Dangers of Chlorine in Showers, Pools and Cleaning Products

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with chlorine? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about chlorine.

Who would want to take a bath first thing in the morning if they knew that their showers are filled with toxins? And not only that; if you bathe in your pool or when youre using cleaning products, are you aware that they contain toxins too? Well, that is already a proven fact and you should know because it concerns you and your familys health. Some of the dangers of chlorine in showers, pools, and cleaning products include increasing the risk of skin allergies, cancer, sinuses, and at can also cause maul to your lungs.

It is the toxins that can damage an individuals health. Chlorine is just one of those toxins. Most of the suppliers of water use chlorine for disinfection purposes. However, what these water suppliers dont know is that the chlorine can harden arteries, irritate skin, destroy body proteins, aggravate asthma and sinus conditions, allergies, and most specially, respiratory problems.

There have been many studies showing that people who drink chlorinated water were more susceptible to rectal and bladder cancer. Skin absorbs chlorine. So when you take a shower or you bathe in the pool, your body is absorbing a circle of chlorine. Some tests even showed that the absorption of chlorine is far higher when an individual is taking a bath rather than smartly drinking the water. When youre cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, you usually use cleaning products. The same thing happens; its just like taking a bath because you wet your hands ( this is where chlorine is absorbed ) and you contract inhale the toxins.

You might think that its impossible but it is definitely exact. You see, when youre taking a shower, your pores are opened and when this happens, the whole body will work similar to that of a sponge. Chlorine vapors are inhaled and absorbed by the skin. It goes directly to the bloodstream. This is much faster than drinking the water because chlorine will still pass to other organs of the physique.

The risks can be divided regard short term and long term. In the light term of exposure to chlorine, you can suffer from sinus, skin, and eye irritations. Over the long term, people can suffer from hardened arteries, oxidation ( wherein cells and tissues develop fast ), and susceptibility to cancer. Individuals suffering from asthma, allergies, skin rashes, and emphysema should lessen the exposure to chlorinated water because their conditions can become worse.

Because of these alarming facts, crackerjack are now counteractive measures that people contract turn to. Since shower and pools, make sure that you use a proper water filter. There are shower filters available in the market but just make sure that you buy one with the KDF medium. Pool filters are also widely available. In the case of cleaning products, you should look into the ingredients before you make a pull. If you want, you can turn to the basics and use baking soda or vinegar to easy the house.

As a responsible homeowner, you should be aware of the dangers of chlorine in showers, pool, and cleaning products. This is the only way to live a much safer sentience. Who could radically think that danger is lurking in the comforts of your home? Stay safe and take the necessary measures in regularity to address the chlorine problems.
Now you can be a confident expert on chlorine. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on chlorine.

Complications Of Diabetes

Just like in any other illnesses, the first thing that people need is to be informed and educated about the disease that may be prone to. In case of diabetes, extensive knowledge about this can help people who are already suffering from it to cope up and manage and can also help those who dont have it yet to be more careful and to avoid the illness.

But, aside from having extensive knowledge on the disease such as its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, it also pays to know if there would be related complications. This is to prepare ones selfemotionally, physically, and emotionallyabout the possibilities of coping not just with diabetes but other complications related to it as well.

There are certain factors that affect people to be prone to diabetes such as age, heredity and ethnicity. But regardless of the risk factors, the related complications would just be the same. The following are just some of the complications of diabetes that people who are prone to it must pay attention to:

1. HEART DISEASE AND STROKE. Experts say that people who have diabetes have greater risks to having coronary heart diseases and to stroke compared to those who dont have them. In fact, these complications are the lead causes of death among diabetics all over the world. People suffering from diabetes are prone to heart diseases and stroke because the fatty deposits brought by drastic changes in the body can block the arteries and leads to heart attack. Because of lesser amount of insulin in the body compared to regular people, diabetics have higher incidence of blood clotting and can also lead to high blood pressure or hypertension.

2. DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE. Among people with diabetes, kidney failure is the most common complication because the blood-filtering units of the kidneys are being damaged. Once the kidney has been damaged, important proteins are being along with urine and eventually, the kidneys wont be able to remove the waste products present in the blood anymore. The good thing is, not all diabetics experience End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD) which can be life threatening. To avoid this complication, you must stop smoking cigarettes and always keep the blood pressure under control at all times.

3. DIABETIC EYE DISEASE. This refers to the group of eye problems that diabeticspeople with diabetesmay have as a result of the chronic disease. In worst cases, this set of eye related problems such as diabetic retinopathy, damaged vessels of the eyes retina, cataract, cloudiness in the lens of the eyes, glaucoma, and increased fluid pressure inside the eye that is damaging to optic nerve. All of these, when not treated immediately and now monitored properly can lead to total loss of vision loss or blindness.

4. DIABETIC NEUROPATHY. Those people who are into smoking, drinking, and those who have poor control with glucose are more prone to developing neuropathy compared to those diabetics who are not into these vices and bad habits.

