The Wear and Tear of Anxiety, Panic, and Nervous Breakdown

The Wear and Tear of Anxiety, Panic, and Nervous Breakdown

People often hear of a type of energy that has little to do with muscles and work, an energy without focus or function nervous energy. And most often than not, people recognize it by any other names such as anxiety, stress, panic, nervous breakdown, or feeling uptight.

Older people have no monopoly on this sense of malaise. Each year, Americans of all ages spend more than $300 million on tranquilizers and sedatives to soothe their fraying nerves.

In reality, stress is a 20th-century phenomenon, the price people pay for a living in our high-powered, fast-paced world. In the short tern, most people pay the price in headaches, heartburn, sleepless nights, and stiff, aching muscles.

In the end, the price gets higher. Stress has been implicated as a contributing factor in conditions that range from alcoholism to hypertension, from arthritis to impotence.

Its effects are cumulative. Whereas, episodes of intense stress affect our immediate well-being, decades of life under pressure affect how long and how well people will continue to live.

Stress is not always negative. Some of lifes happiest momentsbirths, weddings, reunions, retirementsare enormously stressful. Stress is a spice of life, a motivating force for growth and adaptation. But the human body cannot simply differentiate between positive and negative stresses, between genuine threats and vague anxieties.

When stress becomes a problem, it can lead to one devastating mental disorder known as nervous breakdown. Experts do not consider this as a clinical term but more of a popular term because it is commonly used by people to avoid the shame of a particular clinical finding.

Nervous breakdown could also be caused by many factors such as anxiety and panic disorder. Even if they seem to mean the same, each has its own unique characteristic.

People, who were diagnosed with anxiety disorder, generally pertain to those who have mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or depressions.

On the other hand, panic disorder refers to the repeated occurrence of unforeseen panic attacks. Panic happens when your body instantly reacts to whatever kind of stressor that is available as of the moment.

There are times when some people were brought up negatively, with pressures more than what they can handle. These things usually happen when parents tend to demand more items from their kids. What happens next is that their children get anxious of always doing things right according to what their parents have told them. Otherwise, they are bound for numerous punishments.

Yet, despite constant and chaotic stresses, anxieties, and nervous breakdowns, people can actually cope. And most of the time, people cope very well.

Physiologists explain these day-to-day, person-to-person differences in terms of the all-or-none law. Every nerve cell, or neuron, responds either to maximum capacity or not at all. Like a rifle, a neuron either fires or does not.

An overestimated neuron is like a rifle with the safety switch off. Even a slight stimulus can startle it from a quiet to an active state.

The point here is that the more active the nervous system, the more active it is likely to become. This cycle of reactions is caused by the feedback mechanisms of the sensory receptors in the muscles.

With that in mind, it can be concluded that many people nowadays are strolling around with intense nervous breakdowns, anxieties, or panic disorders that frequently transform to physical sensation feeling.

Whatever the meanings are, these things all pertains to one basic truth there is an increasing behavioral and environmental attack. All of these things highly recommend that people, whether young or old, must not take their health undervalued.

The Common Types of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a science of healing that has been existing for several hundreds of years now. This is the typical resort of people who want to be free from their daily stressors. People from all walks of life see this as an ultimate solution to their aching muscles and as an escape from the pressure which their busy lifestyle imposes on them. For sure you have already tried one after the other. In reality, there are more than eighty recognized kinds but this article is about to cover ten of the popularly used types of massage therapy. Read on and find out what they are and what they are comprised of.

The first one is called the Swedish massage. This is a typical find in the United States. It is known to be done in such a relaxing and gentle way. With this kind of massage therapy, the masseur or masseuse makes use of the long strokes that are basically made up of the circular and kneading movements on the muscles by using either oil or lotion for a more relaxing effect.

The next one is termed as Aromatherapy. This is the term used simply because the professional masseur or masseuse uses one or more of the known scented plant oils in the execution of the massage session. You will be asked to choose the oil of course. Among the many plant oils, the lavender is one of the most sought-after because of its recognized effect in the alleviation of stress, both physically and emotionally.

