Healthier Body Comes When You Better Your Brains Power!

The human brain is a multifaceted organization of cells and around fifty million neurons that work with utmost complexity in order to keep you going healthy and strong. It is believed to be five times bigger than an average brain of a mammal with the same body size. In human beings, the frontal lobes and the forebrain are especially expanded since these parts are the ones responsible for self-control, planning and reasoning. Thus, in order for you to have a stronger and healthier body, try to better you brain. Healthier mind means healthier body.

It is during our childhood, or the early stage of our lifespan that the development of the brain and the central nervous system is critical. As we grow older, the bodys capacity to absorb nutrients is weakened. Thus, it becomes more difficult for us to protect ourselves from illnesses, injuries and stresses. Simultaneously with our aging process, we also lose neurons, or commonly called as the brain cells. Unlike the other body cells, the neurons do not regenerate nor do they replicate; and they do not have the capacity to repair themselves. Because of this, our brain is not able to perform as well as when we were younger.

Thus, in order to keep our brains performing well, we have to follow some dos and donts. This way we can help our brain maintain its fitness and strength.

What to do:

See to it that you exercise regularly and that you engage yourself in physical activities that can help you maintain your vitality.

Your mind is exercised more if you participate in active learning. Try new experiences so that you can learn from such experiences firsthand.

Maintain your social life as well. Do not isolate yourself from your social groups; instead, you should keep in touch with each of them. A happier life would mean a healthier life.

You should always be in control of your life. Do not feel as if you have no power over things. Maintain a positive self-image and a positive outlook on life.

Do not be overwhelmed by stress. You should know how to handle them all.

A balanced diet will definitely keep you healthy. So, as much as possible, you should eat a balanced meal and foods that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

You should get enough rest and sleep. Professionals believe that you should sleep for at least six to eight hours a day.

If you have any health problems, you should give attention to them as early as possible. Never take your health for granted.

What not to do:

Avoid drinking excessive alcohol and smoking too much cigarette. Also, do not do illegal drugs!

Never forget to inform your doctor of your mental condition. Important changes should always be reported.

Do not miss a visit to your doctor when these changes occur.

Never self-medicate because some drugs may interact negatively with your mental status, especially if you are taking more than one drug.

Do not live alone by isolating yourself from the others.

Never stop yourself from experiencing new things.

Most importantly is the fact that in order for you to have a healthy mind, you need to always have a positive attitude. Be ready to face all the challenges that life may bring, and never lose hope! Be in command of your life. Better your brain by having a better attitude about life.

Looking Ageless Is Within Your Reach

There are three different ages for everyone. The chronological age is the number of years since birth. Biological age is old your body system is at a specific time. This includes the wellness of your body, heart, cardiovascular system, brain, and skeletal system. Psychological age is how old you feel. You may be 70 but feel like 40.

There are methods to deal with the age type you are. Chronological age is the only type you cant change but the other two types you can make drastic changes to improve your standard of living. The biological as can be altered with your life style that includes diet and exercise.

Reduce the fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates in your diet to increase the level of your health. Avoid the fried foods that clog your arteries and add excess fat to your body. Eat lean meats, more fish, and white meats such as chicken and pork. Energize your brain with stimulating games to keep yourself alert and increase your memory. The small things you do to change how you currently live will make your age lower.

Psychological age is your mental state of mind. You dont have to be feeling your biological age at any point in your life. Get moving and do things to regain your youth. You want to go swimming or take a leisure stroll in the woods to aid in the youthful feelings. Learn to laugh to reduce the feeling of being old. Laughter has long been called the key medicine to youth.

The scientific community refers to anti-aging s the exclusive slowing, preventing, and reversing of the aging process. There isnt any true medical technology to allow these to be done although there are steps being taken to promote anti-aging lifestyles with a healthier diet and exercise program.

While diet and exercise are the main methods recommended, many people opt to have corrective surgery and use products promising to help with the anti-aging process. Some of the products do have proven results and help to alter the appearance temporarily while other products are ineffective completely.

There are facial products that help with the fine lines and wrinkles. You apply the products daily to help improve your appearance. They are widely used all over the world with great results. Women find their face gains the youthful appearance they seek.

Adding to the products used is the increased physical levels with exercise including walking, jogging, riding bicycles, playing tennis, and swimming. Any form of added exercise helps the body and mind remain youthful.

Eating a balanced diet has the benefits of youthful appearance, weight management, and healthier body functions reducing the risks of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and arthritis or joint pains.