5. GASTROPARESIS. This disorder involves the stomach as a result of prolonged emptying. Studies show that around 20 to 30 percent of diabetics suffering from type 1 diabetes are more prone to this diabetes complication because it severely damages the vagus nerve which is responsible for keeping the food moving through persons the digestive tract. Although it is also diagnosed among those who have type 2 diabetes the cases are comparatively lower.

Thai Massage Therapy at a Closer Look

Massage is said to be therapeutic. It is the science of healing that involves the human touch, so to speak. For several decades now, people have been making use of this option to treat their physical and emotional dilemmas. A lot of them even attest to how beneficial the massage has been to them. Although on the contrary there are likewise a bunch of individuals who believe and emphatically stress out its danger on those who suffer from serious medical issues, no one is able to deny how relaxing the technique can be. One of the most popular types is the Thai massage therapy.

A Bit of a Background
Thai massage is one of the types that has been practiced for a long time. Its existence can be traced to more than a thousand years now. The therapy itself forms part of the well-known area of Thai medicine. It comprises of manipulation, medicinal treatment, ritual, and diet. It is rooted from the belief that each and every disease is caused by a particular imbalance in the energy system within the body. It is geared at the promotion of balance which hence aids in the complete healing and rejuvenation of an individual.

The Techniques Unraveled
To be able to do the overall process of Thai massage, several techniques need to be applied. The pressure involved is actually gentler as compared to the rest of the types of massage therapy. It works well like the Shiatsu. In this kind of therapy, the pressure is applied on the energy channels and they are being treated using two directions.

One more technique is known as blood stopping. It is done by means of applying the pressure on the arteries in the leg or arm for about a minute. The theory that works behind is that of the importance of cutting out the principal source of the circulation that will lead to a heightened pressure. This will then lead to the slowing down of the heart muscle contractions that will eventually tone down the pressure. As the pressure applied on the artery has been let go, a supply of blood goes into the area so that brings the organ to a more relaxed state. This technique is not recommended for use on someone who has diabetes and other heart related issues.

Passive refers to the kind of stretching employed on the patient but he doesn’t move. Only the therapist does. The stretching is done in several stages and at a slow pace. Other techniques involved are hatha yoga and postures.

The Involvement of Reflexology
Reflexology or that which is otherwise known as foot massage is also a part of Thai massage. Reflexology is based on the belief that the points contained on the feet are useful enough to cure the body because every point is somehow related to a specific organ. When the energies are enhanced, the person will be able to establish a deeper connection to the Earth.

Thai massage therapy employs techniques that are to be performed for a longer duration of time. It can usually last up to three hours. It is important to engage a licensed therapist to ensure that everything is done properly. However, you should consult your doctor prior to taking any of these techniques to further avoid the dangers to your health.

An Overview about Spider Vein Treatment and Development of Other

An Overview about Spider Vein Treatment and Development of Other Veins

The sight of those unwanted veins on your face and on your legs can make you want to rush to your trusted doctors for varicose and spider vein treatment. Although the technology with regards to the cure for such occurrence is continuously developing, people also remain in constant search for some permanent solutions to what they deem as a problem.

Finding a solution to the perceived problem cannot be categorized as mere vanity. Maybe you just want to feel good and you are also concerned about the health risks that these cases may bring forth. It is when you can no longer perform your daily tasks and your life and job is affected by your ultimate goal of concealing the veins that this becomes a personal issue.

Women are more prone to spider veins. The reason for this is the hormonal change that they go through especially during the menopausal period. But men also suffer from the situation.

The Development of the Veins
Who ever likes the emergence of the unwanted veins in their faces and legs? But you cannot do anything about it. You may slow down the process, but as you age, you will have to face the truth that the veins are there to stay. It is of course not unless you are willing to pay the price for these veins to be removed through medical procedures.

If you are wondering how these veins develop, here’s a brief overview to give you an idea.

Do you know how the veins work in the circulation of the blood throughout your body? First off, the heart pumps the blood to be able to supply the needed nutrients and oxygen on the different parts of the body. The arteries are responsible to carry the blood from the heart to your body parts. The veins, on the other hand, carry the blood from various parts of the body and bring it back to the heart.

It is amazing how the body works. But just like machines, the body gets old and rusty as it ages, thus the emergence of sickness, weakness and other signs of aging.

The veins act as the one-way valves. They aim to prevent the blood from flowing back to where they’ve been before it can reach the heart. Through time, these valves weaken. As a result, the blood can leak back to the vein. If the vein has collected enormous amount of blood, this can cause decongestion and the vein will be clogged. This is why the vein expands and becomes enlarged and swollen. The result will be either varicose or spider veins.

What’s the difference?

Spider veins are nearer on the surface of the skin. These are smaller and they appear in red or bluish colors. Varicose, on the other hand, looks more swollen. It appears like the veins will pop out of the skin any time, although it can be found deeper than the spider veins. This appears in the colors blue and deep purple. When a woman is pregnant, she’s prone to develop varicose veins around the vaginal area. These are more known as hemorrhoids.

You can consult your trusted dermatologists for any vein problems. Spider vein treatment is easier than curing varicose and hemorrhoids. It doesnt pose much health risks than the two.