Determing Which is the Best Hair Loss Product

You have probably asked yourself time and time again, what is the best hair loss product available?

That question was asked on a Google answers site, and the experts answer? They stated that there is no answer to that question.

They are correct in that there is no general answer to that question, but there is an answer to the alternative question, What is the best hair loss product for me?

Its still not an easy question to answer though, and youll probably need to find the answer via good old-fashioned trial and error methods.

Home Remedies

There are many kinds of home remedies for hair loss. Im pretty sure some of them can be disregarded like rubbing cow manure on your head but some of them probably do help some people.

Here are a few of the more promising home remedies for hair loss:

Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea.

A variety of oils have been usedalmond oil, castor oil, olive oil, and amla oil. Usually the oil is warmed, which will at least feel good and make your hair shiny.

Applying coconut milk or aloe vera gel to your scalp.

Applying a masque of honey and egg yolk to your hair and scalp.

All of these concoctions should be washed out (except the apple cider and sage tea rinse) after use.

Hair Care Products

The best hair loss product for you could be as simple as a good shampoo or conditioner. Some people swear by Nizoral shampoo, and say it puts an end to hair loss. Some people love Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner, because it makes their hair look and feel fuller and thicker. Your hairdresser may have some suggestions about hair care products that help you with your hair loss.

Herbal Remedies

Some people believe that the best hair loss product is an herbal remedy. There are a number of herbal lotions and potions as well as nutritional supplements specially formulated to treat hair loss. An herbalist may be able to recommend the best products for your particular type of hair loss.

Here are a few herbal remedies that seem to help:

Ginko biloba

Green tea

A Chinese herb called he shou wu


Aloe vera

Saw palmetto

Stinging nettle

Some of these are taken in pill form and some are made into preparations that you rub onto your scalp. Some (like, for instance, stinging nettles) can cause a reaction, so use all herbal preparations with care.

Minoxidil (Rogain)

A lot of people consider that this is the best hair loss product. Its available without a prescription at any pharmacy, and it works for a lot of people. Minoxidil helps both men and women to grow more hair. Remember, though, that as soon as you quit taking minoxidil, your hair will start to fall out again.

Prescription Medications

A prescription medication, such as Propecia, could be the ideal hair loss product for you. You need to see the doctor to get it, but thats a good thing, because she will conduct a check-up to see if there is some underlying cause to your hair loss that can be taken care of permanently.

Wigs, Rugs and Weaves

It could turn to be that the best hair loss product for you is a cover up of some kind.

This is especially true when the hair loss is temporary, such as when your hair falls out while undergoing chemotherapy.

There are a lot of options available to you to treat hair loss, but only you can decide which is the best hair loss product for you. Test a few things, and when you find something that works for you, stick with it. It may not work for everybody, but the important thing here is that you will have found the best hair loss product for you.

Dry Home Remedy Skin – Home Remedy Skin Care

When your skin is dry, home remedy skin care opportunities can really come in handy. There are many different things that you can do to improve your dry skin. The more different dry skin remedies that you pursue, the better your skin will benefit. Here is a list of some of the best home remedies for dealing with dry skin.

– * In severe cases of dealing with dry skin, you may want to apply either avocado oil or castor oil for the skin. When it comes to situations when your skin is really dry, home remedy skin care involving the application of natural oils is typically a good way to go.

– * Combine together a teaspoon worth of green clay powder and a teaspoon of raw honey, and then apply this mixture, once it has been well prepared, to your face or any other area where your skin is dry. If you are applying it to your face, make sure to avoid the area around your eyes. Leave this mixture on your skin for between 15 minutes and 20 minutes, and then use lukewarm water to wash it away. This is a really simple and useful home remedy for dealing with dry skin.

– * Another useful dry skin treatment is actually regular exercise, believe it or not. Exercising regularly is going to improve your body’s blood circulation. When blood flow is properly encouraged, then the proper nourishment will be provided to your skin in order to keep it healthy.

– * Another truly important remedy for dry skin is for you to avoid the consumption of alcohol as well as caffeine. Both of these things can cause dry skin, or even make it worse if you are not careful. If you consume either of these substances in excess and are dealing with dry skin, try cutting back on them and see what happens.

– * Another good dry skin remedy for you to consider is to apply aloe vera gel to your face and other areas where your skin is dry after bathing. After taking a warm bath, your pores will be open and much more receptive to the healing and moisturizing power of the Aloe Vera.

All of these dry skin remedies can be extremely useful on your face and other areas of your body where your skin is dry as well. You can combine different treatment options to meet your needs until you find the remedies that will best suit you. If one specific dry skin remedy is not helping your skin become more moisturized, then you should move onto the next one until you find something that is definitely giving you the results that you are looking for.

There are a wide variety of natural ways to improve your skin. Dry skin isn’t doing you any favors, so make a point to improve your skin sooner rather than later.

