Stop Smoking: Breaking a Bad habit

Smoking is a bad habit that is very difficult to give up. It is not only dangerous to the smoker, himself, but to the people around him as well. Once a person becomes addicted, it becomes difficult for him to stop smoking. However, despite all the reminders regarding the bad effects of smoking to health, a lot of people are still drawn into the aroma of cigarette smoking.

People should not have started to smoke. Because as you all know, once you have become dependent on nicotine, it would be very difficult for you to eliminate it from your system. Advertisements have constantly reminded people that cigarette smoking is dangerous to health, yet it is as if they have not heard a single reminder. Well, people who do not admit that they are addicted to smoking have a really big problem.

Smokers who are trying to stop smoking can attest to the difficulty of the process of quitting. Determination and will power are needed in order for one to reach his goal of being a non-smoker.

Most people would say that a gradual cutting down of the cigarette smoking is a good method for quitting. Small steps are taken, one at a time to ensure that the process is going in the direction that is more beneficial to the smoker who plans on quitting.

Preparation Necessary to Stop Smoking

Preparation is necessary when you feel like stopping. Reflect on your reasons for smoking, and take note of when you usually smoke and how you typically go about it. You may want to deviate from your usual smoking habits, and try things that you son not usually do when smoking. For instance, you may want to try new things as a replacement for smoking, like when you are urged to smoke, you may just chew a gum or munch on healthy snacks. Or, if you really want to smoke, you may do so but not with the hand that you usually use when smoking. If you are used to holding the cigarette with your right hand, you may try your left hand instead. You need to learn these things so that you can make a good plan that you can follow as you cut down the sticks you smoke.

The Beginning of the Actual Renouncement

Get rid of all the things that may remind you of smoking. You may want to keep your ash trays way from your view, or you may also, for the time being, avoid people who smoke. This way, you are not constantly reminded of your tendencies to smoke. Think of ways activities that can keep your mind off the idea of smoking. Give yourself a reward when you have not smoked for the whole day, this way your act of not smoking will be reinforced. You may also want to visit your dentist so that you can get your teeth cleaned from all the nicotine that may have stained them.

Living a Smoke-free Life

There may be times when you feel irritated or depressed; these may just be the withdrawal symptoms. You should learn to avoid smoking despite these symptoms. It may be difficult at first but as time passes by, you would realize that it gets easier and better. Think of all the benefits that you may have if you stop smoking – financially, physically and socially.

The Brave Attempt to Stop Smoking

Perhaps, you have heard a lot of people say that smoking is an old habit that dies hard. Smoking can become very addictive, and once a smoker becomes dependent on its substance, he will definitely lose most of his strength to steer clear from such addiction. Despite all the reminders of advertisements and all the warnings given by medical professionals regarding the harmful effects of smoking to ones health, a lot of people are still lured by the aroma of a burning cigarette; and before they know it, they are already too hooked on smoking to quit it. And then, for any reason, they will begin to stop smoking, but then they will feel too weak to fight the urge to smoke again.

Smokers may say that they will stop smoking in due time. But when really is the right time to stop smoking? Dont they know that the longer they prolong their addiction, the harder it shall be for them to quit it? Why wait for tomorrow, when you are already a victim now? In waiting, you are just waiting for the consequences of your actions to become more serious than it already is. Listen to what health practitioners are saying; take the brave attempt to quit smoking now.

In quitting, your tool winning tool is your willpower and determination. People may tell you how to go about the quitting process, but it is really your focus that will help you get through the rehabilitation. Just remember that it is never going to be a quick change, it would definitely require you to work hard for your goal. Do not look for the easy way out, keep in mind that you should do it slowly but surely.

Set your goals, and take note of the reasons why you are finally stopping. Emphasize on the benefits that you will get when you are finally a non-smoker instead of using all its harmful effects to scare you into quitting. The reward is a better motivation than the punishment. And as you set your goals, remember that there are trials as you quit smoking, such as the withdrawal stage, and this may be toughest part. You should be prepared when these symptoms occur.

You should plan activities that would keep your mind of smoking. Enjoy sports, or pamper yourself by going to the spa, or watching movies. Try to see how much productive you can be by doing all these things than just smoking. The money you are spending is well spent as well, and it is not just wasted on a bad vice. For the time being, hang out with your friends who are not smoking and surround yourself with an environment that would really make your forget about smoking.

Bear in mind that you are the key to the success of your battle against smoking. It is your determination that will push you to reach your goal. No matter how much people remind you to stop smoking, it is always you who has the last say. So, you should stay focused and determined.

And, you should know that if you are planning to stop smoking, now is the best time. Today is better than tomorrow, and this will certainly make your future a lot brighter and healthier. Do it now, be brave enough to stop smoking.

