Anemia in Adolescents

To understand what is anemia one should begin with breathing. The oxygen that is inhaled simply doesnt stop in lungs. It circulates though out the body and fuels the brains also. Oxygen travels to all parts of the body though bloodstream and to be precise in the RBCs I.e. red blood cells. Now, these RBCs are produced in the bone marrow of the body and they serve as boats carrying oxygen in the bloodstream. RBCs have something called hemoglobin, a protein which holds oxygen. To make adequate hemoglobin body requires iron in plenty. The iron is supplied by the foods that we take along with other nutrients. When these RBCs are fewer in number than what is needed anemia occurs in the body. There can be 3 primary reasons: RBCs are lost due to some reason, the production of RBCs is slower than what is needed and lastly the body is destroying the RBCs. Different types of anemia are linked to at least one of these causes.

The bone marrow replaces small amounts of blood is lost due to some reason without making a person anemic. But in cases where considerable amount of blood flows in small amount of time as a result of an injury due to a serious example for instance, it may not be possible for bone marrow to replace RBCs so quickly resulting in anemia. Also, losing small amounts of blood over long periods of time may also lead to anemia. Example of this situation can be seen in girls who get heavy periods attributed mainly to deficiency of iron in the diet.

Anemia due to iron deficiency is the most common kind of anemia in the United States. It occurs mainly due to lack of iron in a persons diet. A teen with iron deficiency would have lower hemoglobin production and consequently lower RBCs. When the production of RBCs is low the person is regarded as anemic. The signs of anemia are paleness and tiredness. There can be other reasons as to why enough RBCs are not produced in the body. Folic acid and Vitamin B-12 are also essential to produce RBCs. Getting these in adequate quantities is this important too. There can be a problem with bone marrows working too resulting in anemia.

Hemolytic anemia occurs when a person has RBCs whose lifespan is shorter. The bone marrow may not be able to produce new blood cells if the blood cells die too early. This can result due to many reasons including person having disorders like sphenocytosis or sickle cell anemia. In some cases the immune system of the body may itself destroy the RBCs. In some cases certain antibodies can form in the blood as a result of reaction to certain drugs or infections and may attack the RBCs.

Teens get anemia as they grow rapidly the amount of iron intake may not be enough to keep up with the pace of the growth as it needs more nutrients in this process. In the case of girls they need more iron after puberty and are at risk due to heavy blood loss during menstrual periods. In some cases pregnancies also leads to anemia. Also, teens who diet excessively to lose weight may also be at risk of having iron deficiency. Meat eaters especially red meat eaters are at less risk compared to vegetarians as meat has rich iron in it.


Word Count 570

Allergies in Adolescents

Allergies are reactions by immune system that are abnormal in nature to stuff that are usually harmless to majority of the people. When somebody is allergic to something the immune system of that person gets confused and thinks that the substance is detrimental to the body. The substances causing allergic reactions are known as allergens. The examples of allergens are dust, food, plant pollen, medicine etc. The body produces antibodies to protect itself from these allergens. The antibodies make certain cells present in the system to let chemicals to mix with the bloodstream and one of them is histamine. This chemical then acts on nose, eyes, skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and results in allergic reaction symptoms. Exposure to the same chemicals in future triggers same response to the antibodies again meaning every time one comes in contact with the same allergen, allergic reaction is produced in the body.

Allergic reactions can range from mild symptoms like runny nose to more severe ones such as difficulty in breathing. Teenagers suffering from asthma often have allergic reaction to cold and get asthma attack is another example of allergies. Some kinds of allergies trigger multiple symptoms. Allergic reactions in very rare cases also produce severe reaction known as anaphylaxis for which the signs are difficulty in breathing, difficulty in swallowing, swelling in tongue, lips and throat and dizziness. This allergic reaction occurs as soon as the system is exposed to substances that trigger allergic reactions like peanut although some reactions are delayed by as much as four hours.

The reasons why people get allergies can be various and one of the reasons could be hereditary but that that does not necessarily mean that children are bound to get allergies from their parents. Some of the common allergens include food, airborne particles, insect bite and sting, medicines, chemicals etc. Food allergies typically occur in infants and usually vanish as the child grows. The list of food allergens includes milk & dairy products, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts, and seafood. Some people are allergic to stings and bites of certain insects. The venom in the bite is the one which actually causes reaction and can be as serious as anaphylactic in some teens. Some teens are also allergic to airborne particles which are also known as environmental allergens. They are also the commonest of all the allergens. Examples of these allergens include dust mites, animal dander, mold spores, grass pollens, trees and ragweed. Some adolescents are also allergic to certain antibiotic medicines. Another common allergen is chemical, certain chemicals present in laundry detergents or cosmetics can cause rashes that are itchy in nature.

