Benefits of Exercises and Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Benefits of Exercises and Yoga Stretches for Lower Back Pain

As more and more people ask more and more from their bodies, injuries to their bodies are becoming a normal part of our society. Things like the X games, where skateboarders and bicyclists attempt death defying feats, on their skateboards and bikes, are becoming commonplace. Even regular sports like football and baseball can result in cringe inducing videos of athletes getting hurt.

If these people, arguably in top physical condition, can get hurt, you and I don’t stand much of a chance do we? Sadly, lower back pain is a part of many people’s lives. That’s why exercises and yoga stretches for lower back pain are becoming increasingly popular with every passing day. Yoga stretches, along with normal bodily exercise, are certainly a good route to go; when you are suffering from lower back pain.

Exercise, combined with a good, nutritious diet and plenty of rest, is something everyone should do on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it takes something like a lower back injury, for people to realize just how frail their bodies are. By that time, it’s too late. The damage has already been done. We just have to fix it as best as we can and do everything in power to prevent it from happening again or getting worse down the road.

When you combine exercise and yoga stretches for lower back pain together, you get two excellent tools in your arsenal of healing. Exercise is great for building up strength and endurance. Yoga is perfect for maintaining elasticity and flexibility; two great attributes every muscle should have.

Elasticity will allow your muscles to extend and flex over and over again without causing any tears. Flexibility is needed when you need to over extend or over flex your muscles. It allows them to twist and turn whenever you need them to. Where most people would strain or sprain a muscle, yoga keeps your muscles limber enough to handle the task without injury.

Bodily exercise and yoga stretches for the lower back help not only the part of your lower back that’s causing pain. But they help the entire rest of your body, too. Any type of exercise can get your heart rate up. An increased heart rate can help you burn off calories and fat, resulting in a leaner, stronger you. It can also keep your entire cardiovascular system running more effectively, letting your heart pump more efficiently. That can lead to less chance of a heart attack down the road.

Much like exercise, whenever you do yoga, you will be using more than just your lower back muscles. All of your muscles will receive the benefits of yoga as you move from one yoga position to the next. Each of your muscles will become more limber and flexible, allowing all of them to twist and bend more smoothly and efficiently whenever you require it.

As you can see, the benefits you receive from exercises and yoga stretches, for lower back pain affect far more than just your lower back.

Benefit_Of_ Lower_ Back_ Pain_ Exercise

We live in a society that’s constantly on the go. It doesn’t matter whether you work in a blue collar manufacturing job or sit at a desk all day, our bodies are constantly being subjected to various injuries or being asked to do things repeatedly that aren’t natural. It’s no surprise that lower back pain is one of the most common complaints that doctors see on a daily basis. Lower back pain exercises are being prescribed more and more in lieu of medication for people.

As we all know, medications can be a double edged sword, especially pain medication. Pain medication can definitely remove any pain a person is feeling. The problem is, pain is a way for our bodies to tell us that we need to stop whatever it is we’re doing. If we don’t have that all important signal, we continue with our actions, ultimately resulting in worse injuries. At the very least, we wind up overdoing it and causing strains. Medications can also be addicting. Instead of helping you get through a rough patch and on the road to recovery, you become addicted. What was one prescribed to help is now harming. You wind up in worse shape than you were to begin with. Lower back exercises avoid that entire mess and get to heart of the problem.

Many lower back problems can be avoided entirely if you just take the time to learn how to do something properly and then take your time doing it. Instead of bending over to pick something up, bend at your knees and lift. Get help with moving something if you can. Use the various tools available today such as dollies or lower back belts to ensure you get the job done without hurting yourself.

If you sit at a desk all day, use lumbar support for your lower back. Get up and move around every hour or so. You don’t have to move far. The important thing is to just get up and stretch a bit. You’ll get your blood flowing again, making you feel more alert and awake. Your back will also appreciate the break and the chance to get into a position that’s more natural and comfortable.

There are many stretches a person can do that can go hand in hand with their lower back pain exercise routine. Gentle stretches, held for ten to twenty seconds can realign your spine and improve your flexibility. They will help keep your muscles strong and limber, allowing them to give you the support you need when you need to do something a little more strenuous than normal. They will also give you better posture which, as any chiropractor can tell you, helps your entire body function better.

Lower back pain exercise can also reduce the amount of lower back pain you experience. In making the muscles stronger, you make your back stronger, too. Having a strong back is a must for anyone wanting good health.