Doppler Fetal Heart Rate Monitor

Becoming a mother is one of the greatest things that can happen to any woman. And when she is about to have a child, she would do everything just to make sure that the baby she is carrying in her womb is safe, healthy, and happy. This is the reason why expectant mothers would go to medical centers for regular checkup on the status of the baby inside the womb unmindful of the cost that would take to do it.

Today, if you are about to be a mother, there is a better way to get in touch with your future baby right at the comfort of your home. All you need is the doppler fetal heart rate monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor uses high frequency sound waves that lets you hear the sound of your babys heart beat through an audible device sometimes an earphone or a speaker that is usually built-in on the heart rate monitor. In order for this wave to travel, the doppler fetal heart rate monitor is aided by particular liquid often a lotion, oil or water. The liquid is applied on the mothers belly that would let the sound waves to travel from the heart of the baby across the belly through the monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor can be used on expectant mothers carrying as early as 10-12 weeks old fetus to the moment you are about to give birth. So the first bond you would create with your child would start the moment you make contact with through the doppler fetal heart rate monitor.

The doppler fetal heart rate monitor lets you know and hear the heart beat of the baby inside you while seeing the digital result on an LCD screen. It uses the same ultrasound technique that has been in existence and trusted by doctors for more than 3 decades so it is proven safe and effective. Most doppler fetal heart rate monitors are battery operated, lightweight, and very portable so you can carry it wherever you go. Some are also compatible with any PC so you can track and record every detail you would get from the monitor.

With the doppler fetal heart rate monitor, you can now experience the connection with your child safer and earlier than you can expect. The doppler fetal heart rate monitor makes parenting and motherhood more fun, more exciting, and more intimate.

Beware of the Side Effects of Estrogen

Estrogen is considered a primary hormone for women. However, it is also present for men but the only difference is that Estrogen in women is of higher level than in males. Moreover, it is also an important component for the development and enhancement of the female secondary sex characteristics such as the breast and endometrioum.

During the menopausal cycle of the women estrogen plays a very vital role. This is the necessity of having an appropriate level of Estrogen to prevent the unnecessary disorders that may take place inside a womans body. Moreover, if the level of hormone is also imbalanced the risks of the menopausal symptoms will increase.

It is true that Estrogen is a natural body substance but it is coupled with side effects in the persons body. It can affect the growth of a person or the development of the reproductive system and the secondary reproductive systems.

Pregnant women are not advised to take medicines that are estrogen enhancer, because it is not good for the baby inside the womb of the mother. Usually, it leads to the miscarriage of the baby and may cause serious complications to the mother.

Estrogen medications are indeed helpful for women with menopausal disorders, but these are also risky, especially if not taken properly. One of the worst effects that it can bring to a person is the so-called endometrial cancer. This is often due to a prolonged intake of Estrogen. The risk will vary on the length of the treatment and the dosage of the Estrogen taken by a patient.

Since Estrogen therapy has the long term and the short term period, it must be noted that lower dose of medicine should be taken for the long term in order to reduce the risk. It is also necessary that you see your doctor at least twice a year while you are taking the medication to avoid complications.

Estrogen for post menopausal women can also lead to gall bladder disorder. You must be aware about the effects of estrogen medications while you are taking it. Consult your physician immediately if you notice that there is bleeding that takes place in your vaginal area.

In spite of the complications of estrogen, people also acknowledge its good effect such as lessening the risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure.

It always depends on you, if you want successful effect of your estrogen intake, be sure to follow the doctors advice properly.

Achieving Healthy Pregnancy Despite Diabetes

Among diabetic pregnant women, the most common problem when it comes to their babys health is the condition called macrosomia or having a baby with large body. This is because the blood of the mother with diabetes is interchanged with that of the baby inside the womb. As a result, the baby will produce insulin to be able to glucose and this will lead to fat deposits, which causes the baby to grown larger compared to the regular ones.

What you can do

For a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy, it is ideal to maintain an appropriate weight gain, average consumption of various foods from different food groups, timely and prescribed vitamin and mineral supplementation, and lots of fluid intake. Sweets and fats should also be kept to a minimum level of consumption. The following are just some of the guidelines that pregnant women with diabetes can use to achieve healthy pregnancy despite the chronic disease:

1. Follow the appropriate meal plan religiously. More than ever, pregnant women should pay attention to what they eat and their eating patterns in general. This is very important because this stagepregnancy itselfrequires strict control of blood glucose levels in order to ensure that both the mother and baby are getting the right amount of key nutrients needed. In coming up with the right diet plan, it is best to seek the help of diabetes educator or a licensed dietitian to create the necessary adjustments needed to accommodate the needs not only of the fetus inside the womb but of the mother as well. In your meal plan, take note of calorie, carbohydrates and protein requirements every day because these will help you maintain normal blood glucose levels.

