Make A Natural Ear Infection Remedy At Home

A good natural ear infection remedy can save you a lot of time and money. Going to the doctor every time someone in your family gets an ear ache can take up your entire day. You have to wait in the waiting room, then wait for a prescription, then deal with the pain until the medication works.

This also costs money and if you or someone in your family is prone to ear infections, it can add up to a lot. Why waste all that energy on dealing with a doctor when you can use natural ingredients to make a cure for an ear infection right in your home? However, before trying any home remedies its a good idea to visit a doctor at least once.

You can use products that you probably already have in your house. Many foods contain natural antioxidants and can treat infections when properly applied to the ear. Eating the right foods can also enhance the speed of which the infection goes away.

A good home remedy will use natural ingredients to reduce the pain and kill the infection at the same time. Human urine can actually do that, and quickly. Apply a few drops directly into the ear. It will soothe the pain and the ammonia will work rapidly to stop the infection.

For a less disgusting method that uses natural food products, you can drop lemon juice into the infected ear. Bacteria can only grow in the ear when the Ph levels are a base. Adding the acidic lemon juice will neutralize the Ph levels, killing off the bacteria and the infection.

A combination of olive oil, garlic, and onions will quickly relieve pain and stop the ear infection. Simmer these ingredients along with a small amount of water to create an extract. An ear dropper can get that extract right down into the ear. The warm olive oil loosens up any build-up and the rest will treat the infection itself.

Hot compresses can be a simple solution that doesnt require any kind of chemicals going into the ear. All you have to do is lie on the side that has the infection and press the hot compress directly against your ear.

Another homemade solution that uses all natural ingredients to fight an ear infection requires only vinegar and water. Make the solution with 50 percent water and 50 percent white vinegar. Put just a little bit into the infected ear. You can do this multiple times if it doesnt clear up.

You should eat foods with the right nutrients in them to help your body fight off the ear infection naturally. A lot of Vitamin C is useful for any type of infection and you can use supplements or drink a lot of orange juice. Green tea also has helpful antioxidants that will assist the bodys healing process.

Not all of these methods will work for every person, so dont panic if one of them doesnt work for you. Try every natural ear infection remedy you feel comfortable with until you find one that gives you the best results.

Please remember to consult your personal physician if your ear problems are chronic or persist for days, without relief.

How To Use A Home Remedy For Ear Infection Bacteria

How To Use A Home Remedy For Ear Infection Bacteria

It can always be helpful to use a home remedy for ear infection bacteria because it relieves pain and pressure quickly. Most ear pain comes from ear infections and removing the infection naturally removes the pain. You can treat infections right in your own home. However, before trying any home remedies its a good idea to visit a doctor at least once.

Despite it being an old wives tale, urine can be a cure-all when it comes to treating an ear infection with natural solutions you have at home. A couple drops of urine in the ear that is causing the trouble will not only relieve the pain with its warmth but the ammonia in the urine will kill the bacteria.

Other remedies for dealing with ear infections require items from your kitchen. Most people use garlic and onions for cooking, but they can also kill bacteria. Simmering the garlic and onion along with some olive oil will create oil that can be dropped into the infected ear. The oil works wonders for ear aches.

Lemon juice can be an easy method to remove an infection in the ear. A couple drops put directly into the ear without any dilution will serve as an acidic to the bacterias base. Mixing an acid with a base will neutralize the bacteria and kill it.

Vinegar is good for cleaning a variety of things, and an ear is no different. You can combine vinegar and water in a 50/50 ratio to make an at home solution for any ear infection. A few drops in the ear a couple times a day will quickly treat the infection.

Most people also use hydrogen peroxide for disinfecting things on and in the body. It can also be used for ear infections since the bubbling action of the hydrogen peroxide cleans the bacteria out of the ear, eliminating the infection.

A hot compress combined with leaning on the side that has the infected ear can reduce pain and drain the ear of the build-up naturally. Laying on the infected side forces the infection to drip out of the ear, and the hot compress will provide a soothing feeling to the aching.

There are many other remedies that people have tried, and you can also make up your own if you have a good sense of what natural products you have work as cleaners. Make sure you dont put anything dangerous such as bleach and strong cleaning products in your ear. Also dont stick anything in your ear to try to pull the build-up out.

These remedies have been used by people for many years and have been known to work time and time again. When you use a home remedy for ear infection, remember that everyone is different and some of these may work better for you than others. You should always remember that if the symptomes are chronic or continue you should consult your physician.