Essential Asthma Info

Do you have an asthma condition or allergy? If you do, you need to know what it is all about so that you can effectively prevent it from negatively affecting your life.

The causes of asthma may vary from one individual to another and because of this, some asthmatic individuals experience mild or severe attacks.

How can you tell if youre having a severe asthma attack? You need to take immediate action if youre already experiencing difficulty in breathing. This happens because of the low oxygen level in the extremities and the lips.

The only way to properly address your asthma symptoms is to consult first an experienced medical professional. By undergoing a thorough check up, you will be able to treat your asthma allergy effectively. Several tests are usually conducted to confirm if an individual has asthma. A qualified doctor is the only one who can identify the cause of your asthma allergy and after that, he or she will give you the best treatment option.

Oftentimes, a certain substance is used to treat the allergy. This substance decreases the inflammation of the respiratory systems lining. Such medications decrease chemicals which cause the narrowing and inflammation of the bronchioles and bronchi lumen. You cant just administer the asthma medications without the doctors advice because you might compromise your health and safety, especially in the case of acute asthma.

On the onset of the asthma attack, you must consult a doctor immediately. Even if youre unsure about your condition, a medical check up can clear your mind and suspicions. Certain substances and chemicals can cause the attack and once these things are identified, you can avoid the asthma attacks. Such chemicals or substances are also called triggers. If you hardly know anything about asthma, this article can help you in some way. However, you cant just rely entirely on this information source especially if youre having severe attacks. Again, try to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

If it is already confirmed that you have asthma, you must follow your doctors instructions and prescriptions. Try to avoid the asthma triggers so that you can also stay away from the attacks. Asthma can also cause death in some cases. When left untreated, your asthma can get worse. Severe asthma attacks can be very difficult to handle without the help of a medical professional.

There is loads of information about asthma online. You can only make use of them after youve consulted a doctor. Asthma information is quite valuable especially to asthma patients. If you want to prevent or avoid this condition, prevention is still the best cure. Besides, medical costs are continuously increasing every year, including that of the asthma treatments. If you dont experience any asthma attacks, then you wont have to spend anything on the medical costs. There are also ways to prevent asthma. If the doctor has already identified the asthmaggers, you should stay away from them as much as possible.

Living a healthy lifestyle is probably the best way to prevent asthma attacks. You must learn to live the right way. Try to monitor your diet. You should eat only healthy choices of foods and stay away from foods which also trigger the attacks. Having adequate knowledge can really help you in treating and controlling asthma. Dont allow asthma to control your life; consult your doctor about it.

What Is Acute Sinus Infection?

Acute sinus infection occurs when your nasal passages become inflamed making it difficult for the normal drainage of the mucus. As a result, you have difficulty breathing and may also experience a headache, fever or cough.

The common cause of acute sinus infection is the cold. Other causes include bacteria, allergies, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum and certain medical conditions. When the doctor is able to determine the exact cause, only then will treatment be given.

But most of the time, acute sinus infection is either bacterial or viral. Since it is hard to pinpoint what is the exact cause doctors speculate that if the problem persists longer than 14 days, then it is more likely that the cause is bacterial.

You will know if you have acute sinus infection if you have any of these symptoms. These include bad breath, cough, dental pain, erythema, fatigue, fever, nasal congestion, nausea or a sore throat. You may experience one or a few of these at the same time and you should treat it immediately to prevent this from becoming a chronic sinus infection even worse cause complications.

This means that the sinus infection could last longer than 8 weeks or you could develop acute asthma, aneurysms, meningitis or vision problems.

If the symptoms of acute sinus infection are mild, you can try self-care like drinking lots of fluids and bed rest. However if the ever exceeds 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit or 39 degrees Celsius, then you have to seek medical advice.

When you to the doctor, he or she will be asking you a few questions to gather information about your medical history, conduct a physical examination and in some cases call for a CT scan to pinpoint which areas are inflamed.

If the test results show that the cause is bacterial, then you may be prescribed some antibiotics like amoxicillin or the combination drug trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. If there are no changes, then a different antibiotic will be recommended.

Should this be caused by an allergic reaction, the doctor will likely recommend an antihistamine.

Other possible treatments for acute sinus infection include the use of prescription decongestants, nasal corticosteroid spray, oral corticosteroid pills to relieve stuffiness, over the counter decongestants or pain relievers and spraying a saline solution inside your nose several times a day.

But do you always have to wait for acute sinus infection to strike before taking any action? The answer is no because this can be prevented. Some simple things you can do includes practicing proper hygiene, getting flu shots annually, staying away from people who have colds, keeping yourself hydrated, limiting alcohol use, investing in a humidifier, avoid going to polluted areas and hanging out with people who smoke.

If you already have acute sinus infection, steam your sinus cavities by mixing Vicks Vaporub with warm water or with a few essential oils then inhale it for about 10 minutes. You can also take a hot a shower and breathe the warm air. Dont forget to also take some decongestants and drink lots of fluids as this will all reduce congestion and promote drainage.

An acute sinus infection doesnt last that long but when its there, you will really have a bad day. It can happen to anyone and at anytime so you have to take good care of yourself.