Muscle Pain and Sleeplessness

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that affects the muscles and joints and is seen in only 3-6% of the general population in the world. It’s generally seen more in females than males with a ratio percentage of 9.1 according to the College of Rhumatology and is commonly diagnosed in females between the ages of 20-50 though it’s been noted that the onset happens in childhood. This is not a life-threatening disease though the degree of pain in the condition can vary day to day with periods of flare ups and remission. The disease is being argued and viewed as non-progressive, but that’s a point that remains in limbo.

This is a problematic issue that can be a reason to keep someone up at night because the pain can be unbearable with the tingling and achiness in the muscles. This drives many who deal with this to endless and chronic deprivation of sleep. Those who suffer fibromyalgia also note issues with memory and other neurological issues, but the most frequent is the issues with sleeping that individuals go through when they deal with painful, annoying flare-ups.

Other issues that surround this problem, which can make sleeping very difficult, are irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, which affects mostly women and few men. Skin disorders like dermatological disorders, headaches, myofacial twitching, and symptomatic hypoglycemia. Stress, excessive physical exertion, lack of sleep, changes in temperature and baromic pressure. This condition can worsen when individuals don’t sleep or getting the proper rest and not overdoing on things in their daily lives.

The American Medical Association had officially recognized fibromyalgia as a medical condition back in 1987 when the disorder was around since the 1800s. It’s been said that flare ups are not identical to the ones that are found in people with rheumatoid arthritis, but ibuprofen like Advil, Acenomenofen (Tylenol), and Neproxine (Aleve) which are anti-inflammatory and can bring some comfort to those with fibromyalgia flare ups. Massage has also been ideal in helping those who deal with fibromyalgia to find comfort when they have flare ups. Massage helps to transfer fluids from the muscles and joints and increases circulation to the affected areas to bring some temporary relief for inflammation and flare ups.

Which can actually help improve sleep for someone in pain, but it’s best to get a massage when you’re not on any medication due to the high risk of side effects that can be triggered from massaging tissue and muscles.

Fibromyalgia is a manageable problem if you follow your doctor’s instructions and take your medication as directed and getting the right amount of sleep and getting plenty of exercise and eating a nutritious diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water and limiting things in the diet that can also aggravate flare ups. When you take care of yourself properly you can actually improve the quality of sleep as well as decreasing the debilitating pain.

That can keep someone up all night long instead of allowing them to sleep and getting in a decent amount of time for rest and feeling stress free and more relaxed, so that they can face the day with no painful flare ups and discomfort that can be annoying.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Estrogen Therapy

In the past years, many women have stopped taking estrogen hormones because of the report that it can cause heart disease. Now, researchers have found out that this hormone is not as terrible as what others thought.

Estrogen hormones are helpful in avoiding diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Once a woman has an insufficient number of estrogen in her body, she needs to get a solution to this kind of problem. And the only solution for it is an estrogen therapy.

An estrogen therapy is a therapy for the body, emotional and health-risk factors linked with menopause. It can be in the form of a pill, patch, cream, implant, injection or vaginal ring.

Who should take the estrogen therapy?

There is no exact answer for this since every woman has her own medical record and desires. However, the women who can benefit more from estrogen therapy are those:

With serious vasomotor symptoms like hot flushes

More prone of having bone fracture and osteoporosis

Who have experienced early menopause which is resulted from:

1. Surgery of the ovaries
2. Chemotherapy
3. Malfunction of the ovary

What are the advantages of estrogen therapy?

1. It lessen the threat of osteoporosis
2. It lessen the threat of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease
3. It reduce hot flushes
4. It may reduce mood changes and enhance psychological comfort

Although there are severe threats associated with estrogen therapy, many health practitioner and institutions believe that the helpful result set aside the risk factors. Consider the following statements made by the American Medical Association:

Estrogen therapy is the only reliable and adequate therapy to maintain system dependents with the hormones in the ovary and to reduce hot flushes.

Indicative vaginal waste and vaginitis and waste changes of the lower urinary tract with irregular and inconsistent urination are reversible with the estrogen therapy.

In order to avoid osteoporosis, it requires estrogen replacement.

What are the disadvantages of the estrogen therapy?

1. It increases the threat of uterus cancer

2. It increases the threat of breast cancer especially when used for over 10

3. It can be very dangerous for women who are more prone to blood clotting.

4. It can give headaches or migraines

5. It increases the threat for endometrial cancer

6. It can destroy the liver

With all these advantages and disadvantages presented, it all depends to the person if she wants to have the therapy. However, if you really want to take an estrogen therapy, it would be a nice idea if you discuss the matter carefully with your doctor. Keep in mind that it is your health that will be at stake so, you have to think about it a hundred of times.

Great details and information can be found in the Internet. Having an estrogen therapy could be a very big decision. It is imperative that a woman should be well aware of what she does with her body. This is where the information superhighway, the Internet, could be of valuable help.

Many support grouped and sites dedicated to estrogen therapy could provide invaluable information to many women who are thinking about getting estrogen therapy. Forums and discussions are abound and many women could help each other out. Professional advices are present and women who has undergone the therapy could point out some more advantages and disadvantages about estrogen therapy.

Other Side of the Coin: Disadvantages of Hypnosis for children

Other Side of the Coin: Disadvantages of Hypnosis for children

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with hypnosis? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about hypnosis.

