Smoking Related Health Problems in Adolescents

Smoking is the cause of many diseases and kills about four hundred and forty two thousand people every year in the United States. In spite of anti smoking campaigns and billboard warnings, more and more people are joining the bandwagon of smokers every year. Out of the total number of new smokers, ninety percent are children and adolescents, replacing smokers who have quit or died early due to a disease caused by smoking. Smoking is the top cause of preventable and premature deaths, followed by obesity.

Smoking not only increases the risk of lung disease, but also increases the risk of contracting lung cancer, oral cancer, emphysema, stroke and heart disease. Certain statistics by the American Lung Associations show alarming results. Over five thousand adolescents smoke their very first cigarette every day, out of which over two thousand turn into regular smokers. Presently there are nearly five million adolescents smokers. Twenty percent of the twelfth graders smoke cigarettes regularly.

Smoking has many harmful affects on the health of a human being. It damages the cardiovascular system, causes high blood pressure, increases heart rate, increases the risk of ischemic stroke, increases the risk of formation of blood clot formation, and decreases the oxygen amount which reaches the tissues in the body, reduces coronary blood flow & cardiac output, and damages the blood vessels. Smoking not only affects physical health, but mental health too. It causes psychological distress and depression.

Smoking not only affects the person who smokes but also other people who surround him/her. According to the American Heart Association, nearly thirty five thousand passive smokers die of smoke inhaled from a lit pipe, cigar or cigarette. People who do not smoke directly and inhale smoke from a cigarette smoke by his/her neighbor is known as passive smoker, secondary smoker or indirect smoker. Among the passive smokers, women, children and infants are at a higher risk. Infants and children who are exposed to smoke develop asthma, frequent ear infections and may even experience infant death syndrome. The symptoms experienced by secondary smokers are coughing, excess mucus formation in the airways, chest discomfort, chest pain, and lung irritation. They even feel irritation of throat, nose and eyes. If the passive smokers experiences chest pain, it can be an indication of a heart disease. Sometimes the symptoms of secondary smoking can coincide with the symptoms of other medical conditions. Hence, it is recommended to contact the doctor immediately after the surfacing of the symptoms.

In active smokers, smoking, apart from building up high cholesterol in blood, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure, physical inactivity and diabetes. So smoking cessation will not only reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, which is top of the list, but also decreases the risk by fifty percent of heart attacks and deaths caused by it. But quitting smoking undertakes lots of physical and mental efforts. The person should be made mentally relaxed and stress free. In case of adolescents, they can be asked to exercise regularly and sleep adequately. The American Lung Association and The American Academy of Otolaryngology have developed certain tips which can be of great help to the smokers who are thinking of quitting. The smokers must first be made to understand the reason for quitting. Stress only makes even more difficult to quit smoking, so a stress free period should be chosen to quit. Family and friends encouragement and support are extremely necessary to persuade the smoker to quit. If the support isnt sufficient, smokers can join a smoking cessation program or a support group to attain their goals. A balanced diet is a must, along with lots of rest.

Sometimes taking nicotine replacement products, such as nicotine chewing gum, nicotine inhalers, and nicotine patch, are a great help to smokers who want to quit. By using these products the smokers can satisfy their nicotine craving. The good thing is that these nicotine replacement products can deduct the poisonous gases and tars emitted by the cigarettes. But nursing and pregnant women should consult a doctor before trying nicotine replacement products. For such people non-nicotine alternative is available in the market.


Word Count 697

Weight Gain And Cholesterol

It’s really not a secret that there is a connection between weight gain and cholesterol levels. If you are overweight one of the best things you can do for your body is lose your excess body weight.

Weight gain and cholesterol is a common problem for many people as they age. When we age we often have slower metabolisms and just don’t get as much exercise.

Those factors can lead to an increase in the amount of excess body fat you put on.

Of course, sometimes having trouble with your cholesterol levels is a result of hereditary factors, but more often than not it is a result of lifestyle choices.

If we eat too many foods that are bad for us: high in fat and calories and generally lacking in any nutritional value, for example, we will most likely gain weight as well as increase the levels of bad cholesterol.

According to the American Heart Association, you should try to keep your overall cholesterol levels below 199mg/dl. Your bad cholesterol levels, LDL, should be less than 99mg/dl.

The higher your LDL levels the more fat you have in your bloodstream. This fat can clog your arteries and lead to many serious health related issues such as heart attack and stroke.

Of course, you do have many ways you can help control your cholesterol levels and you don’t have to (in many cases, ultimately you need to ask your doctor) rely solely on medication.

Eating right is your first line of defense. For many people, just eating a healthier diet will be enough to prevent developing any cholesterol problems in the first place.

Lean protein, vegetables, more fruits and lots of water can go a long way to ensure that your cholesterol levels are kept where they should be.

You can start small too. Just stop eating so much of the bad stuff. If you really love your burgers why not just cut back on the amount you have in a week?

Or, why not try a leaner ground beef or possibly even a turkey burger. It’s up to you but you can see that there are many simple things you can do to eat better and not eating as much bad stuff.

Another simple fix is to eat less sugar. For many people this can be accomplished just by cutting way back on some of the beverages they drink.

