Understanding Acne in Puberty Stage

Puberty acne develops from a few simple steps. First, teenage acne occurs when for some unknown reason or combination of reasons, hair follicles, also known as pores, become blocked. Although the exact combination of reasons that pores become clogged may not be fully known, many contributing elements for teenagers and adults alike can include:

* genetics (whether or not there is a history of acne problems and if so, to what extent)

* hormones

* dietary and vitamin make up (or lack of /deficiency)

* stress related factors

Other denominators in the development of puberty acne could include factors like how your body normally rids itself of its dead skin cells. And influences that may be working against this regularity.

For example, climate and other environmental factors, overall body health at the time of the outbreak, and your hormones and their effect on your own body’s sebum production (especially for females).

Second, the normal dead skin cells that combine with your body’s natural sebum oil as it drains through the skin’s surface become clogged in these blocked pores. This substance becomes somewhat sticky, further clogging the passageway.

Third, bacteria begins to grow around these clogged areas. As a normal reaction, your body’s white blood cells attack the bacteria, fighting it and pushing it out of the body.

And forth, the resulting growths during this 14-day to 21-day battle are called microcomedones. Microcomedones turn into comedones, commonly referred to as blemishes, pimples or acne.

There are basically four types of puberty acne: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and nodules.

Whiteheads are when the sebum (oil) and resulting bacteria are trapped below the skin’s surface and you can actually see a white head appear above (or near popping out of) the skin.

Blackheads are when the sebum and resulting bacteria are only partially trapped, slowly draining out the surface and turning black because of your skin’s melanin or pigmentation.

In the absence of either white or blackhead are generally (but not always) smaller pimples. And the often deeper, boil-like lesions are referred to as nodules.

All forms of puberty acne can be mild, moderate or severe. Typically, mild puberty acne is visible in the form of whiteheads and blackheads, sometimes pimples.

With moderate puberty acne, more pimples and pustules are present on the face, some may appear on the back or chest.

And with severe puberty acne, many nodules develop, often large and sore, over parts of the face, back, chest and other body areas. This type of acne can lead to scarring.

Actually, lesser cases of puberty acne have been followed by scarring. So for those with possible nodular acne, seeking advice from a healthcare provider as soon as possible is recommended.

A gender issue to note is that males more often have the severe form of acne rather than females, due to their hormones. And the areas where they tend to break out most frequently are unfortunately more difficult to treat, the chest and back.

Solve Acne Problems Now!

Indeed, everybody wants to be beautiful in his or her own concept of beauty. Although there is much more to being beautiful than having a charming face, good skin, striking posture, and youthfulnesswe cannot blame those who are looking for ways to enhance their physical beauties.

Since various skin problems are among those that create physical flaws, more and more people would want to get rid of the skin disorder fast.

Finding a Solution to Acne

Since acne bacteria exist on every persons skin, acne has become one of the most common skin problems people experience. Contrary to common belief, there are many ways to solve acne problems and infections. But, the very first thing to do to solve acne problems is to trace the causes of acne for you to understand what should be done about it.

Make a little review of your lifestyle for the past few years or months. If you havent been sleeping at least 8 hours, eating three hearty meals, or drinking 8 glasses of water each daythen these are possible causes of your discomfort. Try to relax and live a healthy lifestyle. If your acne problem doesnt get any better, its now time to find solution to your problem.

Basically, home treatment and prescription therapy aims to unclog pores, kill bacteria, and minimize oil. But before you delve deeper into these acne solutions, take note how each process works:

1. Opening or unclogging of pores. The easiest solution to acne is by cleansing the skin and proper skin care. Since the opening or unclogging of pores plays an important role to that ultimate acne solution, try different alternatives in doing the process.

You can open or unclog your pores by washing once or twice daily with a mild cleansing liquid or bar. Cleansing will keep your skin clear and clean while minimizing possible irritation and inflammation. Another way to open pores is by using exfoliating cleansers and masques. Since majority of these products contain salicylic acid that act as peeling agents, the outer layer of your skin can be removed which will lead to the opening of pores.

2. Killing the acne-causing bacteria. One of the acne solutions recommended by most dermatologists is the elimination of the acne-causing bacteria. You can do this acne by using antibacterial cleansers especially those that contain benzoyl peroxide. An acne patient can also kill the bacteria by using topical or external medications that come in the form of creams, gels, and lotions applied in the area affected.

3. Reduction of oil. Excessive production of oil is one of the factors that aggravate acne cases. Since oil is normal, you cant do anything to eliminate it for good. What you can actually do is get rid of it on the surface of the skin by using gentle astringents or toners.

You can look for acne products that contain glycolic acid that exfoliates the skin. You may also use facial masques that have sulfur and antibacterial pads that have benzoyl peroxide that are effective to draw out the oil.

Other acne solutions include the use of water-based or oil free cosmetics to conceal the acne affected area. You may also administer facials or the use of pore strips to cleanse your skins pores.

Aside from these, the ultimate acne solution is developing a good skin regimen. Most dermatologists suggest that a basic skin routine may include twice a day cleansing using products that have benzoyl peroxide wash or salicylic acid. It should be followed by the application of benzoyl peroxide gel or cream.