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal

Home Remedy For Dry Itchy Skin – You Can Heal Your Dry Itchy Skin At Home

If you are dealing with skin that is dry or itchy, then finding the right home remedy for dry itchy skin is going to play an important part in your daily or weekly skin care regimen from now on. Luckily, there are actually a wide variety of different remedies for you to select from when it comes to remedying dry skin at home. Because everyone has unique skin care needs, choosing the right skin care regimen is going to mean exploring different home remedies until you have cured your dry itchy skin. There is no one size fits all solution to dealing with dry itchy skin, but the following tips will definitely help you.

– * Itching that is caused as a result of dry skin rather than a medical condition can easily be treated using a wide variety of home remedies. The key to using these home remedies is to combine them until you get the results that you seek.

– * Add a can of evaporated milk to your bath. The milk will help to moisturize your skin.

– * Add oatmeal, baking soda and evaporated milk to your bath for a good home remedy for dealing with dry and itching skin. The materials when mixed together will work well at soothing and relaxing the itching.

– * Try applying different natural ingredients to your skin. Cod liver oil, Vitamin E oil, witch hazel, Aloe Vera gel, lemon juice and wheat germ oil are all excellent ideas worth considering as they’ll moisturize the skin and relieve the itching.

– * Some home remedies for your dry and itching skin can be taken in pill form. These include chickweed, burdock root, plantain, yellow dock and goldenseal.

– * Another material that is good for relieving the itching and dryness in your skin is cornstarch, which can be poured into your bath water or dusted right onto your body.

– * Another trusted home remedy for dry itchy skin is to use baking soda in your cool bath water as it will alleviate itching and other skin irritations including insect bites, bee stings, prickly heat and other relatively minor skin ailments.

– * You can drink between one and two cups worth of stinging nettle tea every day to relieve the itching and dryness in your skin. This can be done by adding boiling water to a single teaspoon worth of dried stinging nettle leaves.

– * A fresh poultice with burdock root or chickweed is another good remedy for itching.

Choosing the right home remedies to treat dry itchy skin may take trying a combination of different remedies until you are satisfied with the results. Keep this in mind when you are trying out the home remedies mentioned above and other home remedies that you discover for dealing with skin that is dry and itchy.

Are Alternative Eczema Treatments Really Effective?

Anyone suffering from eczema will attest that not only the skin disease is a painful one, but it also very depressing. On cannot help but think about how other people react upon seeing those unsightly red, swollen and scaly patches on the skin. Because of this, those afflicted by the disease will try any available eczema treatment to help lessen the symptoms at all costs.

There is really no cure for eczema; however, there are many treatments available that help lessen the symptoms. Doctors often prescribe topical and oral treatments that will help in alleviating inflammation and itchiness, but these do not come without side effects. Some of them potentially include nausea, vomiting, hypertension, glaucoma, growth retardation and many others. With all these side effects in mind, someone with eczema cannot help but look at some of the alternative ways of treating eczema.

Herbal Medicines

There are hundreds of herbal medicines out there that claim to have beneficial effects to the symptoms of eczema. Basically, what they do is try to control the hyperactivity of a persons immune system, control inflammation and relieve itchiness. There are a variety of preparations and mode of applications for such herbal medicines. Some of them may be in the form of oils, lotions, soaps, infusions, teas and even pills.

Herbal treatments for eczema may include and may be derived from the following popular plants and plant parts:

– Aloe Vera gel
– Babul tree bark
– Burdock root
– Butea seeds
– Chamomile
– Linseed oil
– Madhuca leaves
– Oat straw
– Rosemary
– Walnut leaves
– Witch Hazel

Just bear in mind that herbal medicines are still medicines. Although they may not be potentially hazardous to your health, they may still cause side effects, no matter how minor they may be. Also, before trying out any herbal treatment, it is best to consult your doctor first. This is particularly important if you are currently on certain medications, as these natural remedies for eczema may interfere with the drugs.

Aromatherapy and Massage

Aromatherapy treatment for eczema may include massaging of the affected skin with essential oils that give off strong smell, this being derived from aromatic plants. Studies conducted among children have shown that massaging the eczematous skin with ordinary oil yielded the same positive results obtained using essential oils. In both cases, the children achieved relief from the symptoms, as well as improved their sleep.

It has been found out that stress plays a major role in the flaring up of eczema. That is why many doctors recommend anyone afflicted with the skin disease to relax, get rid of stress and have a positive outlook in life. This is where aromatherapy works: the scent of the essential oils used helps the person achieve relaxation better; hence, diminished flare ups.


Although stress does not directly cause eczema, it does have an effect on flare ups, as discussed earlier. Some experts might use a device attached to the body of the person suffering from eczema which evaluates different body signals. These signals include muscular tonicity, heart and respiratory rates. The information the device gives is called biofeedback an eczema treatment which is helpful to many.

The goal of this method is to let you sense the changes going on in your body when you are stressed, and learn how to control them right away. With less stress, less flare ups are likely to occur.