What May Cause Back Neck Pain

Though cases of cervical neck pain is more infrequent as compared to lumbar pain, a large portion of the American population still undergoes neck pains that often come with arm pain. The majority of such cases may be healed in time without the need of medical interventions. But there are a number of symptoms that may prove to be indications of more serious cases and need immediate medical help.

One such symptom is the progressive neurological degeneration, which may manifest as weakening of the arms or loss of sensitivity and coordination of the limbs. Another sign is the sustained pain that is accompanied with unplanned weight loss, fever, shakes and chills, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting that are signs of spinal infection or tumor.

While the majority of back neck pain does not have identifiable anatomical roots, many are closely linked to general conditions such as muscle strain and herniated vertebral disc.

Acute Back Neck Pain
The most common causes of acute neck pain are muscle strain, neck strain and strain experienced by other softer tissues such as ligaments and tendons. Neck strain is due to stiff neck caused by wrong bed position and partly due to carrying too many loads. A sudden jolt and pressure on the other hand may cause muscle strain.

Majority of minor injuries on the soft tissues usually heals a couple of days after the pain. There is good blood supply in this section of the body, which allow the circulation of protein and essential nutrients that trigger fast healing. To alleviate the pain and symptoms of back neck pain, the sufferer may use conservative methods such as physical therapy, ice or heat, osteopathic manipulation and medications.

Chronic Back Neck Pain
This form of neck pain is very much the same in effects with acute back neck pain. However, they largely differ on the symptoms. Listed below are some of the symptoms of chronic back pain:

Neck back pain that goes down to the arms
Neck pain that may be linked to certain activities
Arm pain due to lack of coordination
Neck back pain that may be felt for much longer duration of time
Neck pain that may go worse by the end of the day and in the morning

Other than these, there are a number of common symptoms that may be associated with cervical conditions. These may bring other cervical problems like wrist pain, shoulder pain, headaches and elbow pain.

Exercise And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a disorder characterized by extreme and prolonged exhaustion combined with several other symptoms such as muscle and joint pains, headache, sore throat and other flu-like symptoms. The exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is yet to be discovered and it may take years before the individual can recover from the ailment.

Sometimes, the CFS victims suffer recurring bouts with CFS through their lifetime. Because the exact cause of CFS is yet to be determined, there is no known cure for this illness yet. Non-drug treatments and medications are primarily to relieve the many symptoms of CFS.

One of the non-drug therapies put forward by doctors, as a treatment for CFS, is exercise. However. Medical opinion is still divided on whether exercise can actually help improve or worsen the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Some doctors believe that mild exercise can be helpful in overcoming CFS. Others warn against any form of aerobic activity that can aggravate CFS.

Exercise can be a problem for people with chronic fatigue syndrome because strenuous physical activity can worsen the symptoms of CFS such as muscle pain, fatigue and tenderness of the joints. While exercise is important in maintaining health and wellness, it can become dangerous for people with chronic fatigue. But a recent study released by the British Medical Journal has revealed that proper patient education on chronic fatigue syndrome combined with a supervised exercise program can help improve the symptoms of CFS.

Still, people with CFS typically find it difficult to perform basic activities such as walking let alone do rigorous physical activities such as aerobic exercise. During an onset of chronic fatigue, the patient may be bedridden. They usually feel better after some time and may attempt to do regular exercise. However there is danger that the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome may relapse once the individual attempts aerobic activity.

Muscular activity causes lactic acid to be produced in the muscles. This chemical by-product leads to fatigue. Research says that exercise can worsen the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome because it sets off production of excess lactic acid in the muscles. Recent studies reveal that people with CFS actually produce twice the amount of lactic acid than people without chronic fatigue syndrome. Researches believe that their findings suggest a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and an error in the body’s energy metabolism.

Researchers are also looking at a link between chronic fatigue and low levels of potassium electrolytes. A deficiency in potassium supply usually causes chronic fatigue. The bulk of the body’s potassium supply is in the muscle tissue as well as the brain, blood and internal organs. Studies have revealed that people with chronic fatigue syndrome have actually less total body potassium compared to healthy people of the same weight and age.

On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle can also cause a whole range of health problems for people with CFS. These include loss of bone mass, muscle wastage or atrophy, and increased vulnerability to obesity and cardiovascular disease. People with chronic fatigue syndrome should have a gentle approach to physical activity.

There should only be minute increases in the frequency, intensity and duration of the exercise program to prevent any detrimental effects to the health and well-being of the chronic fatigue syndrome patient.