At day, you also use light skin moisturizers or oil-free makeup just make sure that you apply a sulfur-containing cream at night.

Acne Skin Care Basics

When you have an acne outbreak, do you know how to take care of your skin? Unknowingly, many people tend to use acne skin care methods that aggravate their present condition further. Take for example the notion that a patient must seriously scrub his face to take away dirt. Is this the correct way for acne skin care? Not quite. Here’s the scoop.

First, it is important to understand the cause of acne before knowing what acne skin care measures to use. Acne is neither a direct resul of dirt or uncleanness. However, your acne problems worsen when dirt mixes with sebum and other skin debris to create a mixture which may settle in the pus of the pustules.

Medically speaking, acne is caused by many internal body factors such as a weak immune and digestive system, impaired internal detoxification system, and stress. Outside influences like weather elements, pollutants, humidity and the bacteria thriving on the human skin contribute to aggravate your acne. Ultimately, all these factors may not have effectively produced acne if it were not for the “P acnes”, which digest excess sebum. The effect results in inflammation, swelling and pain.

It is not easy to pin point the cause of acne on your own. It is best to solicit the help of a dermatologist to help you determine the cause of your acne and to recommend an appropriate acne treatment. Notwithstanding, there are a couple of tips on proper acne skin care that you should be aware of.

The first step to good acne skin care is to minimize the sebum production to a level to sustain normal skin. However, in most cases, to treat acne, more needs to be done.

If skin oiliness persist, it is best to keep the pores open. The principle behind this acne care is to release the clogs in the pores and wash them out. The only way to achieve this is to wash the face with extremely hot water. Repeat this procedure to help repel skin bacteria.

In terms of acne skin care products, choose the ones that work best best for you. Select the acne care product that gently clears away the oil and dirt without leaving your skin dry and irritated. In fact, ,mild acne care works best for all skin types. This will require some trials and consequently, some errors.

It is best to trust your dermatologist recommendation first. If his recommended product does not work, then shift to other acne skin care products. This way, you are experimenting with acne care products that may suit you best. It is important to note that during your first applications, use small amounts on a small area so that any damage is at best limited.

Also, avoid alcohol-based cleansers as these may only dry out your skin. Dry skin is more vulnerable to serious acne outbreaks. On the other hand, minimize the use of oil-based products as these in themselves may add up to the pre-existing oil content of the skin. At any rate, an acne patient must avoid applying cosmetics, however oil-free they may appear to be.

Proper acne skin care methods can go a long way to help you in your acne problems. Good diet and lifestyle habits are other measures that you can also adopt for better glowing skin.

Acne Skin Care Basics

When you have an acne outbreak, do you know how to take care of your skin? Unknowingly, many people tend to use acne skin care methods that aggravate their present condition further. Take for example the notion that a patient must seriously scrub his face to take away dirt. Is this the correct way for acne skin care? Not quite. Here’s the scoop.

First, it is important to understand the cause of acne before knowing what acne skin care measures to use. Acne is neither a direct resul of dirt or uncleanness. However, your acne problems worsen when dirt mixes with sebum and other skin debris to create a mixture which may settle in the pus of the pustules.

Medically speaking, acne is caused by many internal body factors such as a weak immune and digestive system, impaired internal detoxification system, and stress. Outside influences like weather elements, pollutants, humidity and the bacteria thriving on the human skin contribute to aggravate your acne. Ultimately, all these factors may not have effectively produced acne if it were not for the “P acnes”, which digest excess sebum. The effect results in inflammation, swelling and pain.

It is not easy to pin point the cause of acne on your own. It is best to solicit the help of a dermatologist to help you determine the cause of your acne and to recommend an appropriate acne treatment. Notwithstanding, there are a couple of tips on proper acne skin care that you should be aware of.

The first step to good acne skin care is to minimize the sebum production to a level to sustain normal skin. However, in most cases, to treat acne, more needs to be done.

If skin oiliness persist, it is best to keep the pores open. The principle behind this acne care is to release the clogs in the pores and wash them out. The only way to achieve this is to wash the face with extremely hot water. Repeat this procedure to help repel skin bacteria.

In terms of acne skin care products, choose the ones that work best best for you. Select the acne care product that gently clears away the oil and dirt without leaving your skin dry and irritated. In fact, ,mild acne care works best for all skin types. This will require some trials and consequently, some errors.

It is best to trust your dermatologist recommendation first. If his recommended product does not work, then shift to other acne skin care products. This way, you are experimenting with acne care products that may suit you best. It is important to note that during your first applications, use small amounts on a small area so that any damage is at best limited.

Also, avoid alcohol-based cleansers as these may only dry out your skin. Dry skin is more vulnerable to serious acne outbreaks. On the other hand, minimize the use of oil-based products as these in themselves may add up to the pre-existing oil content of the skin. At any rate, an acne patient must avoid applying cosmetics, however oil-free they may appear to be.

Proper acne skin care methods can go a long way to help you in your acne problems. Good diet and lifestyle habits are other measures that you can also adopt for better glowing skin.