Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree Oil

Have you ever wondered if what you know about alternative medicine is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on alternative medicine.
Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree Oil

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You cannot image to cure arthritis through dietary changes but, in conjunction with using tea tree oil, the right foods can alleviate plentiful of the painful flareups.

acne, holistic acne treatment, acne cure, tea tree oil, Kathryn Beach

Article Conformation:
The term ” arthritis ” is used to refer to unequaled or more of a club of over 100 rheumatic diseases. Quite often, arthritis is caused by the deterioration of cartilage in the joints. Symptoms of all of these diseases include travail, stiffness and swelling of the joints, and can change other parts of the body such as other bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Tea tree oil is same good for arthritis as it is able to penetrate and desensitize drooping nerve endings. For relief from pain caused by the various arthritic afflictions ( rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc. ), combine 18 drops of tea tree oil with 1 / 8 cup of almond oil. Put in a dark bottle and shake before applying it topically two to four times a day as a massage oil.

Putting 2 – 3 drops of tea tree oil into a warm bath is also a great way to alleviate the joint pain associated with arthritis.

In order to go beyond merely relieving arthritis symptoms, it is important to make dietary changes. Changing the type of oil in the diet to one rich in omega – 3 fatty acids suppresses the inflammatory that the habit makes. Omega – 3 fatty acids switch off the enzymes that break down joint cartilage, and are found mainly in oily fish such as sardines, salmon again cod liver oil. Omega – 6 fatty acids are found mostly in plant seed oils such as evening primrose further sunflower oil, and can also have a positive effect in relieving arthritis symptoms.

Foods that are rich in omega – 3 fatty acids are:

* canola oil ( the oil and margarine )
* roseate oil
* cod liver oil ( mmm yum: )
* soybean oil
* soybeans
* walnut oil
* walnuts
* avocado oil
* fresh avocado.

Foods to avoid:

Try replacing much of the terra cotta meat you consume with oily fish. Red meat is also a good source of iron, so be sure to eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables and other foods rich in iron so as not to be deficient.

* alcohol
* tea
* coffee
* saturated fats
* processed foods
* fried and grilled foods

You cannot expect to cure arthritis through dietary changes but, in conjunction with using tea tree oil, the right foods can alleviate many of the painful flareups.

To your health!

As your knowledge about alternative medicine continues to grow, you will begin to see how alternative medicine fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Do suffer from arthritis? If so, the relief of symptoms is vital. Your ability to function day-to-day depends on your ability to prevent joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, as well as treat it. The good news is that most can do this right from the comfort of their own home! Home remedies do vary. Not everyone sees relief from their arthritis symptoms, but you usually have nothing to lose by trying. So, which home remedies for arthritis relief should you try?

Epsom salt baths. Epsom salts main component is magnesium. It has long been used as a way to seek pain relief. To seek that relief, prepare a warm bath and add in epsom salt. Use the package to determine the appropriate mixture. The magnesium in the salt will help to reduce inflammation, resulting in pain relief and decreased swelling. The warm water calms the body and improves circulation. Pain relief is likely. Continued epsom salt baths not only relieve pain, but help to prevent it too.

Epson salt sprays. As previously stated, epsom salt baths can reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Unfortunately, those with disabilities or the inability to fully move may have difficulty settling into a bathtub. In these instances, epsom salt sprays are an ideal and convenient alternative. Take a spray bottle and fill with water. Use the salt package to determine how much salt should be added. Spray onto your unclothed body and rub. This mixture can be applied anytime of the day, but it is best to do after a warm shower.

Apple cider vinegar drink mixtures. For many arthritis patients, apple cider vinegar not only results in pain relief, but increased mobility. Mix up to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a large cup of water. You can also add honey for extra sweetness. Drink once or twice a day. Apple cider vinegar is acidy and it has a sour taste; always mix with water.

Apple cider vinegar soaking mixtures. In addition to drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, you can also create a soaking mixture. This is ideal if you want to target a specific area of your body and get immediate pain relief. Mix cup of apple cider vinegar, with around one or two liters of water. Warm and soak. For large areas, soak a washcloth or towel in the mixture and apply to your achy joints.

Low-impact exercises. With arthritis, there is always the risk of complications. The risk of severe joint stiffness and deformities can be reduced with low-impact exercises. For many arthritis patients, stretching is enough of a workout. If you are overweight, lose weight. It lessens the pressure placed on joints. Low impact exercises include dancing around the house or walking around the block.

Foods with anti-inflammatory benefits. Did you know that some foods can reduce the pain and swelling associated with arthritis? Some can. These foods include fresh pineapples, fresh cherries, cayenne pepper, and sesame seeds. Although there is little to no proof to backup these claims, many arthritis patients have been eating these foods for years and recommend them.

The above mentioned home remedies are just a few of your many options. Your best bet is to purchase a home remedy book, available for sale online or in most bookstores. Look for any remedies that treat pain, discomfort, depression, difficulty sleeping, and inflammation.


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Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective
Isabelle Boulay

Everybody knows exercise is a significant part of staying
healthy. As anyone with arthritis can tell you, though, when
your joints say no to play, exercise goes from pleasurable and
stimulating activity into a trial of how much pain you can

The tendency when suffering from arthritis is to keep your
joints as motionless as possible. The problem is that this leads
to weakening of the muscles and tendons and a stiffening of
joints, which makes the pain worse over time. It is a
self-feeding cycle difficult to break out of.

One solution comes in the form of The Arthritis Foundation
Aquatics Program, a warm water exercise program designed by the
Arthritis Foundation. Why warm water exercise? The warmth
offered by hot water allows muscles to relax and intensifies
circulation of blood to the joints. In fact, ever since the
discovery of the first hot springs, humans have used the miracle
of warm water baths to fight aching joints.

Besides reducing the pain in your joints, exercising in water
permits body weight to be supported. This makes exercising in
water easier, safer and more relaxing. Not only that, but the
resistance that water provides as your body moves in it helps
strengthen muscles

These days, what with spas, health clubs and backyard hot tubs,
just about anyone has access to a pool of hot water to relax in.
Not only does this bring some immediate relief of arthritis
symptoms, but it also provides us with a great environment in
which we can exercise.

You should consult your doctor before beginning water exercise.
Water exercise is completely safe for most people, with a few
exceptions. If you’ve have suffered serious joint damage or
replacement surgery you may be among them. Your doctor will know
what’s right for you. Also be aware of temperature. Water
between 83 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for exercise.
Anything over 100 degrees may be relaxing, but can lead to
overheating. After you’ve gotten the doctor go ahead, it’s time
to get started.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program exercises can be found
in the free brochure “Water Exercise: Pools, Spas and Arthritis”
from the Arthritis Foundation. Classes are also offered at local
pools nationwide–contact your local Arthritis Foundation office
for information. The classes are lead by a trained instructor,
usually last between 45 minutes to an hour and are scheduled 2
to 3 times a week.

With a doctor’s guidance, whether at a local pool or at home, a
water exercise program is a fun and effective way to combat
arthritis and keep joints and muscles healthy.

About the author:
Isabelle Boulay is a writer and contributor to, where you can find more information on arthritis
treatment and
atments for high blood pressure.