Asthma in Adolescents

Most of the teenagers who have asthma are also allergic to many things. The asthma can get severe even if the people with asthma are exposed to allergens of low grade. Allergies play an important role in asthma cased which are undiagnosed. Other factors that also trigger childhood asthma include upper respiratory infections like colds, second hand smoke, and certain climate conditions like cold air and due to emotional physical expressions like laughing, crying or yelling. However, it is not the end of the road for asthmatics as they can live active and healthy if they manage asthma properly by avoiding asthma triggers, regular intake of prescribed medications, being alert of the warnings and be aware of the ways to deal with an asthma attack.

There is a great consensus among the parents whether their children would outgrow asthma as they grow up. But the truth is it depends from child to child. While some children experience improvement in their teens others see asthma becoming even more severe. But almost half of the children who have asthma outgrow asthma as they grow although some symptoms may come back later.

Many parents have questions like whether their children can take part in sport activities. The answer is both yes and no. Some kids may get an asthma attack when they participate in exercises like running. But with proper management a teenager suffering from asthma can actively participate in sports. Special aerobic exercises can improve airway function. This strengthens the breathing muscles. Some of the ways that one can participate in sports is to follow the regimen of stretching the muscles prior to and after exercising, nose-breathe instead of breathing through the mouth and make sure that humidified air passes through the airways. Also parents should make sure that the adolescent has taken all prescribed medication supposed to be taken before they begin exercising. Carrying a reliever is a must for asthmatic teens which would come handy if asthma attack occurs. Asthmatic teenagers should make sure that they wear something over their mouth and nose to stop cold air from entering.

It is not easy for adolescent teens to attend school when they have asthma but it is not difficult also at the same time if proper coordination is made among the teenager, doctor, family and school employees. It is a good idea to consult teachers, nurses and other pertaining employees of the school and let them know that the teenager has asthma and may have special requirements. Also, let the school management know on medications the teenager regularly takes and how to help the teenager when an attack occurs. The school staff should be asked to treat the teen normally once the attack subsides. The physical education coach should also be informed about the condition so that he/she can let the kid stretch the muscles before any exercises or to deal with asthma attack induced due to exercises. Also, before admitting the teenager to a new school care must be taken to check the quality of air, irritants and allergens if any present in the school. The school staff should take considerations to avoid symptoms which could hamper the energy level kids. Also asthmatic teens should be assured from time to time that they are no different from others and asthma in any way does not slow them down, They need this emotional confidence otherwise they may have personality problems.


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Asthma And Hypnotherapy

People who have asthma tend to live a suffocating and dreadful life especially if the attacks occur frequently. There are different causes of asthma symptoms or attacks. Some asthma symptoms are induced by exercise, dust, stress, cigarette smoke, pollen, pollution, and many others. These things are external factors which aggravate the condition of the asthma patient. It doesnt really matter if youre young or old because asthma can definitely debilitate you when youre having frequent and severe attacks.

Asthma patients must learn to calm themselves when symptoms begin to exhibit. However, very few individuals can remain calm when the airways are already constricting and there is insufficient oxygen in the body. Once youre diagnosed with asthma, the doctor will examine you thoroughly to identify the asthma triggers. If youre already aware of these triggers, you can stay away from them. Somehow you can already tell when an asthma attack will happen.

Today, asthma and hypnotherapy go hand in hand in controlling this dreadful health condition. Here is a very good example.

You were exposed to one of your asthma triggers and so youre already expecting an asthma attack soon. Hypnosis is a very good way to prevent the attack. With the help of an experienced hypnotherapist, you will be able to remain calm through the suggestions given. The hypnotherapist will tell you to visualize your air passage as wide and relaxed. Focus on the air passage and try to disassociate yourself from the actual situation. If you visualize your lungs that way, you can prevent the attacks since normal lung functioning is encouraged.

Hypnosis is a vey effective way to achieve a relaxed state naturally. You dont have to force yourself to do it. If you simply focus on what the hypnotherapist is telling you, you will be able to relax in no time. When youre in a relaxed state, the hypnotherapist can easily give you suggestions and your mind will automatically follow. Did you know that hypnotherapy can also be used to ease stress and anxiety? This only means that hypnotherapy will also work for asthma patients. If you want to prevent the asthma attack, use auto suggestion or hypnosis.

There are already lots of hypnotherapists and you can find them online as well. You can do a simple research online and find a local hypnotherapist. You can also check their backgrounds and see if their past customers were satisfied with the services. You can also look into their personal profile so that you can at least determine if you will be comfortable working with the individual. This is very important since you will also be paying a certain amount of money for their services. Next time you encounter any asthma trigger, contact your hypnotherapist so that you can start with the hypnosis. Dont panic because this can only aggravate your condition and encourage the asthma attack even more.

Asthma and hypnotherapy is gaining a lot of popularity in the recent years. People are more open to hypnosis today as compared to long ago. Many studies have already proven the effectiveness of hypnosis in preventing the attacks and in treating other health conditions. Consult a licensed and experienced hypnotherapist now. You can learn many things and ways to control your asthma before it controls your life. There is a way to control the attacks; so why not try hypnotherapy?