Understanding Natural Stress Anxiety Relief

The natural anxiety relief method has been very effective in dealing with anxiety and stress. There are medical studies that have proven effectiveness of natural stress anxiety relief to a person having anxiety and stress. The natural anxiety relief method should be learned correctly and should be practiced regularly.

Individuals who have used and tried this method have achieved many great results. Many experts suggest that to make this method effective, you have to take it seriously. It is also advised that you practice the method on a daily basis. You can allot 10 to 20 minutes everyday to exercise this simple mental technique.

In this way, mental performance is being developed. You are required to practice this method while you are relaxing or sitting comfortably. You have to close your eyes and concentrate on what the technique instructs you to do. You are instructed to begin after you have rested and relaxed for 2 to 3 minutes. The environment should be quiet. Solemnity of the place should be observed.

The natural anxiety relief technique should not be practiced after you have eaten your meal. It is not also advisable that you exercise it before going to bed. You should at least allot 3 to 5 hours before you sleep or eat when you want to exercise the natural anxiety relief method.

You can reduce and release the anxiety and stress by applying the transcendental meditation technique. Because of its efficiency and great results to people who have tried it, its price value is quite expensive. It may cost for about $2500.00 in the market. A Japanese meditation teacher named Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the late 50s introduced it.

Since then, it was popularized all over the world through books and advertisements on the internet. Testimonies by medical doctors and scientists have proven its effectiveness to get rid of the anxiety and stress. Articles about the beneficial effects of this method were published and released by the American Journal of Physiology. Other books and magazines also followed like the Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and the Journal of Neurophysiology. These books attested its effectiveness to relieve anxiety in a more natural way.

In addition on how you can practice this natural anxiety relief method, you have to be at least 15 years old and above. You should be able to read and understand what is written in the manual. You can also avail the method on audio disks. Some prefer the disks because you can practice it at the same time while following directly the instructions and procedures.

There should be no difference regardless of your sex, profession, religion, political beliefs, race or your perspective on the natural anxiety relief method. It can prove its worth in any case as long it is done the way it should be.

The natural stress anxiety relief method is very simple to perform. There are no difficulties in learning its techniques. Remember that you should follow the instructions carefully. Make sure that you practice the natural anxiety relief technique in a proper and correct way. For great results, you may do two sessions everyday and allot 15 to 20 minutes per session. A regular exercise of your mental thinking is expected to improve. Reduce the anxiety and stress in a natural way for a better life.

Discover The Truth About All Natural Beauty

All natural beauty is something many women want but few know they have. Instead, they get expensive surgeries done, literally risking their lives in the pursuit of a beauty standard that is not only unrealistic but is completely unreal. They use beauty products that damage their skin and hair and ultimately wind up in landfills when they dont have the promised effects. Women are hurting themselves and the environment all in an effort to be beautiful.

Fortunately, there are many different ways women can achieve the all natural beauty that they so desperately want and deserve. Some of these ways are exceptionally easy to incorporate into a womans everyday life. Some of them may be a little bit trickier for some to get used to doing everyday but once fitted into a womans daily habits, they will be easy to maintain for a lifetime.

The first step to all natural beauty is to stop idolizing the models you see in magazines or on billboards. Stop looking to female celebrities and comparing yourself to them. Nearly all advertisements in magazines, billboards, even head shots used in portfolios, have been touched up in one way or another digitally to get rid of wrinkles, acne, or other unsightly blemishes. No woman can ever live up to how a model looks in a photo because the photo simply isnt real.

Next, women everywhere need to realize how beautiful they already are. Everyone has flaws or imperfections that they dont like about themselves; even models and celebrities. You need to quit focusing on where you think you dont measure up and instead focus on things you like about yourself. For some women, finding things they appreciate about themselves can be a difficult task. Recruit friends and loved ones to tell you what they like about you. You dont have to restrict yourself to looks, either.

Which leads to the next truth about all natural beauty: it comes from within. It may sound very clich but the phrase has existed for a long time for a reason. Beautiful personalities, feeling confident in yourself without being cocky, helping others, and honestly caring for those around you will make you a truly beautiful person. People with picture perfect bodies but who have ugly hearts and souls may lead a charmed life on the outside but on the inside; things arent as lovely.

Because they are so mean and hurtful to those around them, they drive people away from them, and wind up alone in the end.
Surround yourself with people that are truly beautiful from the inside and you will not only be happier but youll stop turning to a Hollywood standard that even models and celebrities cant live up to. Dont be tempted to turn into a plastic person through plastic surgery or other extreme measures in order to be a fantasy version of someone who doesnt know you exist. The truth about all natural beauty is in understanding the beauty within.