Allergists usually treat allergic problems. They may ask questions like symptoms of the allergy and whether it is hereditary. They may also prescribe certain diagnostic tests like blood or skin test depending on the type of allergy. The best way to treat allergies is to completely avoid the substances that cause allergies. However there are certain medications and injections are also available to treat allergies.

One can follow certain things to avoid allergies like people who have food allergies that contain should peanuts and any food containing smallest amount of peanuts. Also avoid using cosmetic that contain chemicals allergic to the skin. One can also avoid airborne allergies by keeping pets in restricted areas and away from bedroom. Replace carpets and rugs from time to time. Avoid keeping things that accumulate dust. And also clean the room and house frequently.


Word Count 580

Arthritis Pain Relief 101

Arthritis Pain Relief 101
Charlene J. Nuble

Coming of age equals coming of a variety of body pains. And do you know what most of our oldies would complain about regarding this issue? Arthritis. An estimate of over 50 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions related conditions.The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It is the kind of arthritis that usually affects nearly three-quarters of those over 50. At the onset of arthritis, pain is not a part of the major system yet. Morning and after rest stiffness and crackling joints are usually the first few symptoms that confirm the diagnosis of the condition. Upon the development of the disease, patients are expected to suffer from more discomfort, disability and pain.If left untreated, it can become progressively distressing and painful crippling can result. This is particularly true with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects women. It is prevalent with age group of 20 to 45.Arthritis is not only caused by the wear and tear the joints undergo. There are other factors that aggravate this condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an immune deficiency syndrome where antibodies develop against components of joint tissue, and mistakenly and aggressively attack the joints. Misdirected neovascularization leads to displacement of water while decreasing the volume and viscosity of synovial fluid (fluid between joints), further lessening the flexibility and cushioning power of the joint, until the surfaces of raw unprotected bone painfully begin to wear against each other, as it happens in conditions of Osteoarthritis. Inborn recessive genetic errors may also predict the inclination of a person to develop arthritis.Dealing with the chronic pain of arthritis can be frustrating. Pain from arthritis is often caused by inflammation, a localized protective reaction of tissues to irritation or any kind of injury and is often characterized by pain, redness, swelling and even disability. Crepitation is a process that can also cause the pain that is felt by an arthritis patient. It is the rubbing together of two bone fragments that cause a crackling sound. Muscle tension and fatigue can also cause the pain.The usual treatment for arthritis is through the use of painkillers. Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin can help relieve the pain of arthritis. But they only target the symptom and not the disease itself. Studies even show that the continual use of these NSAIDs may even cause joint deterioration thus making arthritis worse. Modern medicine does not have much to offer for the cure of this disease.The traditional temporary arthritis pain relief medications available leave a lot to be desired. Other pain solutions can be relied on to achieve arthritis pain relief. Massage therapy, hydrotherapy and cold packs are a few of the simple methods of pain management. Herbal remedies such as ginger, willow bark and fish oils and the well-known cartilage constituents glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are also promising a lot in revolutionizing the treatment of arthritis. Aside from the symptomatic relief they offer, they actually interfere with the origin of the disease. They are also being considered to help the body rebuild functioning joints. Also reported to be fast acting,in cream form, they increase mobility and optimal repair of joint structures as they help reinforce the body’s protective linings and lubricating fluids by recovering cell stability and function to stop further damage. Those discovered treatments among many might just be the best among the elusive arthritis pain relief that are commercially available. But above all, no matter how clichd it may sound, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.————————-Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR’S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.————————- About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about arthritis, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

Heres A Test To Fail

To diagnose an allergy, the first thing your doctor
does is talk with you. Hell discuss your symptoms,
any medications youre currently taking, and your
personal and family history. A physical examination is
also necessary.

The next step is the tests. There are 3 types of
tests. The skin test, patch test or blood test.

The skin test is the most common test used. Its
generally the most accurate and certainly the least
expensive. With the skin test, a small amount of an
allergen is put on your skin and then the spot is
pricked or scratched with a needle. You can also have
a little bit of the allergen injected into the outer
layer of your skin.

If you have an allergy to the substance that was used,
youll have swelling, redness and itching in the
tested spot within 20 minutes.

The patch test is used to diagnose contact dermatitis.
A small amount of allergen is put on your skin and
covered with a bandage. Your doctor will check the
spot in 48 hours to see if youve developed a rash.

The third type of test is the blood test. This may be
used if you have a skin condition or if youre taking
some type of medication that might interfere with a
skin test.

A blood sample is taken and sent to a laboratory.
There they add allergens to the sample and measure the
amount of antibodies that are produced to attack it.