Abdominal Pain in Children

Tummy aches are one of the most frequently complained about problems in children. There are many causes attributed with it, and it is a challenge for the parent or the physician to find out the exact problem. Sometimes the pain requires immediate attention and can also be a case of emergency. The causes can be related to food, infections, poisoning, insect bites, etc.

Bacteria and viruses are responsible in case of abdominal pain due to infections. Gastroenteritis and stomach flu are some of the examples of infections that can cause stomach aches. Gastroenteritis is the inflammation and irritation of stomach and the gastrointestinal passage. Extra care must be taken by travelers, as the food and drinks can be contaminated at new locations and can lead to travelers getting diarrhea. Stomach pain due to viral infections ward off quickly, but bacterial infections demand the intake of antibiotics. In both the cases, some children recover very fast by vomiting and excreting. In case of diarrhea, excess drinking fluids should be given to the kid to avoid dehydration.

Food related stomach aches can be caused because of food poisoning, gas production, excess food ingestion and food allergies. Problems because of food poisoning are temporary and can cause bloating. Symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea. Usually these symptoms surface within two days of consumption of contaminated food. Depending on the severity chill, fever, bloody stools, or damage to the nervous system can follow. In case of a group of people who consumed the contaminated food, this situation is known as an outbreak. Over two hundred diseases are known to be transmitted via food. Food can be poisoned because of toxic agents or infective agents. Infective agents are parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Toxic agents are uncooked food, exotic foods, and poisonous mushrooms. Food can get contaminated because of handling by unclean workers at the local restaurant, too. Parents should check out the cleanliness and should visit a trusted restaurant.

Particular foods can cause the irritation, such as diary products can cause lactose intolerance. If this is the case, the child is allergic to certain food or drinks and swallowing even a small amount can cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cramping, and skin rash. Since these items are harmless otherwise, such kind of allergic reactions are known as hypersensitivity reaction. Sometimes the symptoms can be life threatening and are known as anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis.

Poisoning can also be due to overdose of medicines and even due to eating non-food stuffs. Insect bites such as black widow spider bite can also lead to pain in the abdomen. It can be accompanied with muscle cramps, weakness, nausea, tremor, vomiting and in severe case it can cause dizziness, faintness, respiratory problems, and chest pain. Also, the heart rate and blood pressure increases.

In very rare cases, abdominal pain can be due to appendicitis. This is a result of blockage and inflammation of tissues. Young kids have a higher rate if complications are considered and should be immediately rushed to the hospital. The pain starts slowly in the abdomen, specifically near the belly button. The pain shifts slowly to the right side of the lower abdomen within a time period of over twenty four hours. Clear symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, fever and loss of appetite. Diabetes can also be a reason of abdominal pain. Small children usually curl up, cry and express pain through facial expression. Some kids will be reluctant to talk, but the parent should try to get clear explanation of the problem. Along with close monitoring of the symptoms, studying the location of pain, pain duration, nature of vomiting, and urinary problems will help. After that a pediatric should be consulted who can further refer to a gastroenterologist. Until help is reached, the child should be made to relax.
Often, lying with face in downward direction can relieve pain due to gas. Incase of vomiting and diarrhea, fluids should be given constantly. Solid food should only be given when the child is comfortable about eating it.


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Sore Throat Set off by Acid Reflux

Acid reflux refers to the condition in which the partially digested food containing digestive juices travels back into the esophagus from the mouth.

To describe the mechanical layout of this disease, our digestive system has a circular band of muscle called lower esophageal sphincter. This muscle splits the stomach from the esophagus. When the food enters the stomach, this muscle closes so as to prevent the partially digested materials from traveling back into the esophagus. But when the lower esophageal sphincter is rendered incompetent, the stomach contents are allowed to regurgitate or spit up.

The stomach contents that moves back to the esophagus contains digestive acids since they have undergone digestion in the stomach where digestive liquids are released to facilitate the digestion. Because of the acidic nature of the refluxed materials, inflammation develops in the lining of the throat; thus a sore throat is one of the most common symptoms of this condition.

Sore throat is usually associated with other symptoms, though sometimes it is uncommon, such as the occurrence of pus on the tonsil surface and drooling or frequent spitting. Moreover, a patient with sore throat may also experience difficulty in breathing caused by the narrowing of the air passage through the larynx or pharynx.

