Finding the Best Acne Treatment for Your Troubled Skin

Acne causes embarrassment and discouragement for millions of people. Most are in their teen years, but adults are affected, too. There are many choices of acne treatment on the market. Some are well formulated, while others are weak and ineffective. Finding the best acne treatment for your skin can improve your outlook, and your looks.

The best products for treating your acne are natural, gentle products. Look for botanical ingredients in the list. Some herbal ingredients that are healing to blemished skin include sage, yarrow, coltsfoot, wild thyme, horsetail, althea (or marshmallow), and balm mint (or melissa). Aloe vera is a well known skin healer, and is often included in good acne products.

Also valuable in a treatment remedy for acne are certain essential oils. Some essential oils are harsh for skin. (None should be used straight, but should always be diluted with a carrier oil!) The best acne treatment products might include oils such as lavender, rose, tangerine, and geranium. These are not only healing to the skin, but will make the product smell great, too.

If the product is made with a transdermal system, any vitamins or herbal ingredients will be able to absorb into the skin and treat the acne where it starts. Some vitamins that might be included in a topical acne treatment include vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and pro vitamin B5.

Just like healthy food for the body, the best acne treatment will provide nourishment and nutrition directly to the skin. The skin tends to reveal the health of a person. What shows up on the outside often indicates a deficiency or need on the inside. Getting a healthy diet can help you overcome your acne, and is a good addition to make to your use of good products.

Even the best products, however, won’t clear up that acne if they are used inconsistently. It’s a good idea to get into the routine of taking your vitamin supplements and cleansing your face every day.

Don’t let procrastination or disorganization leave you without time for taking care of yourself. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is a major agent in removing toxins from the body. It needs to be pampered and cared for.

A moisturizer is also an important part of an acne treatment. Like other components, it needs to be 100% natural, or it can make matters worse by contributing to clogging the pores. Make sure you take the time to read the label to make sure the ingredients are natural botanicals, nutrients, and healthful oils.

Some people say you should try to use only products on your skin that you would be willing to put in your mouth. This might not always be the case, since the skin does act like a filter, while absorbing nutrients and other substances. Still, one should be cautious about using unnatural products.

The Nutritional Facts About Arthritis

The Nutritional Facts About Arthritis
Stewart Hare

‘Arthritis’ means inflammation of a joint and the two major
forms of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Common in the elderly is the Osteoarthritis; this mainly affects
the weight-bearing joints such as the hips, spine, knees, elbows
and also the finger joints. The cartilage is worn away producing
pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect the whole
body not just the joints.

A diet high in fruits and vegetables (vitamin C and E) can slow
the onslaught of Arthritis and also reduce pain and
inflammation. Eating oily fish such as salmon, tuna, herring,
mackerel, trout, sardines which are high in Omega-3 fish oil
which has an anti-inflammatory effect may be beneficial in
reducing inflammation, swelling and pain. Avoiding adrenal
stimulants such as coffee, tea, sugar, alcohol and refined
carbohydrates and drinking plenty of mineral water will also

Losing excess weight, gentle exercise, applying hot and cold
compresses and sleeping on a comfortable bed will also be

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from

Aloe vera Antioxidant complex Bone mineral complex Cod liver oil
– high strength Devil’s claw extract Glucosamine sulphate
Multivitamin and multiminerals New Zealand green-lipped mussel
extract Omega-3 fish oil Vitamin B5 Vitamin C Vitamin E

Note: Before taking any supplements please consult your Doctor
and a Nutritional Therapist, some supplements can cause adverse
health problems when taken with prescribed medicine or when
suffer from a certain illness.

About the author:
Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

Advice for a healthier natural life