I had a friend who lost 10 lbs. in one month and the only thing she did was stop drinking pop. Most beverages are loaded with sugar and some of the worst offenders are energy drinks.

Getting less sugar in your diet can be a simple way for you to loss excess body fat and lose weight.

Weight gain and cholesterol do go hand in hand but you can lose weight with some simple changes to your diet and exercise program. Don’t give up and make sure you talk to your doctor before you start, but you really can have a positive impact on your cholesterol levels.

Diets For Good Cholesterol-Mother Nature Can Help

We were made to be able to get all the nutrients we need right out of the ground. When it comes to finding diets for good cholesterol you have to look no further that what is available from Mother Nature.

Diets for good cholesterol don’t have to be expensive to make or difficult to prepare, all you need to do is learn to incorporate several key ingredients into as many meals as you can.

These foods are naturally good at helping you get your good cholesterol levels high, your bad levels low and keeping them that way.

Make a list and the next time you go to the grocery store stock up on these things. You can find many recipes that will include one or more of these items or you can just switch out some recipes that you currently have and add these foods instead.

Here you go:

1. Beans. These little wonders are a great source of protein and fiber and they can even help you raise your good levels and lower your bad levels.

2. Salmon. This fish along with others like tuna, sardines and herrings, can also provide a lot of omega 3 acids. This is a great ingredient to help you maintain a healthy heart.

According to the American Heart Association you should eat at least 2 servings of fish per week.

3. Brown rice. Brown rice can provide a high protein low fat alternative to other side dishes. Another benefit of brown rice? It is a great source of fiber too.

4. Apples. You know the whole “apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, turns out that that is true! Apples have pectin which is a soluble fiber that can decrease the bad cholesterol in the blood stream.

5. Nuts. Many types of nuts are loaded with polyunsaturated fats which can help reduce cholesterol levels. Some of the best are hazel nuts, almonds and walnuts.

Remember though, that nuts are high in fat so you don’t want to eat too much of them. Limit your intake to a cup a day.

It is true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

6. Various fruits that are high in antioxidants are a great addition to your diet too. They taste great and can be added to many types of recipes. Blueberries are one example.

Of course, it’s not just about what you eat, it’s also about what you do. It is important that you move your body and get some exercise.

Many people seem to have a bit of a block when it comes to exercise. They seem to think that it will be hard but that doesn’t have to be the case.

You can, and should, start small. Simple changes can make a big difference. Just start taking your dog for a walk every day, for example.

Park a little further away from the store or your office to force yourself walk.

As you can see, there are some simple changes you can make to help you get your cholesterol levels in check. There are many diets for good cholesterol, just find the one that works best for you.

Panic Attacks — Signs of Vulnerability

Panic attacks do not come from nowhere, though the possibility of them coming out of the blue cannot be discounted. Nonetheless, there is always that something that triggers the occurrence of such attacks. Experts believe that the causes are multi-factorial and pre-disposing factors are many. Included are the following:

Genetics. Panic attacks run in the family. If you great grandfather had it, there is a relative possibility that you might develop the disorder as well. In typical cases, those people who have relatives with panic attacks are twice more likely to experience either acute or chronic but intermittent episodes of panic disorder than normal people. Nonetheless, there are people who have family history of panic attacks that do not develop the disorder.

Medical causes. There are several medical conditions that could allow for the development of panic disorder and panic attacks. Among them are mitral valve prolapse, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, abrupt withdrawal from medication usage, and use of stimulants. Mitral valve prolapse, otherwise known as MVP, is a heart disease that affects the mitral valves, the part of the heart that prevents the backflow of blood. The symptoms of this disease are shortness of breath and chest pain along with others. Not only do these symptoms resemble those of panic attacks but research by the American Heart Association confirmed that there is a direct link between MVP and panic attacks.

Hypoglycemia, on the other hand, is a condition characterized by a lower level of blood glucose. Meanwhile, hyperthyroidism is also a condition that is somehow linked with panic attacks. This condition is marked by the overproduction of thyroid hormones namely T3 and T4 hormones. Abrupt withdrawal from certain medications is also believed to be a cause of panic attacks since this triggers sudden changes in the body. Another factor that may lead to the development of panic attacks is the use of stimulant substances such as beverages with high caffeine content and marijuana.

Medications. The body’s reaction to foreign materials with medical properties is not always necessarily positive. There are cases when the substances found in the drugs produce the right conditions in the body conducive to the arousal of panic attacks. For example, methylphenidate which is more commonly known as Ritalin is used for patients of ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as narcolepsy could cause panic attacks for some people.

Gender. This seems to be a predisposing factor towards the development of panic disorder. According to studies females are 50% more likely than their counterparts to develop the disorder.

Major life events. Substantial events in life that lead to extreme changes can create the right environments for the occurrence of panic attacks. This may be because such drastic changes create tensions in the homeostasis of a person’s life, thus upsetting the previous order of things and forcing the person to confront the changes. If the person fails to respond accordingly, the tension may persist and he might be overcome by it. Thus, producing a number of symptoms that could be characterized under psychological disorders, panic attacks included.

Phobias. Although the statistics are not established yet, it seems clear that people who have severe cases of phobias are more susceptible to developing panic disorders. This could be due to the fact that phobias cause elevated levels of fear to start with.