The pain or other difficulties caused by sore throat can be abated, if not treated, with simple self-treatments that can be done at home. Gargling is a recommended practice. You may try gargling with warm water mixed with table salt. Drinking a lot of water is also very important. Get extra sleep, for this encourages faster recovery. Popsicles or cold drinks are good for sore throats. Humidifiers or vaporizers can be used to sooth the pain in the throat. And also, sucking on solid candies, which help promote saliva production, works as an alternative remedy. It is known that saliva contains bicarbonates that help neutralize the acids that might have remained in the throat due to the reflux.

But if home-treatments are not enough to ease your condition with the sore throat, medical treatments are available. The intake of medicine is particularly advised for those who experience associated symptoms like difficulty in breathing, dehydration or body water loss, and severe pains. Take antibiotics if you feel that viral or bacterial infections have further developed in the throat. Also, rheumatic fever can be prevented from arising, though this condition is very much uncommon. Corticosteroids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, can help in case of critical sore throat conditions.

Preventive measures and remedies, of course, are available to minimize the incidence of acid reflux, and sore throat, as well. One practical and immediate treatment is the application of gravity; that is, the person is kept in upright position at most times so to hold the digested materials down. Gravity can help prevent regurgitation, or the traveling of the stomach contents back up to the esophagus.

Eating habits should also be changed to facilitate in the treatment of acid reflux. Usual cases of acid reflux usually take place after a meal. It is recommended that evening meals should be taken earlier and in smaller quantities. This is so that the stomach can get emptied in a shorter period of time as compared to when heavy meals are eaten. Moreover, patients with acid reflux have less chances of regurgitating when they lie down.

Medications are also available. Some drugs act to neutralize the acids in the stomach and some work by blocking the production of acids by controlling the actions of histamine.

Arthritis and Joint Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Arthritis and Joint Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints caused by the
wear and tear injury or any infection. This inflamed condition
of the joints is mostly seen in the elderly people. It comes
from two Greek words, athron meaning joints and itis meaning
inflammation. It affects almost half of the population of the
world. About 50 million people in the United States suffer from
one or the other type of arthritis. It is more common than
cancer and heart problems. In brief we can say that it is the
condition that affects the health of the bone joints in the body.

Arthritis refers to the more than 100 distinct diseases that
cause pain and swelling, and limit movement in joints and
connective tissue . The common types of arthritis are-


Rheumatoid arthritis


Osteoarthritis results from the loss of bone tissue from the
joints and is also known as degenerative arthritis. It mostly
occurs with the preceding age. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the
people above the age of 40. It is more dangerous than
osteoarthritis as it affects the ligaments and tendons that join
the bones and muscles. Gout mostly affects men who are above the
age of 40 years and is caused by the excess accumulation of uric
acid in the spaces between the joints causing intense pain and
inflammation of the joints.

The various symptoms of arthritis are:

Joint pain

Swelling of joints

Limitation of movement

Swelling of joints

Stiffness of the joints

There are many types of arthritis and each of them has a
different cause of occurrence.

The common causes of arthritis are:

Obesity and overweight

Preceding age

Heredity factors

Hormonal changes

Weather changes

Excessive acid in the body

Nutrient deficiencies

Home remedies for Arthritis

Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey taken in a
cup of warm water twice daily is highly beneficial for the
treatment of arthritis.

Half teaspoon of turmeric powder taken with warm water twice a
day is also effective in curing arthritis.

Application of hot packs and ice packs for 10 minutes also
provides relief from joint pains.

Drinking alfalfa tea twice daily is also beneficial for the
treatment of arthritis.

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.

Soak Spiegel seeds in water, make a poultice and apply it on the
joints for immediate relief from pain.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil – An Anti-inflammatory Herbal
massage oil. http://www.ayurvediccure.com/arthcareoil.htm

Arthcare is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil which not only gives
relief from arthritis pain but also strengthens the bone
tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a
comfortable movements of joints and muscles.


Joint pain is on of the symptoms of arthritis. It affects one or
more joints. Many types of injuries or conditions can cause it.
Joint pain can also be caused by the inflammation of the bursae
known as bursitis. The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion
and pad bony prominences, allowing free movement of muscles and
tendons over the bone.

