Free Ways to Seek Arthritis Relief

Do you suffer from arthritis? If so, pain relief is important. Without it, you may be unable to function from day-to-day. Unfortunately, many home remedies and over-the-counter medications require money. Although you can purchase a bottle of pain medication for less than $5, that may be $5 that you just dont have. So, what should you do? Do you have to live with the pain? No. There are many ways to seek arthritis pain relief and many are free!

Exercise. Right about now you may be thinking exercise isnt possible. After all, your joints are in pain. Yes, this is true. Exercise does help and all individuals should incorporate it into their daily routine, not just those suffering from arthritis. In terms of arthritis, exercise does wonders for the body. It assists with weight loss and promotes healthy movement. That movement strengthens the muscles surrounding the joints. It provides extra protection and reinforcement.

Exercise is necessary to seek arthritis relief, but it isnt always free. If on a budget, wisely plan your workouts. Instead of opting for a gym membership to gain treadmill access, walk around your neighborhood or inside a shopping center. Instead of signing up for an aerobics class, turn on some music in your home and move around. Something as simple as stretching your fingers daily can provide long-term pain relief.

Diet. As previously stated, exercise is recommended for arthritis relief. Although this exercise may be painful at first, it will get easier overtime. Movement will reduce joint stiffness. This should not only provide pain relief, but it lessens the risk of additional complications. For example, those with arthritis who seek little or no treatment later find themselves dealing with severe stiffness, the inability to move, and deformities. Combine diet and exercise to lose weight.

Right about now, you may be thinking dieting isnt free either. In reality it is. You already buy food and drinks. You need these to survive. Carefully choose your foods. Eliminate those with high fats and calories. Weight loss is an easy way to lessen the pain associated with arthritis. The less weight you have pressing on the joints, the less pain you will experience. If you dont have any weight to lose, good. Still know the importance and many health benefits of healthy eating.

Avoid applying too much pressure to the painful joints. Those suffering from severe arthritis will experience pain no matter what the activity. Others will only experience pain when trigged. For example, those who have pain in their elbows want to limit use. If you need to lift heavy boxes, lift them properly. Yes, it is easier to reach down and grab, but this strains the elbows. Instead, properly squat down and lift with your entire body. Avoiding joint pressure will not eliminate arthritis pain, but it will lessen the severity.

Ask for help. As previously stated, some arthritis sufferers trigger severe pain by trying to complete a task they shouldnt. If you have severe arthritis in your hands, dont spend hours trying to open a jar. Not only will you get frustrated with your inability to open the jar, you increase the risk of severe pain. Instead, ask for help.

In conclusion, you do not need to be rich to seek relief from your arthritis caused joint pain. Dont suffer any longer. Exercise, health healthy, limit strenuous activity, and ask for help. Doing so will lessen the pain you experience, without costing you a penny.


Word Count 578

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective

Water Exercise for Arthritis Relief – Fun and Effective
Isabelle Boulay

Everybody knows exercise is a significant part of staying
healthy. As anyone with arthritis can tell you, though, when
your joints say no to play, exercise goes from pleasurable and
stimulating activity into a trial of how much pain you can

The tendency when suffering from arthritis is to keep your
joints as motionless as possible. The problem is that this leads
to weakening of the muscles and tendons and a stiffening of
joints, which makes the pain worse over time. It is a
self-feeding cycle difficult to break out of.

One solution comes in the form of The Arthritis Foundation
Aquatics Program, a warm water exercise program designed by the
Arthritis Foundation. Why warm water exercise? The warmth
offered by hot water allows muscles to relax and intensifies
circulation of blood to the joints. In fact, ever since the
discovery of the first hot springs, humans have used the miracle
of warm water baths to fight aching joints.

Besides reducing the pain in your joints, exercising in water
permits body weight to be supported. This makes exercising in
water easier, safer and more relaxing. Not only that, but the
resistance that water provides as your body moves in it helps
strengthen muscles

These days, what with spas, health clubs and backyard hot tubs,
just about anyone has access to a pool of hot water to relax in.
Not only does this bring some immediate relief of arthritis
symptoms, but it also provides us with a great environment in
which we can exercise.

You should consult your doctor before beginning water exercise.
Water exercise is completely safe for most people, with a few
exceptions. If you’ve have suffered serious joint damage or
replacement surgery you may be among them. Your doctor will know
what’s right for you. Also be aware of temperature. Water
between 83 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for exercise.
Anything over 100 degrees may be relaxing, but can lead to
overheating. After you’ve gotten the doctor go ahead, it’s time
to get started.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatics Program exercises can be found
in the free brochure “Water Exercise: Pools, Spas and Arthritis”
from the Arthritis Foundation. Classes are also offered at local
pools nationwide–contact your local Arthritis Foundation office
for information. The classes are lead by a trained instructor,
usually last between 45 minutes to an hour and are scheduled 2
to 3 times a week.

With a doctor’s guidance, whether at a local pool or at home, a
water exercise program is a fun and effective way to combat
arthritis and keep joints and muscles healthy.

About the author:
Isabelle Boulay is a writer and contributor to, where you can find more information on arthritis
treatment and
atments for high blood pressure.