Reflexology Massage, which is also known as the zone therapy, is an alternative medicine technique in which massaging, stroking, squeezing, pressing, rubbing and pushing on very specific areas of the feet, hands, and ears is applied to promote or stimulate beneficial effects to other corresponding remote parts of the body such as the vital internal organs (heart, liver, brain, stomach, bladder, sinuses, spleen, gall bladder, pituitary grand, adrenal gland, pancreas, kidneys, ureter, colon, small intestines, thyroid, bronchial tubes, coccyx, lungs, and appendix) and other essential systems (voice, neck, throat, eyes, ears, armpits, shoulders, arms, breasts, solar plexus, sciatic nerve, diaphragm, and Peyers patches). The intent is to improve the subjects overall health of the body as a whole and the mind.

The American Association of Reflexologists claims that Reflexology Massage results in improved blood circulation, detoxification of metabolic wastes, reductions of tension and the facilitation of the bodys capability to heal itself. The Associations also claims that Reflexology Massage is effective for back pain, migraines, infertility, arthritis and a long string of other mind and body problems.

Since studies and research failed to reach clinical conclusions about the effectiveness of Reflexology Massage, medical professionals of the Western persuasion have repeatedly expressed concerns that the belief in this practice may dangerously delay treatments of potentially serious health conditions. They have even resorted to calling reflexologys claim to maneuver energy (gi) pseudoscientific as there is no scientific evidence for the existence of life energy, crystalline structures or pathways in the human body. In the United States, the same medical critics and others disapprove of the lack of medical training and the short duration of training such as it is. They further disparage over the fact that there exists no central regulation for accrediting and licensing Reflexology Massage therapists. Conversely, several European countries, among them Switzerland, require reflexologists to be trained and licensed medical practitioners with a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology.

However, based on ancient Chinese healing, reflexologists claim that the human body contains an invisible energy field which is the life force or the gi and they insist that a blockage or an obstruction of this life force prevent or puts off the bodys natural inclination for self healing and the improvement of health and wellness.

Dr. William H. Fitzgerald, an ear, nose and throat specialist and his partner Dr. Edwin Bowers are said to have been the first to pioneer reflexology in the United States in 1913. Referring to their theory as zone therapy, Drs. Fitzgerald and Bowers claimed that, in fact, imposing pressure at some very specific sites of the body provides analgesic and anesthetic effects on other distant parts.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Eunice D. Ingham, a nurse and a physiotherapist, declared that the hands and feet are particularly receptive and proceeded to diagram the entire body into associated impulse or reflex points on the feet. By doing so, Ingham changed the previously spoken of zone therapy to reflexology or reflexology massage and his charted reflexes are still followed today.

Whether Reflexology Massage truly attains the exact results it alleges to attain is, in my opinion, not all that important. The more important issue here is the fact that a vigorous massage to the hands and feet feels so very good, especially after a hard days work, that it must be therapeutic in one way or another. Or maybe it just feels good and thats OK too.


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How Doctors Test for Lymphoma

The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage–at least it seems that way. If you’ve been thinking you need to know more about it, here’s your opportunity.

In all kinds of diseases and ailments knowing what you have exactly can mean life and death. Identifying, categorizing and understanding your current character allow doctors to determine the proper and most virtuous means of making you better. Without proper diagnosis, the prescribed treatment can be useless and at times even prove to be deadly. In the case of lymphoma, one would encounter terms like biopsy, bone marrow examination, blood tests, spinal tap and scans which are some of the basic procedures employed by medical experts to determine or confirm the presence of lymphoma.

Usually, the very first thing that helps determine if one has lymphoma is self diagnosis. Those that observe enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits or groin would more often than not trigger alarm bells in the their heads. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes and the immune system. As the cancer cells develop, a tumor is formed usually in the lymph nodes which manifests as light lumps. Upon consultation, your doctor will puzzle a battery of tests to confirm if it is lymphoma and if it is indeed cancer determine what mechanism it is at to know the possible course of treatment.

A biopsy is ofttimes the first test that your doctors will employ to confirm the presence of cancer in your lymph nodes. In a biopsy, a small sample of tissue cells is taken from the lump either through a needle or via surgery. The cells are then examined by a pathologist to confirm lymphoma cells and the diagnoses. By studying the sample cells, the can also determine the basic kind of lymphoma the patient has, whether its Hodgkin or Non – Hodgkin lymphoma. But to determine the subtle details, doctors revert to the procedure called as immunohistochemistry which simply means looking for the unique properties of the tumor cell surface through the application markers such since fluorescent dye, enzyme, or colloidal gold to accurately classify the tumor.

You doctor would most likely require you to undergo several blood tests. The blood samples would be examined closely to see the state of your red blood cells, white blood cells and cerise platelets. These tests would also help determine if the cancer has affected your bodys way of producing roseate. The blood tests could also show the condition of your kidneys and liver. And more importantly, the information gathered from the tests could serve as basic foundations for the kind of treatments or drugs that could be used for your impetuous recovery.

Doctors might also require you to undergo a bone marrow test wherein a sample of the bone pith is taken from your hip using a thin needle. It is a common deed used to test for various cancers and other blood diseases. A spinal tap or lumbar puncture can also be ordered by your doctor in specific circumstances. This checks the fluid in your spinal cord and determines if hunk cancer cells have invaded the spine. This procedure involves inserting a thin needle at the lower subdivision of your back and I can be fully painful and uncomfortable.

