Coloring Your Hair

Coloring hair is very fashionable these days. You can easily see people of all age groups going for hair coloring. People are experimenting with all kinds of colors to look fashionable. It is no longer just natural black or golden people are going for, but they are experimenting with even red, green and blue and coming up with new hair coloring ideas.

Hair coloring has been in use since the ancient times. Ancient Greeks used to color or lighten their hair, which identified with honor and courage. They used harsh soaps to lighten or color their hair. There is evidence that ancient Romans also used to color or lighten their hair.

Now-a-days, coloring hair is very much popular throughout the world. According to some reports around 75% of women in the U.S. color their hair. Now people do not go for hair coloring just to hide their grey hair but to make a fashion statement as well. Young people experiment with many hair coloring ideas. The market for hair colors is huge spreading all over the world.

There are many products for coloring hair available in the market. There are permanent as well as temporary colors. A patch test should be conducted before using any coloring product to see if the person is allergic to the color or not. In the case the person is found allergic to chemicals used in hair colors the use of the same should be stopped immediately.

Some people lighten their hair, which is also known as bleaching or decoloring. This process involves the diffusion of the natural color pigment or arificial color from the hair.

Permanent hair coloring products contain oxidising agent and an alkalizing ingredient. These chemicals raise the cuticle of the hair fibre so the color can penetrate in the hair fiber. They also facilitate the formation of tints within the hair fibre and bring about the lightening action of peroxide.

In the case of temporary colors the the pigment molecules are large so they do not penetrate the cuticle layer. It allows only a coating action that may be removed by shampooing. Temporary hair coloring products come in various forms like shampoos and gels.

Normally temporary colors are used to give brighter colors to the hair. It is because temporary hair colourants do not penetrate the hair shaft itself. Instead, these dyes remain adsorbed to the follicle and can be easily removed with a single shampooing.

The use of color can cause damage to hair in some cases. It is always better to visit an expert to for coloring hair to avoid any kind of harm done to hair. Coloring hair in some cases can cause breakage of hair strands, hair fall and dry scalp.

How Much is Too Much Estrogen

Through out the years, estrogen has caused so much fuss and controversy in the medical arena.

Many scientific studies were launched regarding its beneficial result as well as its adverse effect in the human body.

Despite its popularity in the market and in the scientific field for curing and preventing various kinds of illness and other afflictions, many issues still abound regarding its very nature.

Along side these issues were countless questions that continue to bewilder many people, one of the most frequently asked question regarding estrogen is how much is too much.

Does this compound, which has been proven to have medical benefits cause adverse effect when taken beyond adequate amount?

According to the recent findings of Womens Health Initiative in 2004, the daily-recommended intake of estrogen is highly dependent on the preparation used and to the brand name of the chosen estrogen alternative.

For instance, when a person is using conjugated estrogen, which is commonly used in the United States and falls under the brand name of Premarin, and Cenestine the sufficient intake should fall from .3 to .625 mg/ day.

The dosage is entirely different when the person is taking estrogen prepared by using synthetic Estradiol and the brand name is Estrace, research showed that adequate dosage is from .5 to 1 mg/day.

While the brand names Estretab and Menest works effectively when the person intakes .3 to .625 mg/ day under Estrified preparations, while a lower dosage is recommended for those who take ogen estrogen the ample amount for this brand ranges from .6 to .125 mg/day.

In the case of those who take Estraderm, Vivelle, Climera the finding suggests that .02 to .05 mg/ day be taken when transdermal preparation is used, while the Menostar estrogen brand has the lowest dosage with the required daily intake of only .014 mg/ day.

Since the matter of decision-making is relatively dependent on individual basis, rather than taking into consideration age groups and related cases.

It is recommended that each individual needs to be evaluated first on their health history to advise the most appropriate estrogen treatment and other necessary preparations.

Aside from this, other factors are taken into consideration in planning the estrogen therapy for each individual case.

Part of the related study undertaken by the group regarding too much estrogen intake, showed various negative effects on the body which will manifest in the duration of short term and long term intake.

The negative effects for short-term intake over dosage are:

Breast tenderness
Vaginal Bleeding or spotting
Enlarged Fibroids
Migraine and headaches
Abdominal pain and Bloating
Skin rashes
Increase in Triglycerides
Coronary Artery Disease

Another question resurfaces along side the inquiry regarding too much estrogen intake.

Does a woman who has been taking estrogen for quite some time, be subjected to the same daily-recommendations of intake for those who has just started the therapy?

Although the Womens Health initiative did not take in hand this particular query, observational undertakings proved that taking estrogen for quite a while starting in menopausal stage prove to have some health benefits.

Among these benefits are:

Lower hip fractures
Lower cases of heart attacks

While the negative effect for long-term intakes over dosage are:

Gall stone
Breast cancer
Endometrial cancer

The bottom line is, too much of something is bad for ones well being, even if we talking about a compound with an immense health benefit and wonders- as in the case of estrogen.