Have you heard of the hot stone massage? Well, this is another kind. With this, smooth stones are heated and then placed on particular points of the body which need to loosen up the tight muscles. The stones also help in balancing the energy centers of the body. If you experience muscle tensions, you may request the professional to apply some gentle pressure.

The deep tissue massage is known to heal the deeper muscle layers and the connective tissues. Slow strokes are used across the muscles. The strategy is also referred to as the friction technique. This kind is employed on people who experience painful or chronically tight muscles, repetitive muscle strain, problems with the posture, and to help those who are recuperating from serious injuries.

Then you also have the Japanese massage therapy that is called Shiatsu. This therapy utilizes the localized finger pressure following some rhythmic sequence as what is done in acupuncture. The points are held for about 2 up to 8 seconds because the massage is meant to enhance the energy flow within the body.

Thai massage actually resembles Shiatsu in such a way that it re-aligns the energy in the body by applying the gentle pressure on some points. Stretches and compressions are done as different postures are followed.

The pregnancy massage is perfect for the expecting women. It is crafted to lessen swelling, aches, stress, depression, and anxiety.

Reflexology or foot massage includes the use of pressure as applied to particular areas on the foot. The practitioners believe that every point on the foot is associated with an organ in the body.

Sports massage is used on the athletes who need to get their physical injuries treated and prevented.

The back massage is of course another popular one. It is applied to relieve the tension in the back as caused by improper posture, lifting of heavy objects, and long sitting.

There you go with the types of massage therapy. Choose one which best applies to you!

Pain Relief for Your Aching Muscles

Soft tissues are vulnerable to injuries, both chronic and acute. The best way to repair injured soft tissues is through hands-on approach. Consult a chiropractic doctor or an osteopath because they know how to manipulate the soft tissues and how to mobilize them. Aside from that, you can also try physical therapy and massage.

Individuals who havent tried Massage Therapy are hesitant to try such approach and they get really nervous. Well, youre not the only person whos anxious of getting a massage. Oftentimes, patients tend to ask question like if they need to take off their clothes, if they should talk to the massager, or what they would do just in case they get uncomfortable. These are common questions that require immediate answers.

Firstly, you need to look for a massage therapist in your area. You can ask for referrals or you can check out the different massage parlors in your locality. Once you find a massage parlor, its now time to talk with the therapist. You will be asked to provide some vital information about your health and your current health concerns. You see, the therapist needs to analyze your condition so that he or she can determine what techniques to use and what not to use. This is important to ensure your safety.

Aside from the personal questions, the therapist will also ask you about your preference when it comes to the actual therapy. The therapist will try to meet all your preferences to ensure comfort. The most commonly used oils are lavender, cajeput, and tea tree oil but you will still be asked to choose scented oils. The reason why therapists prefer these oils is because they soothe inflammations and irritations. The oils also desensitize and penetrate nerve endings, thereby giving pain relief. However, if the therapist doesnt ask you, you can bring up your concerns and preferences.

The question of getting undressed is another consideration. Therapists prefer to work with a patient who doesnt have clothes on because they can easily work on the different areas of the body. However, if youre uncomfortable in such setting, you can talk to your therapist about it. Besides, you will not be asked to expose your whole body because you will use a drape. If you still want to wear clothes, make sure that you wear loose clothes so that the therapist can still work well on the affected areas of your body.

You will simply lie down on the massage table. Some tables have bolsters for more comfort. There are also times when you will be asked to move so that the therapist can better access the area being massaged. If the position makes you uncomfortable, tell the therapist at once.

During the therapy, you can talk to the therapist or you can remain silent. When changing positions, then there is a need to talk but after that, there is no need to converse with the therapist. It is up to you to tell the therapist if you like a conversation during the therapy or if you prefer to be silent.

Dont worry if your body is oily after the massage. The therapist will help you in removing them so that the oils will not stain your clothes.

Massage is an effective pain relief tool. Why dont you try it now?