Air Ambulance and Transported to Any Hospital of Choice

Whether you have pre-existing medical conditions or are as healthy as a horse, you never know what might happen. When you are close to home, you know just where to head in an emergency. If a medical emergency should arise, you would travel to your trusted local hospital to receive superior medical treatment near friends and family, but what happens when you are away from home?

Whether you are traveling a few states away or halfway around the globe, you can rest assured knowing that you can be transported to the hospital of your choice quickly and conveniently without experiencing outrageous costs. MedjetAssist is a company that offers excellent service for travelers at reasonable rates. A family can secure air ambulance transportation coverage while traveling over 150 miles from home for an annual fee of only $350. An individual pays only $225 for a year’s worth of coverage. What a small cost for peace of mind.

What makes MedjetAssist so different from other medical evacuation services? Like other medical evacuation services, MedjetAssist sends an air ambulance and medical staff to pick you up from the hospital to transport you to another medical facility. The difference lies in the details. MedjetAssist allows the patient to determine the hospital of their choice as the final destination. Most medical evacuation services require the transit to be deemed medically necessary. With MedjetAssist, it does not matter what the reason. MedjetAssist will be there to pick you up.

Upon hospitalization, the nature of the injury or illness does not matter. Most other medical evacuation services have specific conditions that apply for patients to be transported by air ambulance. MedjetAssist is different.

MedjetAssist has a global network of staff that can coordinate air ambulance transportation upon request from members. The fee for such transportation is extremely expensive for someone who does not have coverage. Medical transportation via air ambulance can cost between $10,000 to $75,000. As a member of MedjetAssist, you will not be charged this enormous fee. It is easy to see why this coverage is a good investment.

MedjetAssist also offers short-term coverage. This type of coverage is perfect for someone planning a trip several miles away from home. Maybe you are a homebody most of the time, but you have decided to spend a month away from home in a foreign country. You’ve already made the plans and purchased the tickets. Do you need to pay for an entire years worth of service? With MedjetAssist, short-term coverage is available. This type of coverage starts at a mere $85. Considering the cost of just one trip in an air ambulance, this service could really save a bundle of money.

Ask your travel agent about MedjetAssist service when planning your next trip away from home. It is comforting to know that you are protected regardless of where you travel around the world. The minimal investment will save a bundle if you should ever need to be transported by air ambulance and evacuated to your local home hospital. MedjetAssist offers excellent coverage at an affordable price.

Disadvantages of Using a Broker to Secure Air Ambulance Transportation

Disadvantages of Using a Broker to Secure Air Ambulance Transportation

If you or someone you love are in need of transportation via air ambulance, you may be confused about where to look to locate such a service. Frequently, patients and families will turn to a broker in order to secure air ambulance services. The use of a broker can help you to locate air ambulance services to meet the needs of the patient, but this is not always the best plan of action.

Using a broker to secure air ambulance travel for a patient can have many disadvantages. It can be wise to take the time to search for air ambulance service on your own whenever possible.

Since the broker is a middle man, he does not own the aircraft, fly the air ambulance, or staff the flight. The broker merely finds an appropriate air ambulance service at the lowest price available. Although this may sound like a great opportunity, it really is not a beneficial situation.

After the broker locates air ambulance transportation, he adds his fee to the final cost.

Using a broker does not ensure a higher level of quality for the patient. In fact, they have no system to analyze quality control for patient care. Dealing directly with the air ambulance service company, the patient can receive the best rate for the service.

Going through a broker to locate air ambulance services will tie your hands and leave the patient unable to deal directly with the service provider. On the other hand, patients who forego the broker can contact the air ambulance service provider directly. This allows the opportunity to discuss any personal questions or concerns. During this stressful time, patients and their families need reassurance. Direct contact between you and the air ambulance company can be very comforting and provide much needed peace of mind about the quality service and medical treatment the patient will receive.

Using a broker to secure adequate air ambulance transportation services is much like using a broker to locate the perfect child care provider for your children. Regardless of the excellent reputation of the service provider, it is important and crucial to have trust and confidence in the service provider for the best results. Yes, the broker will find appropriate services, but will everyone feel confident about the broker’s decision? Making the decision for the best air ambulance service provider through your own resources will add a sense of comfort and assurance.

If the circumstances arise that you or a family member require the services of transportation by air ambulance, you may want to skip the services from a broker and do the legwork yourself. There are several advantages to locating the air ambulance service on your own. Without the use of a broker, direct contact between you and the service provider is useful to answer any questions that may arise.

A sense of confidence arises with the patient and the family during this interaction. Also, dealing directly with the air ambulance service provider can create an opportunity to receive the highest quality service at a great value. Going through a broker merely marks up the cost of such services.

