How Much is Too Much Estrogen

Through out the years, estrogen has caused so much fuss and controversy in the medical arena.

Many scientific studies were launched regarding its beneficial result as well as its adverse effect in the human body.

Despite its popularity in the market and in the scientific field for curing and preventing various kinds of illness and other afflictions, many issues still abound regarding its very nature.

Along side these issues were countless questions that continue to bewilder many people, one of the most frequently asked question regarding estrogen is how much is too much.

Does this compound, which has been proven to have medical benefits cause adverse effect when taken beyond adequate amount?

According to the recent findings of Womens Health Initiative in 2004, the daily-recommended intake of estrogen is highly dependent on the preparation used and to the brand name of the chosen estrogen alternative.

For instance, when a person is using conjugated estrogen, which is commonly used in the United States and falls under the brand name of Premarin, and Cenestine the sufficient intake should fall from .3 to .625 mg/ day.

The dosage is entirely different when the person is taking estrogen prepared by using synthetic Estradiol and the brand name is Estrace, research showed that adequate dosage is from .5 to 1 mg/day.

While the brand names Estretab and Menest works effectively when the person intakes .3 to .625 mg/ day under Estrified preparations, while a lower dosage is recommended for those who take ogen estrogen the ample amount for this brand ranges from .6 to .125 mg/day.

In the case of those who take Estraderm, Vivelle, Climera the finding suggests that .02 to .05 mg/ day be taken when transdermal preparation is used, while the Menostar estrogen brand has the lowest dosage with the required daily intake of only .014 mg/ day.

Since the matter of decision-making is relatively dependent on individual basis, rather than taking into consideration age groups and related cases.

It is recommended that each individual needs to be evaluated first on their health history to advise the most appropriate estrogen treatment and other necessary preparations.

Aside from this, other factors are taken into consideration in planning the estrogen therapy for each individual case.

Part of the related study undertaken by the group regarding too much estrogen intake, showed various negative effects on the body which will manifest in the duration of short term and long term intake.

The negative effects for short-term intake over dosage are:

Breast tenderness
Vaginal Bleeding or spotting
Enlarged Fibroids
Migraine and headaches
Abdominal pain and Bloating
Skin rashes
Increase in Triglycerides
Coronary Artery Disease

Another question resurfaces along side the inquiry regarding too much estrogen intake.

Does a woman who has been taking estrogen for quite some time, be subjected to the same daily-recommendations of intake for those who has just started the therapy?

Although the Womens Health initiative did not take in hand this particular query, observational undertakings proved that taking estrogen for quite a while starting in menopausal stage prove to have some health benefits.

Among these benefits are:

Lower hip fractures
Lower cases of heart attacks

While the negative effect for long-term intakes over dosage are:

Gall stone
Breast cancer
Endometrial cancer

The bottom line is, too much of something is bad for ones well being, even if we talking about a compound with an immense health benefit and wonders- as in the case of estrogen.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

So what is diagnosis really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about diagnosis–info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.

Simultaneous approach must be made in order to deal with people who are struggling with chemical dependency and mental illness. Treatment of dual diagnosis must be done at the same hour in codification to address the condition fairly and adequately. Problem is, efficient are just a few who can thoroughly address the problem and among these few rehabilitation centers still makes the wrong diagnosis and treatment trick for the individual. They are not yet prepared to deal with both afflictions that are occurring at the same time.

It is rare to meet a person who has co – existing disorders who is now enjoy nadir relapses. Oftentimes, failure to identify that there are two existing problems can speed relapses. But if both problems are recognized, the person has the tendency to experience bouncing back and forth in services for substance abuse and mental illness. Treatment facilities can also result in refusal to treat the person which puts the individual again his or her family at the brink of being forthwith false.

Uncoordinated and fragmented services and treatment can create certain gaps in the persons vital reinforcement for co – occurring diseases. Nowadays, programs are more developed in order to treat the disorders in a simultaneous manner to be able to seal the optimum level of functioning in the individual.

There is an increased notion among medical health professionals that both disorders that are occurring within the person must be addressed to in order to attain effective treatment. Even though this is difficult because of the long – term besides complex effects, there is still a need to further enhance the world of health in order to deal with the present situation.

