Consider Safety First When Choosing an Air Ambulance

Times of stress often leave people feeling drained and unable to think clearly. When you or a loved one are suffering from medical conditions, stress levels are high. It is important to think of safety first when deciding on which air ambulance company to use. Here are some suggestions to help you put safety first in the decision.

Don’t let the stress and circumstances cloud your mind. Research the air ambulance service thoroughly before making the decision to use their services. Learn about the company and their history. Find out what certifications the pilot and flight crew must possess. Do the pilot and other crew members meet all FAA requirements and certifications? Is the pilot required to have flight-simulator training? If so, how often.

Some companies will permit only a single pilot to fly the aircraft. Although this is not deemed unsafe, it is a good idea to fly with an air ambulance service that offers two pilots in the cockpit.

Inexperienced pilots may not have the hours and background to safely transport patients on a medical mission. Locate an air ambulance company that uses pilots solely dedicated to medical missions that require numerous hours of flight time.

Ask about the company’s safety record. Although most companies who offer air ambulance services have excellent safety records, you can never be so sure. Find out for yourself. Do your homework to make sure the company follows the strictest guidelines in the industry.

Find out if the air ambulance company is a member of CAMTS. This means that the company is certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services. Membership varies throughout the industry, but with no federal standards in place, it is a way to be certain that minimum competency and safety standards are being met. To receive certification, the company commits to being evaluated on educational standards, safety, equipment, staffing, maintenance,
Communication, and administration.

When considering an air ambulance transportation service, find out if the company employs a medical director. This person should be a licensed physician trained in all the areas of critical care and emergency treatment. This person should be available for consultation during a transport if questions should arise. Also, to encourage quality control, this individual will review the circumstances of the transport to ensure that all medical protocols were followed correctly.

This person oversees the training of medical staff and is responsible for the actions of the medical team during the transport. A company with such a person on staff has a lot at stake, so quality and standards will be high in such a case.

How many medical professionals accompany the patient during transport? In many situations, an air ambulance service may only send out one medically trained person on each flight. In some instances, this is safe for patients, but if an emergency should occur, it is best to have a minimum of two medically trained personnel on hand to completely handle the emergency situation. The trained staff should have experience in emergency treatment and critical care. In specialized cases, more members should accompany a patient and the number of the team increases. This is true in cases that require a respiratory therapist, for example.

Investigating air ambulance services may seem overwhelming at the time, but knowing that the patient’s needs should come first is important. Safety of the patient is evident in companies that strive for excellence. Check out the air ambulance company and their safety record for an indication of the company’s quality and level of experience before making the final decision.

Business Travelers Need Air Ambulance Service Coverage

Do you travel frequently away from home due to your specific job requirements? Business travel has increased dramatically over the past few decades. More and more, men and women are sent hundreds of miles away from home to perform business duties. In many cases, travelers are even sent out of their home country on business.

The good business traveler comes prepared for the trip with all of the appropriate luggage, business files, and a laptop, but often something is missing. You may think you leave home fully prepared for the trip, but in reality, you are vulnerable. The business traveler may not be prepared for a medical emergency during the trip. Emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Just for this reason, people who travel away from home on frequent business trips should be prepared for such an emergency.

Although no one ever wants to use air ambulance services, it is possible that such a need may arise. The cost of a trip in an air ambulance can be extremely expensive. Fees can range from $10,000 to $75,000 per trip.

Business travelers really should consider purchasing air ambulance service coverage for those times when they are away from home. Not all air ambulance service coverage providers offer equal coverage. Carefully read the fine-print and examine the policy with caution. It is important to know when air ambulance service is covered, when it is available, and at what charge to you.

Do your best to select a plan that will allow you to be transported by a medically staffed air ambulance under any health condition. Be certain that you are able to determine the destination. It won’t be helpful to be dropped off at some random hospital along the route that is still miles from home. It is important that you be transported to the hospital of your choice, especially if you are concerned about being near family or at a hospital in your health insurance network.

Locating an air ambulance service coverage

Plan that has no conditions about pre-existing health conditions is very important. As you read the details of the coverage plan, try to look for any loopholes that exclude coverage. If too many exclusions apply, look elsewhere for reputable coverage.

Companies and corporations can supply air ambulance service coverage for business travelers at a reduced rate to the employees or as part of a benefits package. Speak to your employer today to find out if this option is available for you. If coverage is not available through your employer, it is wise to search for this coverage on your own to protect yourself, your family, and your finances.

The next time you travel away from home, don’t just grab your files and your computer. Bring with you confidence and peace of mind that you are covered in an emergency. Should you need to be transported by an air ambulance while away on business, you will know that you can protect your wallet with service coverage. When an emergency arises, you can quickly be transferred to a hospital near home and family without incurring the outrageous expense.