Facelifts Can Rejuvenate Your Look

When you get older, age and gravity do things to your face that change your appearance drastically. Gravity pulls the skin down causing the sagging many people experience. The sagging makes you look tired and even much older than you really are. A facelift can correct the actions of gravity and nature.

A facelift removes the lower loose skin on your face. An incision is made along your hairline and around your ears. The skin is then removed from the face with the excess skin being trimmed off. The skin is then reattached to the face and ears. The incision is in locations of the face where they are easily hidden and so will be the scars. The recovery time for the procedure is about four months.

The facelift will help to eliminate the wrinkles and other signs of aging from sagging skin and even crows feet around the eyes. Other surgeries to enhance the aging are eyebrow lifts and elevators during the facelift. When you have your consultation with your doctor, they will advise you of the additional procedures available that can be performed during the operation.

Realize that even a facelift will not stop the aging process as it is only natural for everyone. There are things you can do to prolong the affects of the facelift. Healthy living with diet and exercise are factors that help to keep your face and body young and firm. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water to keep your body hydrated including the needs of your face and skin. Protect your skin, especially your face from exposure from the sun. Add sunscreen on all exposed skin to reduce the harmful UV rays.

Do not smoke. This speeds the aging of skin and causes the skin to lose its elasticity making it appear older than your real age. There are options for facial maintenance including dermabrasion, collagen injections, laser treatments, and peels to help you maintain healthy and firm skin.

When you have tried everything else, you will be satisfied with the results of the facelift. It will have a positive impact on your life and your appearance. You will remove years from your appearance making you have a higher self-confidence and self-esteem. Many people feel younger when they have the surgery.

If you are considering having the surgery, ask your surgeon during the consultation about any concerns you may have regarding the surgery and the recovery time. Inquire about the surgeons past and credentials. Discuss everything regarding the surgery so you fully understand the procedures. Remember, the facelift is a surgical procedure so you will be needing follow up treatment and possibly medication for inflammation. Be completely sure you are mentally, emotionally, and physically ready for the surgery.

Amazing Health Benefits of Tea

Tea is fast becoming one of the most popular drinks in the world. Tea tastes excellent, and it is a very versatile drink, but it is also extremely healthy for you as well. Many people understand the health benefits of tea, including Chinese cultures, Japanese cultures, Europeans, Taiwanese and African cultures. Health conscious citizens in America are just now beginning to understand the health benefits of tea, and the fact that drinking tea or consuming tea in other forms can be one of the best things that you can do in order to benefit your body.

Green tea is quickly sweeping the nation, because the health benefits of tea are overwhelming. Green tea is widely known for providing a number of health benefits, including anti aging properties, the elimination of free radicals, weight loss benefits and many other advantages.

Many of the health benefits of tea come from EGCG, which is an extremely powerful natural antioxidant. Antioxidants work to rid your body of harmful free radicals, which can damage the cells in your body, reducing your lifespan and causing other illnesses like cancer. Free radicals are responsible for many of the effects of aging, and the aging process can therefore be slowed down by EGCG and tea. The EGCG in your tea can also help speed up your metabolism, giving you a better sense of well being and making it easier for you to lose weight and remain healthy over time.

Because of the health benefits of tea, there is no greater health drink that you can consume not only to keep you healthy but also prevent and cure some illnesses. Green tea comes from the same plant as other teas, like black and Oolong teas for example. Green tea is different however, because it does not undergo the fermentation process and therefore still contains the EGCG. The benefits of green tea include weight loss, fighting bacteria, fighting infection, preventing tooth decay, repairing your immune system, fighting free radicals and preventing cardiovascular disease.

Green tea, because it is not fermented like Oolong tea, black tea and other forms of tea, offers more health benefits that other forms of tea cannot offer. All forms of tea offer their own unique set of health benefits, so drinking any tea will be beneficial to your health and well being. Black tea, for example, contributes to reducing bad cholesterol and has been linked to healing blood cells. Black tea also contributes to good heart health. Oolong, which is only partially fermented, offers a mix of the benefits associated with green tea and those associated with black tea.

Black tea, Oolong tea and green tea all offer benefits, which make them an excellent addition to your diet. If you can incorporate tea into your diet on a daily basis, then you can benefit long term from the antioxidants that these forms of tea are rich in. The health benefits of tea are numerous, and make it well worth adding to your diet if you want to maintain good health for a long time.