Effective dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers

Effective dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers
Dhiraj Bhikoo

The most popular dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers are chondroitin, fish oil and glucosamine. Chondroitin can draw fluid into the cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability and weight control, as more weight equals more joint pressure. Fish oils help with controlling inflammation in the body. And recent studies have shown that the cartilage-building substance called glucosamine is effective for the long-term relief of osteoarthritis pain. In some people, glucosamine appears to even slow the deterioration of joints over time and reinforce joint cartilage. Whether or not it can actually reverse the disease is still unclear. In some instances, glucosamine can be used in conjunction with MSM, a substance that appears to slow down the degeneration but is not yet proven and approved.
In a nutshell:
Chondroitin – Helps draw fluid into cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability.
Ginger – Ginger is an antioxidant that acts as an inflammatory with no major side effects.
Glucosamine sulfate – This builds cartilage with very few side effects.
Magnets – Although magnets that are worn as jewelry or placed on bed linens have been reported by some to be effective pain relievers, results are still preliminary; doctors claim that these magnets are not strong enough.
MSM – This organic sulfur is used in the reduction of inflammation.
Nettle leaf – Nettles can reduce a patient’s need for NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) by up to 70 percent.
Vitamin E – This antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis.
Vitamin B is also an effective pain reliever. It works best on the knee and can help stop degeneration that is caused by free-radical molecules, not only in the joints but in other areas of the body as well
These are merely a few examples of what an arthritis sufferer can use when seeking pain relief from natural remedies. However, due to the lack of scientific study and testing on many of these alternate treatments, there is no proof of their effectiveness.
Nothing can cure osteoarthritis, but nutritional supplements, the application of heat or cold to affected joints, exercise, and weight loss can improve the function and flexibility of your joints, and perhaps even slow the progress of the disease. Conventional over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, can be very helpful in decreasing joint pain, but they do produce side effects and can cause problems in long-term users.
Unfortunately, there is no way to cure arthritis. However, you can delay the onset by maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy and avoid repetitious movements that cause you pain.
About the Author
Dhiraj Bhikoo is an arthritis pain relief and treatment researcher .He offers advice and tips and a broad range of alternative solutions for arthritis and pain related issues.

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?

Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis?
Rudy Silva

With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.
Most joints rub against each other, but bone joints have a protective layer called cartilage. This cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves so it cannot receive nutrients directly. This cartilage serves as a cushion or pad between bones so that bones don’t wear out and so you don’t feel pain.
Cartilage should not wear out if its surfaces remain lubricated with oils that you eat. But if you are not eating the right oils or the proper amount, then your cartilage can become dry. Under these conditions you will slowly deteriorate the cartilage, which will lead to degenerative arthritis.
Once your cartilage becomes damage or grinded down, it is hard to regenerate it. Cartilage is not a living tissue and does not receive its nourishment directly from blood vessels. It is made up of mucin, albumin and sulfuric acid. It absorbs oils and nutrients by osmosis.
Osmosis is the movement of oil from an area of high oil concentration passing through a membrane into an area of low oil concentration. So if the cartilage is deficient in oil and you don’t eat the oil it needs to minimize cartilage-to-cartilage friction, then degenerative arthritis will occur over time.
Eating oil that is high in vitamin D and iodine is what is necessary for good cartilage strength and function. Oil such as cod liver oil is ideal as lubrication for cartilage function. Fish oil is another good oil to eat. When you eat cod liver oil, this oil passes through the joint lining into the joint cavity. Once in the cavity, this oil is absorbed into the cartilage through osmosis.
Once the cartilage is properly lubricated, it has an elasticity and lubrication so that when it rubs against other cartilage little friction and cartilage degeneration occurs.
There is another process that can affect the integrity of the cartilage. Calcium can deposit on the bone near the cartilage and breaking to the cartilage and wear it down.
To prevent this condition, calcium must be kept in solution in the lymph liquid. This is done by maintain a balance diet.
Degenerative arthritis is a process where the cartilage at the end of bones in joint structures slowly degrades. This degradation occurs from the lack of the right oil in the diet and through calcium build up in the bone joint. Joint degeneration starts to occur after the age of 20 and can continue if the right diet if not followed.
Eating the right food to prevent degenerative arthritis is difficult to do if you have been brought up eating the wrong kinds of food. But as an adult you can now make a choice as to whether you will have Osteoarthritis when you get older by eating the foods.

About The Author

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call “natural-remedies-thatwork.com.” More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for–you.info
[email protected]