2. Regular Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose or SMBG. Experts say that the only way to tell if the woman is successful in controlling her blood glucose is by monitor their levels by themselves regularly. Since being pregnant is a sensitive condition, soon to be mothers should monitor their blood glucose levels more frequently. Ideally, SMBG should be monitored four to 10 times a day.

3. Knowledge in administering insulin injections and adjusting the doses based on the results of SMBG. Sufficient supply of insulin is very crucial for pregnant women so they must know how to administer insulin injections by themselves in case no one is around when they need it. They should also ask from their physician how to adjust the doses of insulin after they are through with the SBMG. Knowing how to adjust the doses of insulin needed is very important to ensure that the bodys supply of insulin is stable.

4. Treating or controlling hypoglycemia. Pregnant women who are diabetics are more prone to hypoglycemia because of the hormonal changes in their body. Although studies show that there are no know effects of hypoglycemia in the baby, it is best to control or treat it as soon as possible so the soon to be mom wont be having troubles during the course of conception.

5. Maintaining regular set of exercise or physical activities. This is also very important for pregnant women with diabetes because through this they can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia as well as being overweight. Since it is hard for pregnant women to do strenuous workouts, it is best to maintain the hobby of having light exercises that will keep the body moving.

Proper Nourishment For Pregnant Women With Diabetes

Pregnancy is probably the most wonderful thing that could ever happen to any woman. This is why proper nutrition and nourishmentdespite having a chronic illness such as diabetesshould be paid attention in order to ensure the health and well being not only of the mother but of the baby as well.

One of the most important aspects of pregnancy that should be paid attention to is proper nutrition. This cannot only be achieved by eating a variety of foods from different food groups but also by taking in prescribed supplementation. Since not all pregnant women are very tuned into eating a broad range of foods that are good sources of crucial nutrients during pregnancy, taking in supplements such as calcium, multivitamins and iron is necessary to support the growing baby inside the womb.

Ideal nourishment

Generally, pregnant women are advised to eat well-balanced meals that comprise of foods coming from all food groups so she can provide the proper nourishment for the baby and herself. Good nutrition by eating healthy foods and a well-balanced diet does not only ensure that the baby gets the nutrients he or she needs but this also help in minimizing some of the pains and discomfort caused by the symptoms of pregnancy.

To achieve optimum nutrition, pregnant women are advised to consume foods that are rich in folate, calcium, iron, vitamins, and minerals that can be found in whole grain breads, pastas, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meats and dairy products. The following are just some of the nutrients pregnant women need during the gestation period.

– calories. Pregnant women are advised to take in about 300 extra calories coming from a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains are needed everyday to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

– protein. Protein nourishment is very important during pregnancy because it provides the building blocks for the babys growth especially in proper brain development. Pregnant women with diabetes are advised to aim for 30 grams of protein or more daily that should come from various animal and dairy products such as cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, beef, lamb, yogurt, cereals, grains, pasta, legumes, beans, peanuts, broccoli, peas, and leafy green vegetables.

– Vitamin C. Enough supply of Vitamin C is quiet significant for a pregnant woman because it strengthens her immunity and helps in building strong collagen, bone and teeth for the growing baby. Since Vitamin C cannot be restored in the body, a fresh supply is needed daily to ensure that the mother gets enough of this nutrient. Excellent Vitamin C sources include green leafy and yellow vegetable as well as yellow fruits.

– calcium. For bone and tooth formation, calcium intake is another significant nutrient pregnant woman should increase. Experts say that about 1,200 mg of calcium daily is recommended for lactation and pregnancy. Calcium sources include dairy products and green leafy vegetables.

– iron. Iron is a very important mineral needed to avoid the possibility of iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy. The recommended iron intake for pregnant women is 30 to 50 mg that should come from lean meats, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, and whole grain cereals. But since it is difficult to get enough iron in diet intake alone, the doctor usually prescribes iron supplement.

Pregnant women with diabetes should be more particular about their eating patterns now more than before because maintaining proper levels of glucose can highly contribute to the overall of both mother and child.