Individuals who are already in pain may be hard to motivate to be able to engage in proper medication, thus poor compliance and the risk for relapses may occur. Several factors may also be the reason why people are experiencing dual diagnosis such as lack of benefits and housing from the people in authority.

Below is an integrated avenue to the treatment of co – occurring disorders. It follows as:

The mental health team responsible for the case must inform the person about what they have to offer like in terms of the services and treatment plans for the individual, how social support is extended and how families can become involved in the process of treatment.

Establish a good working relationship. Once that is already made constant, the mental health troupe can have the opportunity to dig in also understand the nature besides the different problems of the person and what appropriate measures are that needs to be done. Counseling skills can be imparted by the team in order to create a positive motivational scene in order to enhance the wellness of the person.

Treatment must be the combination of modifying mental illness, provision of education and involvement of the internal with regards to the cerebral behavior of the therapy.

Lastly, treatment must be focused avoiding any kind of relapse. The person must have the capacity to identify different situations in his or her life in order to avoid temptations thatll result to the vulnerability of the person on a particular moment and have the competence to deal with the different situations.

With these treatment ideas, one can already determine the effectiveness of the plan of completely curing dual diagnosis.
This article’s coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

Reducing Stress with Essential Oils

Reducing stress is probably one of the major afflictions that most people attempt to reduce in their daily lives. Stress is a contributing factor to illness in disease in busy people who do not take the time to relieve their bodies of the stress that accumulates throughout the day. Essential oils used in aromatherapy help reduce the stress levels and keep you healthier and happier during the day and in your overall life.

It has been said that stress is the number one killer for people under the age of 40. Even if you think you have your stress levels under control, you can always benefit by reducing stress with essential oils. The health benefits alone are worth your while to try aromatherapy. It is a non-evasive way to reduce stress and relax your mind so that you can sleep better and relax during times when emotions may get the best of you.

Essential oils are a good way to balance your stress and give your body an emotional overhaul. You can even use essential oils at work to help reduce stress as it increases throughout the day. Your work environment is probably the most stressful part of your day, so using essential oils in aromatherapy in your office can help calm and relax you during your work day. Office aromatherapy is a pivotal positive therapy for your body and mind especially during busy days.

Even if you dont go to a corporate job, a home life can also be stressful. Keeping essential oils in your home using aromatherapy can keep the stress of maintaining a clean, proper home at low levels. Essential oils are harmless to children as well, so you can keep the aroma from the essential oils burning throughout your home without harming any family members.

There are several types of aromatherapy essential oils that can be used to reduce stress. Although each of the following oils have their individual benefits, combining them bring an overall high level of therapy for your stress levels. Beneficial essential oils are Basil, Juniper Berry, and Geranium. A second combination that is equally beneficial is a mixture of Chamomile Maroc, Lavender French, and Sandalwood Agmark.


Basil can help clear your mind from stress and strengthen your body and spirit. It brings clarity to your mind that is beneficial for your daily chores. Basil is an ancient therapy used to revive personal well-being and emotional peace. Basil can make you feel strong throughout the day, and it can keep your body maintained with an overall mindful awareness of your emotions keeping them in check.

Juniper Berry

Juniper berry is a strong scent that fortifies the mind and body. It is a distilled berry from a Juniper tree that brings the pungent and effective fragrance. Juniper berry is also a well known fragrance that can eliminate and clear toxins from your bodys system and it sooths the muscles and joints.


Geranium helps stabilize your body and mind bringing a balance of emotions and stress levels. Its nurturing fragrance makes you feel as if you have removed all the bad in life and disbursed it out of your body and into your surroundings. It is especially beneficial to those who feel like their emotions are a roller coaster and out of control. It has a flowery scent and it blends with almost any of the other essential oils.

Although each of these essential oils are highly effective individually, using them in combination can greatly increase your ability to remove stress and help your body heal from the emotional drama. Although essential aroma aromatherapy is not a perfect solution, it can give your body a complete overhaul from stress and harmful emotions. Give these combinations a try and you will notice a difference within just a few days. Use them in the office and you will notice your attitude towards people and life itself will completely turn to a positive outlook.


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