Pain Relief and Arthritis

According to medical experts, when you have arthritis, youre likely to suffer other diseases. People who have arthritis often feel joint pains because it is accompanied by inflammation. Arthralgia is the medical term for the joint pain. There are over 40 million arthritis sufferers in the United States and they are all continuously looking for effective pain relief. The disease is considered debilitating because sufferers can hardly stand the inflammation and pain.

Arthritis can affect different parts of your body but in most cases, the pain and inflammation occurs on the tendinitis, fibromyalgia, sclerodermal, and joint types or articular. Tendinitis aims at the tendons; Sclerodermal refers to the thickening of the connective tissue and skin; when the muscles become tender and sore especially when touched, it is called fibromyalgia; and the articular refers to lupus or gout and it can be really painful.

You cant really tell when arthritis is going to hit you; whether youre young or old, you can suffer from arthritis. At present, a majority of arthritis sufferers have Osteo-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. People who have these conditions feel persistent back and joint pains. The causes of Osteo-arthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis are different, as well as the effects and risk factors. If youre also suffering from the same symptoms, you can choose among the different pain relief devices, drugs, and products sold in the market.

In the US, Osteo-arthritis affects more or less 21 million individuals in different age ranges. If you have this condition, its natural to have swollen limbs. Your joint cartilage is affected and it also results to stiffness. The condition is commonly called OA and it can affect different body parts like the spine, hips, knees, and fingers. Other parts like the ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists can also be affected but this seldom happens. According to medical experts, these parts are subject to OA if there is a history of unusual stress or injury. Physical trauma and repetitive injury during early age can also cause OA.

The common OA symptoms are intermittent or steady joint pain, stiffness especially an inactive period, tenderness or swelling of a joint/joints, and crunchy feeling when you use your joints.

The only way to determine if you have OA is through an x-ray test. If the symptoms are already present, the doctor will request an x-ray test. The x-ray results will reveal the cartilage deformation as well as the tissues around it. Joint Aspiration can also be performed by a qualified doctor. A synovial fluid will be taken from your affected joints with the use of a tiny needle.

Rheumatoid arthritis is another dreaded condition because it is characterized by chronic and progressive pain of the joints. The synovial tissues tend to increase in size and this is called hyperplasia. This condition provokes bone and cartilage destruction. Damaged cells will eventually die and it also promotes abnormal growth of the surrounding tissues.

Natural products like cod liver, olive oil, and ginger act as pain relievers. These are renowned and affordable products which can relieve pain effectively. Try them out now and see the pain relievers can also work for you. When you feel chronic and progressive joint pains, consult a doctor right away because you may be suffering from arthritis already. It would be best to address your condition at an early stage to prevent the onset of undesirable effects of the disease.

Arthritis Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

Arthritis Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects
John Robben

Arthritis: Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

Did you know that Arthritis is one of the most disabling
diseases? It’s true! Arthritis currently affects more than 40
million Americans and that figure is expected to rise to 60
million by the year 2,020. It is imperative that you read this
article and find out what this devastating disease is truly

Arthritis: What it Is

Basically, Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. There are
currently over 100 forms of Arthritis and remarkably, that
number continues to rise. The most common forms of Arthritis
include: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout (see our
next article, “Symptoms of Arthritis” for more information).
Osteoarthritis is the result of degenerative joint disease, or
simply “wear and tear” on the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is
the result of an over active Immune System that results in
inflammation. Gout is the oldest form of Arthritis and is the
result of too much Uric Acid. The Uric Acid deposits crystals in
the joints, leading to “Gouty Arthritis”. The joint pain,
inherent to all Arthritis sufferers, is referred to as
“Arthralgia”. Not only are the joints susceptible to attack, but
the surrounding muscles, tissues, and organs are vulnerable to
the effects of Arthritis as well. In fact, Arthritis has been
known to attack the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver.

Many people mistakenly believe that Arthritis is a disease that
only affects the elderly. This simply isn’t the case. Yes it’s
true that seniors, especially senior women, are effected the
greatest by Osteoarthritis, yet the average age for onset of
Arthritis is 47 years old, and sufferers are generally afflicted
between the ages of 20-50. Sadly, even infants have been
diagnosed with forms of Arthritis.

One of the most devastating effects of Arthritis has to be that
it is a chronic condition. Arthritis is so weakening that it
only grows worse with time. In fact, Arthritis is so detrimental
that of the diseases that instill chronic physical disabilities,
Arthritis is second only to Heart Disease.

The cost of Arthritis is not only measured in the loss of
quality of life, but it is also measured by dollars and cents as
well. It is estimated that over $150,000 is lost by an
individual over the course of a lifetime due to the debilitating
effects of Arthritis. This is totaled by lost wages, medical
treatments, and the cost of medically based needs and care.

The overall conclusion is that Arthritis is a seriously
unbearable condition that causes chronic pain and weakness. It
does not only affect seniors, but forms of Arthritis also
plagues children. There are over 100 forms of Arthritis and all
Arthritis sufferers share one thing in common, chronic joint
pain. The top three common forms of Arthritis include
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. We have seen
that Arthritis isn’t cured, but managed. Some steps
and treatment plans used by Arthritis sufferers include:

Losing Weight (thereby reducing stress and strain on the
Increasing their Nutritional
Reducing Stress (both physical and
Participating in Gentle Stress Free
Exercises such as Stretching
Using both Hot and
Cold Therapies
Protecting Joints by use of
Splints and Braces
Drug Therapies

If you suffer from Arthritis, don’t give up. There are many
people who are discovering that with the proper management and
health care provisions, they can live better, healthier, and
pain free lives.

Stay tuned for the next article in our series on Arthritis,
Symptoms of Arthritis”.

About the author:
Written by John
Robben of Ultimate Water Massage, Inc.

Providing Massage Services and Pain Relief products. Visit our
Arthritis Information