. For many people, just eating a healthier diet will be enough to prevent developing any cholesterol problems in the first place.

Lean protein, vegetables, more fruits and lots of water can go a long way to ensure that your cholesterol levels are kept where they should be.

You can start small too. Just stop eating so much of the bad stuff. If you really love your burgers why not just cut back on the amount you have in a week?

Or, why not try a leaner ground beef or possibly even a turkey burger. It’s up to you but you can see that there are many simple things you can do to eat better and not eating as much bad stuff.

Another simple fix is to eat less sugar. For many people this can be accomplished just by cutting way back on some of the beverages they drink.

I had a friend who lost 10 lbs. in one month and the only thing she did was stop drinking pop. Most beverages are loaded with sugar and some of the worst offenders are energy drinks.

Getting less sugar in your diet can be a simple way for you to loss excess body fat and lose weight.

Weight gain and cholesterol do go hand in hand but you can lose weight with some simple changes to your diet and exercise program. Don’t give up and make sure you talk to your doctor before you start, but you really can have a positive impact on your cholesterol levels.

Medication For Cholesterol-When Diet Change And Exercise Dont Help

In some cases diet and exercise just aren’t doing enough to get your cholesterol levels down to a safe point. When that is the case, you can ask your doctor for a medication for cholesterol.

If you need to get a medication for cholesterol there are some important facts you must know. For one thing, you may need more than one.

Many medications can also have some potentially serious side effects so it is very important you keep in contact with your doctor and follow all dosing instructions very carefully.

One of the most common type of drugs for controlling cholesterol are statins. These medications decrease the bad cholesterol, LDL, levels in the bloodstream.

The problem is that these drugs can have some serious side effects. You need to make sure you talk with your doctor about all these possible side effects.

You must fully understand all the side effects and what you need to keep track of.

One of the most common side effects is numbness in the hands and feet. This numbness can come and go but it can make many day to day activities very difficult.

Other common side effects associated with statins are dizziness and weakness. This is caused due to the lower blood pressure as a result of taking the medication.

Another possible side effect is heart trouble. Since statins can cause problems with muscles it stands to reason that that would include the heart since the heart is a muscle.

Statins can actually work to decrease the amount of Coenzyme Q 10 in the heart thus making it more vulnerable.

Sometimes memory loss is reported as a side effect of taking these cholesterol drugs.

And last, but not least, depression. Taking these drugs can sometimes cause individuals to suffer from depression.

I’m not a doctor and ultimately only you and your doctor can decide whether or not the possible dangers associated with taking these medications is worth it based on the possible improvement of your cholesterol levels.

In some cases, if your cholesterol levels are dangerously high, the benefits of getting a more healthy cholesterol level may far outweigh any possible side effects.

It is important that you are an active participant in your care and that you discuss the risks and possible rewards with your doctor prior to starting any type of medication.

Also, don’t be shy about asking your doctor what other things you can do to try and get your cholesterol under control naturally.

There are herbal remedies that may be able to help you control your cholesterol without all the dangerous side effects.

Some doctors aren’t familiar with these so you may need to find another type of doctor who can help you out.

Ideally, you have, or find, a doctor who is on board with you in terms of trying to use natural methods as much as possible for dealing with all your health issues.

You really don’t want to have to constantly “fight” with your doctor but many of the medications today can cause a lot of unpleasant and possibly dangerous side effects so it only makes sense to keep your consumption of these things to a minimum.

Work with your doctor to find out which medication for cholesterol is best for you.