CT scans will also help determine where the tumors are exactly since it takes pictures of your body from different angles. An MRI scan, on the hand, will help determine if the cancer cells have spread to your nervous system or other body organs.

How doctors tests for lymphoma involves logical procedures whose main goal is finding out what exactly the patient has in order to determine what kinds of treatments would steward used.
Don’t limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Lymphoma. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what’s important.

Diagnosing Lymphoma

When you think about Lymphoma, what do you think of first? Which aspects of Lymphoma are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

Many people that suffer from lymphoma, the cancer of the lymph system, remain undiagnosed for a great time because they dont know the symptoms to watch out for.

The alarming signs of lymphoma would include enlarged nodes that are repeatedly painless lumps that are seen in the neck, armpits or groin; sudden dropping of weight; continuous or internment fever, excessive sweating at duskiness time, extreme itchiness every bite of the build, the like crazy loss in appetite; the feeling enervate or fatigue, weakness despite regular eating and rest, and swollen neck and face along with non stop breathlessness.

Aside from the lymph system, experts say that lymphoma can also occur in the other parts of the body or organs such as the stomach. So, when at least three of these symptoms become persistent, it would be best for you to inspect a doctor so he or she could request for lymphoma diagnosis for you.

Options for lymphoma diagnosis

If you want to have an abstraction what are the options for you when you decide to undergo diagnosis for lymphoma, the most common tests and procedures would include biopsy, knowing the type of lymphoma and other uniform tests.

1. Biopsy. This is considered as the ” first step ” in diagnosis for lymphoma. Usually, doctors perform what they call ” excisional biopsy ” wherein a dwarf sample of tissue will be acquired from the affected organs or nodes of the patient. Once the sample is acquired, an expert called ” pathologist, ” will examine it under the microscope. Here, it can be seen if the patient has cancer cells that would cause lymphoma. The most common type of biopsy given to those who are at stake is ” lymph node biopsy “. However, when the cancerous cells affect areas same considering the bent, the skin, or the abdomen or stomach, a biopsy from the mentioned organ will be prioritized. A more specific type of biopsy for lymphoma is called ” Lymph Node Biopsy and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ” or FNAC which intends to get more sample for to produce a well – detailed diagnosis.

2. How to determine the type of lymphoma. Once the biopsy has been made, the next would be how to determine the aspect of lymphoma there is. There are owing to 20 types of lymphoma but these all fall under two group including Hodgkin or non – Hodgkin lymphoma. This can be determined by the pathologist once he or queen places the sample of tissue under a microscope. Here, physical appearance of the cells will be scrutinized carefully.

3. Succeeding tests after the diagnosis. After the biopsy and after the grain of lymphoma has been determined, a series of tests and other examinations will follow. These are very important to be able to know exactly how much of the cancer cells have spread out and the potential waste it has brought to the organ / s affected. Other tests endowment include Bone Marrow Test and PET Scans for Lymphoma among others. These are crucial for the patient so he or she would undergo necessary treatments that would make the aspect a lot exceptional.
Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Detecting Early Signs of Lymphoma

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding Lymphoma. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Lymphoma.

There are many types of cancer and it is premium that you become aware of the symptoms of signs of each forasmuch as that you wont be surprised after spending lots of point thinking about things and realizing that you are already infected with one. Many kinds of the cancer disease are hard to determine, especially at the first phase, which is a vital suit to know if you have this so that you can undergo the necessary medications while the sickness can still be cured. One kind of cancer with symptoms that are confusing is known as lymphoma. Most of the signs and changes on your body that will occur if you have this can also happen in other kinds of illnesses.

This kind of cancer starts in the lymphocytes, which can be found in the bodys immune system. The condition will develop into determined tumor on the lymphoid cells. This illness is categorized in many types that are part of an extensive group of disorders that are referred to as hematological neoplasms.

If you are starting to feel vital changes on your system, you must not disregard this. Check these common symptoms of this illness and consult your doctor for more information and proper treatment.

1. It is a good shape to check your frame for any kinds of lumps that are already growing at certain areas. In this case, enlarged lymph nodes usually develop in the groin, armpits and neck. You bequeath notice these if you are going to inspect your body when you are done bathing or when you are go-getting clothes. These lumps are painless, especially during the first few weeks of the cancer development. These nodes usually lead to other symptoms that are not exclusive to this kind of malady.

2. The cells that are infected with whatever is causing the illness produce first chemicals that may cause the total body to itch. This may become intolerable no matter what kind of creams you put on your skin, so you may be more determined to get checked by a professional. It may be subscribe to resort to self – medication during the first day or even two, but you really posses to take the matter augmented seriously if the itchiness doesnt stop after you have tried business. You wouldnt want to be faced with greater consequences as a result of your inaction, so you really have to consult the doctor to know whats the cause.

3. As the cancer cells grow, you will caress weaker and wont have the energy to do things that you used to enjoy. These cancer cells utilize most of the bodys nutrients. Aside from this, you are also losing the drive to eat. This entrust lead to alarming weight loss and if you are not going to do body about it, you will find it hard to enjoy life and become productive.

Even if you dont have it, it will help to be armed with the right information about how to detect if you have lymphoma. It is also very important to undergo overall body exam once a year to make sure that you are fit and you are not suffering from any kinds of illnesses.
As your knowledge about Lymphoma continues to grow, you will begin to see how Lymphoma fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.