Chiropractic Care and Headaches

Do you suffer from constant or severe headaches? If so, you may do what most Americans do. That is simply just reach for the medicine cabinet. Yes, most over-the-counter products can relieve headache pains, but that relief is short-lived. Instead of masking the pain with over-the-counter products, seek a proper diagnosis and long-term relief. You can do so with chiropractic care.

What is chiropractic care? It is a field of medicine. Some classify it as alternative medicine. It all depends on who you ask and their openness towards the subject. Traditional physicians rely on their knowledge, medical tools, and medication to treat pain. Chiropractors focus on manual therapy. The hands and usually the hands alone provide it. Common treatments offered by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and manipulative realignments.

Doesnt a chiropractor only specialize in back pains? This is a common misconception. Chiropractors tend to focus on the spine, but you may be surprised how many ways the spine and its condition impacts our body. Many chiropractors have years of experience helping patients diagnose, treat, and manage all types of pain, including headache pain.

Why should you see a chiropractor if you suffer from severe or constant headaches? Headaches have many causes. Daily stress cause most, but there may be a more serious underlying problem. For example, those who have chronic muscle contractions may experience a spinal distortion, a cause of headaches. Car accident victims commonly suffer from whiplash. If improperly treated, this can also lead to headaches. Without treatment, the pain will continue and it may get worse overtime.

How does chiropractic care help headaches? It all depends on their cause. If everyday stress is to blame, a chiropractor may suggest relaxing exercises at home or regular in-office therapeutic massages. If headaches are caused by spinal distortion, a vertebrae alignment may be performed. This alleviates the pressure from nerves, which should reduce headache pain and frequency.

Will the headaches stop after seeking chiropractic care? Yes and no. First, it is important to remember that headaches are caused by many factors. If your cause is due to spinal distortion, vertebrae realignment will help. This will reduce the frequency of headaches caused by this specific problem. But, you may get another headache from just having a bad day at work. You and your chiropractor will work together to achieve long-term pain relief. In addition to therapeutic massages, trigger factors will be discussed. You will later need to avoid these triggers.

What should you ask your chiropractor after treatment? Many patients mistakenly believe they are treated and no longer need to seek treatment. Chiropractic care does not mean long-term care. Before parting ways, however, pick your chiropractors brain for suggestions to later prevent headache pain or lessens the severity. As previously stated, trigger factors need to be eliminated. Not only that, proper posture is important. This is a chiropractors specialty. Ask them about natural ways to prevent pain, including relaxation and proper posture.

In short, headaches have many causes. Daily stress is not the only cause. Dont mask the pain. See what you can do to get long-term and long-lasting relief. So, the next time you get a severe, long-lasting, or recurring headache, dont head to the medicine cabinet. Instead, head to your local phone book. Find the contact information for a local chiropractic care specialist and see what they can do for you.


Word Count 561

Chiropractic Care and Back Pain

At one point in time, we all experience back pain. For some, it was just exercising too hard or improperly lifting a box. These types of back pains are usually minor and the pain will subside with time and self-care. There are however, instances in which back pain is more serious and when medical care is needed.

When suffering from back pain, most individuals head to their primary care physician. If this is your only option, this is fine. But, if you have the financial resources needed to pay for your own appointments or if chiropractic care is covered by your health insurance, head to a chiropractor. Why? Because the care is better and safer.

What is chiropractic care? Chiropractic care is the natural practice of medicine. It relies on manual therapy. This involves the use of the hands. Medical tools, such as sonograms, x-rays, or MRIs, may be used to diagnose a problem, but the hands only usually provide treatment. Popular procedures performed by chiropractors include therapeutic massages and chiropractic adjustments. This involves using precise force to thrust a joint back into place or to extend it past its current ability to move.

How does treatment for back pain vary from traditional forms of health care? If you visit your primary care physician to seek pain relief, he or she will usually tell you to take an easy and prescribe pain medication. This only temporarily relieves the pain. Not all forms of back pain heal themselves. A slipped disk or another spinal or joint problem may be to blame. Pain pills and rest will not solve the problem, but chiropractors do. They will manipulate the spine and the back to elevate pain and improve mobility.

Does chiropractic care automatically mean ongoing care? No. Many people mistakenly believe that once you visit a chiropractor, you must continue going. Some chiropractors do recommend continued care, but not always. For example, if an adjustment or spinal manipulation is used, you may need to return for a small amount of therapy or just a follow-up appointment. During that appointment, your chiropractor will share ways to stop pain at home. This will include showing you how to properly lift boxes, sit at a computer and so forth. They may ask you to return in another six months to monitor the progress.

How does one find a chiropractor? Unless you already knew the benefits of chiropractic care, you might not have given chiropractors any thought. You may have driven by two or three offices a day and never noticed. It is easy to find chiropractors. They are everywhere. Your town or a nearby town should have at least two to choose from. As for how you can find them, local phonebooks, online business directories, insurance providers, recommendations from those you know, and by performing a standard internet search.

How does one choose a chiropractor? You now know how to find chiropractors, but how do you choose one? If covered by health insurance, check with your provider. Some offer moneysaving discounts to those who go with special in-network providers. If not, opt for a chiropractor who accepts your insurance. If uninsured, opt for the chiropractor with the most affordable rates or one who offers flexible payment plans.

In conclusion, if you suffer from back pain or discomfort, dont suffer in silence any longer. Dont just mask your symptoms. Recurring back pain is a sign that something is wrong. A licensed chiropractor cannot only find the problem, but treat it with no surgery, non-invasive procedures, and with no medication.


Word Count 592