Benefits of CAMTS Certification for Air Ambulance Services

As you shop around for an air ambulance service, you may be confused about all the details. How do you know which air ambulance service is best? If you are looking for air ambulance transportation that is high-quality and lives up to standards, then look for a service that is CAMTS certified.

What does CAMTS mean? The initials CAMTS stand for Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services. Companies who are accredited by CAMTS receive several benefits. Although the company must incur some cost and time commitment for the certification, the company who receives such an honor will appreciate the time and money invested.

The air ambulance service that is certified by CAMTS may have lowered insurance premiums due to the quality commitment and high safety standards. Local, state, and federal government may recognize the CAMTS certified air ambulance company. Such certified air ambulance services may be granted contracts only available to certified companies. The credibility attained by CAMTS certification is prestigious among other medical transport companies and the public.

Customers will note the CAMTS certification and know that they are securing a flight with a dependable air ambulance service. The commitment to excellence seen only by CAMTS certified companies will provide confidence to the customer. During stressful times, it can be hard to know that you are making the right decision about medical issues, but choosing a CAMTS certified air ambulance will make the decision easier.

Because no federal or state regulations exist to standardize many of the practices associated with air ambulance transport, it is difficult to determine which companies are best and which companies simply will do the job. CAMTS certified companies are required to meet minimum standards that indicate the company is providing excellent service that focuses on patient comfort and safety.

The company interested in certification begins by critically assessing their own organization. This helps the air ambulance service note their strengths and weaknesses. In time, inspectors come to the site of the service to assess the company and their practices. With this amount of scrutiny, it is no doubt that the company has the opportunity to perfect any problems.

Measurements are taken in regards to communication, administration, education, and maintenance. If the air ambulance company fails to meet the minimum requirements, they will not receive the CAMTS certification. While companies who do not have the certification may, in fact, meet the standards, there is no way to judge this fact. Customers selecting only CAMTS certified air ambulance services can be certain that such minimum standards are met. Periodically, certified companies are re-evaluated to ensure quality.

Certification from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services offers several benefits for the air ambulance service. Among prestige and lower insurance premiums, the company will get more business. Customers in search of a high-quality air ambulance service will be able to easily separate the CAMTS certified companies from the rest of the pack. CAMTS certification is a win-win situation for both air ambulance companies and potential customers of the service.

Will Insurance Cover Air Ambulance Transport?

Air ambulance transportation can be extremely expensive. The cost of one trip in an air ambulance can take a chunk out of the wallet and savings. In some instances, an air ambulance transport can cost over $100,000. With such extreme fees, it seems that people can’t afford to be critically ill or injured. Will insurance cover such high rates for air ambulance transport?

In many cases, insurance companies will cover air ambulance transport when it is deemed medically necessary. The insurance company may not cover every aspect of the transport, but the patient will not be left fully responsible for the charges. It is important to learn exactly what your insurance will cover and under what circumstances.

The key term here is “medically necessary”. If the doctor feels the patient must be transported by air to another health care facility to receive proper treatment, then the insurance company will typically go along with the charges and pay for the air ambulance transport of the patient. On the other hand, if someone is hurt or ill while out of the country and simply wants to fly home for treatment, the insurance company may not look upon this situation very favorably.

In such a case, the patient may be left vulnerable to all incurred charges for the air ambulance service. To protect yourself from this situation, it is possible to purchase air ambulance coverage while traveling. Such insurance is often reasonably priced in annual or monthly installments on an individual, family, or group basis. This type of coverage will protect you, your family, and your wallet.

Typically, the air ambulance service coverage is not only reasonably priced, but available to nearly everyone. Consumers are often concerned about exemptions and denials for pre-existing conditions, but frequently there are no such exclusions in this type of coverage.

When a patient requires air ambulance services, it is standard procedure for the air ambulance company to secure payment prior to the flight whenever possible. If it is not possible to prove that insurance coverage for air ambulance service can be secured, the patient or a family member must pay the charge up front in the form of a credit card, wire transfer, money order, or other verifiable payment. For many families, coming up with this large sum of money would not only be difficult, but nearly impossible.

Keeping this in mind, it is important for you to learn what coverage you have for air ambulance services. If you are unsatisfied with the current coverage the insurance plan offers, it may be time to consider other options to protect your finances in the event of an emergency. During a medical emergency, stress is high for the entire family.

Although no one wants to use air ambulance transport, it is important to concern yourself now with this issue. Contact the insurance company today to verify the ins and outs of coverage for air ambulance transport before you really need this service. Your health and your wallet may depend on this information in the future.