Hypnosis for children to resolve or address some issues or problems swivel behaviour or health is called hypnotherapy. In hypnotherapy, children use their daydreams to pin money their behaviours, sensations and other symptoms. Not everybody contract be a hypnotherapist. A trained health and psychiatric mindset is needed to put children, also adults, into hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy or using hypnosis for treatments used to be unthinkable. Most people and patients alike, tend to credit that hypnotherapists would require their patient to walk, cluck like chickens when hypnotized. One major disadvantage of this treatment, is the lack of support it has endured as an alternative treatment.

But currently, things are starting to shape up for hypnotic treatment. There are medical groups who are rudimentary to recognize the potential of hypnotherapy in treating illnesses and dealing dissemble disorders.

In 1958, the American Medical Association, already recognized hypnosis as a form of treatment. The American Psychological Association has acknowledged hypnosis as treatment oldness ago. The National Institute of Health expressed it support for hypnotherapy as a method of relieving pain for cancer patients in 1995.

But still regardless of the medical endorsements, there is still a prevailing outlook that hypnosis as a treatment is negative and images of funny people on hypnotic state conjures up to our mind.

Another disadvantage of hypnotherapy is that there are children or people who cannot be hypnotized at all. Children who show psychotic symptoms are not compatible hush up hypnotic treatment. While children or teen – agers using drugs or alcohol also prove to be poor hypnotic patients.

Hypnotherapy is best recommended for children ages 5 and above. Children, unlike adults, are deeper in touch with their imaginative side. This could be either constructive or detrimental in the hypnosis process. That is why different approaches should be used based on different age and characteristics.

Hypnotherapy can also be done by parents to their children. Experts say that children with ages seven to eight are in the hypnotic state most of the time even when there is no hypnotist around. On these ages, children take in suggestion bare seriously. Parents who boost not to be too susceptible with what they say to their children may say some remarks which can be both hurtful and have some effect on their self – esteem.

This is why children who are undergoing hypnotherapy tends to be sensitive to what is around them remember that hypnotherapy and its positive effects can be turned into rubble when negative energy surrounds the child. Parents should be sensitive with what they say and motivate to their children.

Sometimes a hypnotherapist may forget to remove the suggestions of the hypnotic sessions. If a child is undergoing therapy for pain management, this could pose a problem. When under these kind of treatment, children may run into accidents or serious holy mess which may engender serious injury and not get any proper treatment. It is important for parents to take note of these when sessions for hypnosis of children is done.

It is material to remember that these disadvantages of using hypnosis for children is more of a social prejudice. There are some people who regard hypnosis as control or manipulation of ones reasoning and body which is completely untrue. Hypnotherapy when properly done could render positive and burly results. Most of our fear about hypnotherapy is rooted on how it was viewed in the past, which is mostly myths.

That’s the latest from the hypnosis authorities. Once you’re familiar with these ideas, you’ll be ready to move to the next level.

Fish Oil For The Heart

It seems that a lot of research and studies are showing how effective fish oil is in helping improve our heart conditions. Studies in Denmark showed that fish oil could reduce heart attacks by 50 %. While the Journal of American Medical Association published a report from Harvard School of Public Health that states that women who consume fish with higher Omega-3 fatty acid lessens their risk of incurring any heart disease.

These evidences show us how good Omega-3 fatty acid is to our body. This would actually improve our life and lengthen our life span. High contents of Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring and anchovies. They have docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA which have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant effects.

Omega-3 fatty acid belongs to the polyunsaturated fats, along with omega-6 fatty acid. Omega- 6 acid come mainly from vegetable oil. Omega-6 oils can also provide the body with heart and health benefits, but too much is also bad for the body. Omega-3 fatty acids do not only help in heart issues, but also support brain development.

EPA and DHA are very important to our body. But the body does not produce Omega-3 fatty acid. We have to get the nutrients from our food. Omega-3 acids are called or referred to as building blocks of the body. They help the brain and vision development, not only for children but for adults as well.

Italian researchers actually say that consuming about 1 gram of Omega-3 per day would show significant effects on reducing heart attacks. A gram of Omega-3 fatty acid can be present in a medium sized serving of salmon.

How do these acids exactly reduce heart attack risks?

They reduce triglyceride levels. Triglycerides come from fats of the food that we eat and calories not digested. In excessive amount, tryglycerides can cause coronary heart disease. They are just like cholesterol, they block the arteries and these can lead to heart attacks.

Aside from that they can also stabilise irregular heart beat. It can lower blood pressure and increase the level of good cholesterol. They also have anti-inflammatory characteristics. They are also anti-coagulant which means they make sure that they platelets do not stick together are clot. These clotted platelets can also block the arteries and the blood flow. You call this Thrombosis.

But according to a research led by Dr. Jochen Senges of the University of Heidelberg, the risk for a second attack among patients who used recommended medications compared with those who are using fish oil has no significant difference. It just show how important it is to avoid getting any heart attack in the first place.

You can take fish oil supplement or eat a lot of fatty fish but if you do not combine them with a healthy heart diet, still it is going to be useless. A healthy heart diet would include high fiber food like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and nuts. Aside from eating fish, eating good quality protein products like lean poultry, non-fat dairy, and other products that does not contain saturated fat or trans fat.

Fish oil is not a magic pill which can transform you immediately into a healthy person just by taking them. Being a healthy person does not only require taking food supplements but also eating properly and healthily.