Hair Trends-Just Look To The Runway

When looking for any type of trends in regards to fashion, most people look to the newest things on the fashion runways. This year is no different. If you want to know what new hair trends are out there, just look to the runway.

There are a few top hair trends for women that came out of the fall fashion shows. In this article I will list a few of them.

I will concentrate on those that “real” women would be more likely to wear as opposed to those over the top styles that few people can pull off and fewer yet would want to try.

So, here we go:

1. One very popular trend today is actually pretty old fashioned: pony tails.

It would be tough to look through any type of celebrity magazine and not see at least a few stars boasting one of these pony tails.

Today, though, it isn’t just the out of the back of the head type pony tail that is popular, it is more of an anything goes pony tail style that seems to be all the rage.

Many women are wearing their pony tails on the side and lower than we may think of as more “traditional” pony tails of the past.

It’s not the cheerleader, perfectly centered in the back of the head, no hair out of place pony tail – It is far softer and lower than it used to be.

2. Another old fashioned look that has made a huge comeback this year are braids.

This look is also about a more relaxed and casual feel to the hair. It isn’t about making sure that every hair is confined but rather allowing a little hair to flow softly.

This provides a beautiful feminine look to the whole hairstyle.

3. Long, soft waves is yet one more popular look this season. I think you may be able to sense a trend this year.

Many of the styles are not only old fashioned, they are softer variations too.

Today, it is about a softer, feminine more romantic look rather then the every hair in place, ultra smooth and sleek look.

For many women, this added casualness just makes it an easier style to simulate at home on their own.

When the style calls for less structure the few loose hairs here and there become part of the overall look.

4. And one last style we will talk about for this year: the deep side part.

This look can be very dramatic and is the perfect look for woman who have really straight hair.

To make sure the hair stays in place you can either put it in a pony tail or add a beautiful pin to hold it in place.

Make sure that you go for the drama by allowing the hair to actually fall over your eye, or at least a little over one of your brows.

There you have it, some of this years top hair trends for women. Most of them are easy and something a “normal” woman could, and would, want to wear.

Protect Yourself From The Flesh Eating Disease

I know that all the rage these days is talk about an impending zombie apocalypse and that is what you may first think of when you hear about flesh eating disease but since there really is no such thing as zombies let’s talk about how you can protect yourself from the flesh eating disease called Necrotizing Fasciitis.

The best way to protect yourself from the flesh eating disease is to keep your hands clean. Wash them in warm water and soap for at least 15-20 seconds when they are visibly soiled and use hand sanitizer to kill the germs you can’t see for other times.

If you cut yourself or get a burn while you are in the kitchen, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem at the time, always clean the area very well and keep it covered. Feel free to use a triple antibiotic ointment and change the bandage frequently or at least daily.

The bandage you use should also be kept dry so go buy yourself some vinyl or latex gloves at your local drug store to use to cover the affected area, if it is on your hands, that is.

Bacteria thrives in warm, moist places so if the bandage gets wet change it immediately.

If you are a relatively healthy individual you have a lower risk of acquiring this possibly deadly infection. Higher risk individuals are those with chronic conditions that deplete the immune system like diabetes, cancer, and lupus.

Alcoholics and drug abusers also have a higher risk of developing this type of infection.

These people should take special precautions from even getting injured because with an immune system that is not functioning like it should sores and burns will not heal quickly in the best of times.

If, a day or two after an injury, you start to notice any of the following symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

If you notice:

1. Increased redness, swelling and the area of injury is hot to the touch

2. Green drainage from the would

3. Increased or new, severe pain to the area

4. An area near the center of the original injury has turned black. This indicates that tissue death has begun.

Diagnosis is made by your doctor ordering a number of tests such as:

1. Lab culture of the wound

2. CT scan or MRI

3. Blood tests

4. Biopsy of the surrounding skin

Immediate treatment is essential to limiting the damage the toxins released by the bacteria can cause. If left untreated for even just a little while, sometimes only a few hours, extensive damage can occur and complications such as amputation or organ death can quickly follow.

Statistics show that if you do not learn how to protect yourself from the flesh eating disease and you do acquire this deadly infection 1 in 4 will die from it.

All it takes is keeping your hands and any injury you get clean, covered and dry.

Discover the Truth about All Natural Health and Beauty Products

Discover the Truth about All Natural Health and Beauty Products

It seems that everywhere you turn nowadays, someone is selling new all natural health and beauty products. It seems that as more and more news coverage is aired or printed about global warming and the green movement, more and more business are trying to jump on the bandwagon in an effort to sell more products to consumers. It can be so hard to know what to think or who to believe when theres so much conflicting information going around.

As one might guess, the truth about all natural health and beauty products is that they all arent created equal. Some products are better than others. Some products work and some dont. Some products are less harmful to the environment and some are flat out bad for the environment that everyone seems intent on saving. How is someone to know who to believe and who not to believe?

With money being tighter than ever, its impossible to try out all of the available products to see for ourselves which actually do what they claim to. Fortunately, for some products, you wont have to. All you need to do is look through the ingredient list of your favorite products to get an idea for which ones are truly all natural and which ones arent.

Perhaps one of the all natural health and beauty products that can have the most impact, especially for women, is make-up. Mineral make-up is all the rage these days, it seems. But, as can be expected, not all mineral make-up is the same. While all boast being made from all natural minerals, they dont have to be made up entirely of just minerals. Many of the all natural mineral brands include preservatives and other artificial ingredients to prolong the shelf life of the make-up. As we all know, preservatives and artificial ingredients can be harmful not just to ourselves but to the environment, as well.

Besides make-up, there are other all natural health and beauty products available for people to buy today. Shampoos, soaps, perfumes, even ointments for aching joints, can all carry the all natural label. Once again, its important to actually read the ingredients list to find out whether they are truly 100% natural. If theres a long, highly technical term in the ingredients list that you cant pronounce, chances are the product contains artificial stabilizers or preservatives. If youre truly wanting to go all natural, youll definitely want to avoid those kinds of products.

Purchasing and using all natural health and beauty products is an excellent way to do something great for ourselves and for the environment. All natural products are safer for those with severe allergies as there is less of a chance someone might be allergic to them. Many of the beauty products come from renewable sources which lessens the strain on the environment. You can feel good about making yourself look good every day when you use all natural health and beauty products.