Cure Your Arthritis – My Amazing Mom

Cure Your Arthritis – My Amazing Mom
Susan Graham

My Amazing Mother The Arthritis LadyFrom the age of 11 to age 53 my mother avoided holding hands; they were painful to the touch, so puffed up, sore and hot!!! Raising four children she, of course, had to hold our hands. She tried so hard not to let us know how painful it was but, we knew she was in constant pain.I always felt bad for my Mom and Dad because holding hands was something they missed. It was hard for her to knit or crochet, which she loved to do.Walking, bending or standing for any period of time was so painful for her. We learned as small children, my brothers and I, to do what ever we could to help around the house.She went to over thirteen Arthritis specialists, which were of little or no help. She was prescribed many different drugs and went through all kinds of treatments for her arthritis.She was in so much pain that she tried anything and everything to find relief. She was so desperate to find something that would stop her pain that she:Went to over 13 physicians, (Arthritis Specialists)She took Codeine, Darvon, Sprays and “Gold Treatments”She was placed in traction with a large weight to stretch her body, was tied to the bed and couldn’t move for a week!She was put in an upper body cast for 3 monthsShe wore shoe liftsAnd so much more!!!In 1980, the last year she suffered from Arthritis, my Mom spent an average of $40.00 month on miscellaneous drugs, $30.00 for a monthly doctor appointment and $30.00 on pain killers. Thats a total of $100.00 a month. I wish she could have spent that money on something she liked to do instead.All the drugs, all the doctors, all the treatments, all the money… ALL the FAILURES!!! Doctor after doctor told her that there was no cure for arthritis and that she should, Take this medication, go home and learn to live with it. One doctor predicted that she would be in a wheel chair within 5 years. We were crushed My Mom, being the eternal optimist, never gave up She went on a crusade to find a way to stop her arthritis. And she did!!!She spent many years researching arthritis, and put together this incredible program, I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too, that shows you in easy to follow steps how you can do what she did at home, and without drugs. I know this may sound too good to be true. But she did it… My Mom has gone through what you are going through right now. She has now been living Pain Free from Arthritis for 25 years.My Mom, Margie Garrison, is known on the World Wide Web (and elsewhere) as The Arthritis Lady and is now doing something she likes to do. She spends most of her time answering thousands of emails and phone calls from people who suffer with arthritis. She answers questions and helps solve problems. And I am not the only one singing her praises; here are just a few things other people have saidMy wife has rheumatoid arthritis and she tried what you wrote in your book and she has been almost totally pain free for a month so far. Thanks for publishing your book.Roy – Goose Creek, S.C**********I have purchased your book and it is a miracle from God. I really believe in it. It has opened my eyes toward the right foods we should eat to keep our bodies healthy and free from diseases.Evangeline Culloden, GA**********Thank the Lord and you. Your book is my companion in my quest for health. I cant praise it enough. You are a pioneer in the practice of prevention in Medicine.Mary B – Santa Cruz, CA**********My friend raved to me about how your book helped him. He had taken so much Cortisone until his doctor balked at giving it to him. My friend said he spends many painful, sleepless nights, and that his life was pure misery. Now, some five months later, he has no pain, and sleeps very well. He has lost some 40 pounds and feels 20 years younger.Lewis – Oklahoma City, Ok**********My friend is over 80 years old. She was unable to do hand work and almost unable to walk. Now she is able to do both. Mrs. A. Jenkins – Morango, CA**********To whom it may concern,Margie Garrisons I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too: is a note worthy milestone in the field of alternative treatment modalities.I agree with Margie that with proper nutrition, exercise and a positive mental attitude, not only is it possible to cure arthritis but also prevent it.Her book is simply and clearly written with a number of helpful illustrations.I have used it in my practice and highly recommend it. The pathway to health is up to each individual. By following Margies techniques, you can be Free of arthritis.Sincerely,Learie N. Yuille, MDMetro Holistic Health CenterSouthfield, Mi 48075**********If you are searching for relief from your arthritis pain, try this program. My Mom is living proof that you dont have to take medication, go home and learn to live with arthritis.If you would like to know more about my Mom and her program go to: http://www.cureyourarthritis.com Susan [email protected] About the Author
Margie Garrison was diagnosed with acute arthritis by her doctors. Determined not to accept living with arthritis as her fate, she began to look for options. She found out how to cure her arthritis through much research, modification of diet and much more. Garrison has made it her mission to help others suffering with the disease and has written a book to share with others called, “I Cure My Arthritis, You Can Too.”

Controlling Pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercises

Controlling Pain with Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercises
Mike Herman

If you are suffering from stiff, swollen joints and have been
diagnosed with the condition known as rheumatoid arthritis,
there is hope.

In most instances, you can continue to do the hobbies and
activities you enjoy without being plagued with pain and limited
mobility through a variety of treatment options.

Speak with your primary health care provider about medications
and alternatives, including rheumatoid arthritis exercises to
control your condition.

These alternatives are excellent ways of not only controlling
your pain and regaining motion, but also enhancing your life.

Consider enrolling in a gym that offers special rheumatoid
arthritis exercises and classes in order to start your

Before you decide upon any rheumatoid arthritis exercises, be
sure to contact your primary health care provider.

He or she will be able to recommend special techniques that will
best benefit your situation, but also provide you with a gym or
physical therapist to ensure you are working out in the proper

Aquatic Exercises & A Medicine Ball?

Many doctors recommend arthritis patients attempt some sort of
aquatic work out, since water allows you to be weightless and
your joints to experience no friction or resistance.

Another great work out is Pilates, which works with hoops and
balls to stretch your body and improve your mobility.

When using these work out techniques as a treatment for your
stiff and painful joints, remember to enter into your program

Tackling any activity too enthusiastically can potentially
injure your body and worsen your condition.

This is especially important when using any weights, medicine
balls, or other apparatus that can cause muscle strains or

If you are unsure on the correct techniques for using the
apparatuses, seek help from a professional to ensure you are
doing the activity correctly.

This is the same for aquatic activities, which are much more
than simply swimming laps. Consider enrolling in a specific
class just for these activities in order to broaden your
horizons and control your pain.

By using any physical activity to your advantage, arthritis
sufferers of all ages are rewarded by minimized pain and

Additionally, physical activities will allow individuals
suffering from this common problem by increasing mobility.

About the author:
Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis Including