The other causes of joint pain are:

Joint injury

Infections like viral infections, bacterial infections etc.

Joint strains

Auto-immune diseases

Nervous system disorder

Home remedies for Joint Pain

Warm baths is the highly beneficial water treatment for the
joint pains.

Drink 15 grams of fresh bathu juice daily with an empty stomach
without adding any salt or sugar to it.

Massaging the affected area with any oil will provide relief
from the pain.

Drink a cup of papaya seed tea six or seven times daily for two
or three weeks for relief from joint pain.

Eat porridge of 2 teaspoonfuls of winter cherry with ghee and
molasses with an empty stomach for 15 days.

Diet also plays an important role in the treatment of arthritis
and joint pain. Improvement in the digestion and metabolism of
the body is very important for the treatment. Heavy meals, meat
and fish, sour fruits and fried foods should be avoided, as they
are difficult to digest. Consumption of rice during nighttime
should be avoided. Among fruits bananas are considered best as
they provide strength to the joints and grease them. Carrot
juice is highly beneficial as it strengthens the ligaments.
Besides diet rest is also important for the patients suffering
from arthritis and joint pain.

Natural Solution: Arthcare Oil – An Anti-inflammatory Herbal
massage oil.

Arthcare is an anti-inflammatory herbal oil which not only gives
a relief from joint pains but also strengthens the bone tissues,
the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable
movements of joints and muscles.

Visit http://www.ayurvediccure.com for Natural Home Remedies for
Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms, Natural
Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Arthcare Oil – Within minutes it removes the terrible persistent
misery due to Arthritis and Joint Pain

Brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains,
joint pains etc.

Read more about Arthritis at

About the author:
http://www.ayurvediccure.com for Natural Home Remedies for
Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms, Natural
Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Arthcare Oil – Within minutes it removes the terrible persistent
misery due to Arthritis and Joint Pain

Brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains,
joint pains etc.

Do Animals Get Warts?

Not only are various animals capable of getting warts, the often do. In some types of animals, warts can be deadly. One of the main examples of how warts can affect a non-human species is that of the turtle. In recent years, studies have been conducted to research the causes and effects of warts on certain types of turtles.

The findings are startling. A virus called fibropapillomatosis is the contributing factor. Unlike the warts found in humans, which are generally located in the epidermis, the warts which affect these turtles spread throughout their bodies. The warts are then capable of obstructing the turtle’s internal organs. This then can cause the turtle to die, either from starvation from being unable to see or swim properly, or from other bacterial infections. There has been a steady decrease in the population of sea turtles; the warts which affect their bodies is the primary reason for this.

In dogs, the virus which causes warts is the canine viral papillomas. Unless a dog’s warts become infected, the general rule is to leave the warts undisturbed, as they usually disappear with time. A dog’s warts are rarely a problem unless they are located about the mouth or other area which is sensitive and prone to bacteria and moisture. In some instances, a dog will require antibiotics. In dogs, warts usually appear in clusters, rather than as individual warts.

Dogs acquire warts in the manner similar to how humans get warts they contract them from other dogs who already have them. Canine warts can only be be spread amongst dogs. They pose no risk to other types of animals, nor can people contract warts from their dogs.

Warts are less common in cats, but they do sometimes occur. Older cats are the most prone to contracting warts. Removal is not generally indicated unless the wart becomes infected. There is more danger in the wart becoming infected through the cat’s scratching or other activity than by the wart’s state itself. These warts also are not transmittable to humans.

Cows can contract warts. In cattle, the term for warts is infectious papillomatosis, which refers to the papillomatomavirus which causes them. In cows, warts are not usually serious and eventually disappear, but they are highly contagious. When cows have warts, isolating them from other cattle is important. It has not yet been determined whether either this virus being present in a cow or the antibiotics given to clear it up have an effect on the safety of its milk.

Warts are the easiest way of determining whether a specific amphibian is a frog or a toad. Although there is quite a large variety of these creatures, by first appearance they have much in common. This amphibian has legs, but no tail; but the way to know for certain which type it is is whether or not it has warts. All types of toads have warts; no type of frog has them. Contrary to folk stories, the “warts” which are on toads are not related to the virus which causes warts in humans.