Benefits of CAMTS Certification for Air Ambulance Services

As you shop around for an air ambulance service, you may be confused about all the details. How do you know which air ambulance service is best? If you are looking for air ambulance transportation that is high-quality and lives up to standards, then look for a service that is CAMTS certified.

What does CAMTS mean? The initials CAMTS stand for Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services. Companies who are accredited by CAMTS receive several benefits. Although the company must incur some cost and time commitment for the certification, the company who receives such an honor will appreciate the time and money invested.

The air ambulance service that is certified by CAMTS may have lowered insurance premiums due to the quality commitment and high safety standards. Local, state, and federal government may recognize the CAMTS certified air ambulance company. Such certified air ambulance services may be granted contracts only available to certified companies. The credibility attained by CAMTS certification is prestigious among other medical transport companies and the public.

Customers will note the CAMTS certification and know that they are securing a flight with a dependable air ambulance service. The commitment to excellence seen only by CAMTS certified companies will provide confidence to the customer. During stressful times, it can be hard to know that you are making the right decision about medical issues, but choosing a CAMTS certified air ambulance will make the decision easier.

Because no federal or state regulations exist to standardize many of the practices associated with air ambulance transport, it is difficult to determine which companies are best and which companies simply will do the job. CAMTS certified companies are required to meet minimum standards that indicate the company is providing excellent service that focuses on patient comfort and safety.

The company interested in certification begins by critically assessing their own organization. This helps the air ambulance service note their strengths and weaknesses. In time, inspectors come to the site of the service to assess the company and their practices. With this amount of scrutiny, it is no doubt that the company has the opportunity to perfect any problems.

Measurements are taken in regards to communication, administration, education, and maintenance. If the air ambulance company fails to meet the minimum requirements, they will not receive the CAMTS certification. While companies who do not have the certification may, in fact, meet the standards, there is no way to judge this fact. Customers selecting only CAMTS certified air ambulance services can be certain that such minimum standards are met. Periodically, certified companies are re-evaluated to ensure quality.

Certification from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services offers several benefits for the air ambulance service. Among prestige and lower insurance premiums, the company will get more business. Customers in search of a high-quality air ambulance service will be able to easily separate the CAMTS certified companies from the rest of the pack. CAMTS certification is a win-win situation for both air ambulance companies and potential customers of the service.

Will Insurance Cover Air Ambulance Transport?

Air ambulance transportation can be extremely expensive. The cost of one trip in an air ambulance can take a chunk out of the wallet and savings. In some instances, an air ambulance transport can cost over $100,000. With such extreme fees, it seems that people can’t afford to be critically ill or injured. Will insurance cover such high rates for air ambulance transport?

In many cases, insurance companies will cover air ambulance transport when it is deemed medically necessary. The insurance company may not cover every aspect of the transport, but the patient will not be left fully responsible for the charges. It is important to learn exactly what your insurance will cover and under what circumstances.

The key term here is “medically necessary”. If the doctor feels the patient must be transported by air to another health care facility to receive proper treatment, then the insurance company will typically go along with the charges and pay for the air ambulance transport of the patient. On the other hand, if someone is hurt or ill while out of the country and simply wants to fly home for treatment, the insurance company may not look upon this situation very favorably.

In such a case, the patient may be left vulnerable to all incurred charges for the air ambulance service. To protect yourself from this situation, it is possible to purchase air ambulance coverage while traveling. Such insurance is often reasonably priced in annual or monthly installments on an individual, family, or group basis. This type of coverage will protect you, your family, and your wallet.

Typically, the air ambulance service coverage is not only reasonably priced, but available to nearly everyone. Consumers are often concerned about exemptions and denials for pre-existing conditions, but frequently there are no such exclusions in this type of coverage.

When a patient requires air ambulance services, it is standard procedure for the air ambulance company to secure payment prior to the flight whenever possible. If it is not possible to prove that insurance coverage for air ambulance service can be secured, the patient or a family member must pay the charge up front in the form of a credit card, wire transfer, money order, or other verifiable payment. For many families, coming up with this large sum of money would not only be difficult, but nearly impossible.

Keeping this in mind, it is important for you to learn what coverage you have for air ambulance services. If you are unsatisfied with the current coverage the insurance plan offers, it may be time to consider other options to protect your finances in the event of an emergency. During a medical emergency, stress is high for the entire family.

Although no one wants to use air ambulance transport, it is important to concern yourself now with this issue. Contact the insurance company today to verify the ins and outs of coverage for air ambulance transport before you really need this service. Your health and your wallet may depend on this information in the future.