Low Blood Sugar Diet

If you have frequent low blood sugar episodes then you should consider starting on a low blood sugar diet. You need to get you blood sugars under control otherwise you may find yourself in some serious trouble at some point. Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, can be a serious condition if not brought under control. Figuring out how to eat better is the best way for you to control your low blood sugar. Here’s what you do.

Plan out what you are going to eat throughout your day. This will make things easier for you so you don’t get so hungry and then have n o idea what to eat. Your best bet is to plan out several small meals that are easy to get to during the day. If you work then you may need to start carrying an insulated lunch box to keep the food you prepared close at hand. Buy a thermos to keep hot things,like soup, hot.

A high protein, low carbohydrate low blood sugar diet is best for you to learn to adjust and then maintain your low blood sugar. Stay away from things that are highly processed they are full of bad carbs. Also stay away from anything made with white sugar or white flour for the same reason.
If you do not consider yourself much of a cook, then learn. This is the best thing you can do for yourself. Learning to cook with fresh ingredients will help you keep your blood sugars under control.

Decreased carbs is great but how do you get and feel full? The easy answer is, fat. Be careful here though and make sure that you are using the right kinds of fat. Olive oil and canola oil are best. Anything that says ‘hydrogenated’ is bad. Fats will help you feel fuller, longer and slows the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. The slower the absorption the more stable the blood sugar.

A great way to see what foods are foods you react to when you have a low blood sugar episode, is to keep a food diary. Maybe you have done this in the past and already know what foods are your triggers, great! Then all you have to do is to learn to eat right to keep things under control. Avoid any of the foods that you react badly to, or, if you can’t stay away from them then just have them in moderation and make sure that you eat them with something that will help maintain your blood sugar level.

The reason that carbs are bad for you if you have low blood sugar, is because carbs immediately convert to sugar in your body during the digestion process. This sudden increase in blood sugar makes your pancreas pump insulin into your blood stream to try to control it. The problem arises when the blood sugar has been taken care of then there is still an overabundance of insulin in your blood stream and then here is where the trouble starts. With too much insulin and not enough sugar you have an insulin reaction, or, a low blood sugar episode. This can be prevented if you learn to live on a low blood sugar diet.

Diet For Hypoglycemia

A good diet for hypoglycemia is just the same as it would be if you want to lose some weight. Low carb, high protein. This is the best way to treat your hypoglycemia. If you make the changes you need to make in your diet then you may be able to improve or even eliminate your hypoglycemia.

If you cut the carbs then you should improve your situation dramatically. Eliminate or at least cut down on your intake of alcohol. Alcohol can greatly affect the frequency of hypoglycemic instances.

Decrease the amount of sugar in your diet. Stop drinking pop. Pop has no place in a diet for hypoglycemia. Cut down your use of white sugar, also. But do not just blindly start drinking diet pop, either, diet pop is poison and the chemical used in diet pop will actually trick your body into staying fat.

Increase your fiber intake. Fiber can help regulate the absorption of sugars that you eat. Try increasing the amounts of whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. All full of fiber and very good for you.

Now, if you have been doing some research, you have found that three meals a day is no longer the standard. What you should be doing, especially if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, is eating several small meals a day. Small meals will help keep your blood sugar levels stabilized and under control.

Caffeine is another aspect of your diet that you should limit or even eliminate. Caffeine will actually help you feel full or at least less hungry and therefore you will not eat the way you should. Caffeine is never a substitute for a good meal.

These are the important changes that you should try to make and stick with when learning to deal with your diagnosis of hypoglycemia or even diabetes. Stay positive and don’t think of this as things you can no longer have. Think of this as an adventure in finding out all the new things you can have. When your blood sugars have stabilized then you can probably even reintroduce some of the old things you used to love, just in moderation from now on.

Having diabetes or hypoglycemia is not a death sentence, unless you choose to not do what is necessary to control it. Then you could find yourself in trouble. Big trouble. Symptoms for mild to moderate hypoglycemia are nausea, chills, cool, clammy skin, sweating, hunger, heart palpitations, irritability, anxiousness, confusion, blurry vision, and dizziness. Severe hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness, seizures, coma, and death, if left untreated.

Following a good diet for hypoglycemia can help you lessen your risk for complications and even lessen your risk for becoming a full blown diabetic. If you are or do become a full blown diabetic then you will have other things you will need to concern yourself with. It is common for diabetics to have decreased blood flow to their extremities. When this happens it can lead to ulcers and other skin conditions. If serious enough the decreased blood flow could lead to tissue death and the need for amputation.

Existing Treatment For Celiac Disease

Instead of going round and round, Im going to tell you now: theres no existing treatment that could cure Celiac disease. Theres no one medicine that can help eliminate the symptoms. Theres no one operation that can solve the problem.

However, there are ways to manage the disease. The symptoms are bad and can be dangerous, but with proper measures, you can live a normal life without any complications or problems. The basic, and probably the best, way to manage the disease is through your diet.

Celiac disease is a digestive condition that is caused when you eat the protein gluten. So this means eating food like bread, pasta, pizza crust and other foods made or containing wheat, barley or rye can easily cause the condition. What happens is that gluten damages the villi inside the small intestines. Since the villi are responsible for the absorption of minerals from the food we eat, without them the body will not be able to get the necessary nutrients and minerals it needs. So you can see where this can lead to when not managed correctly: severe malnutrition which can then cause other serious ailments resulting from the bodys lack of nutrition.

Why some people develop gluten intolerance is still not known. The disease was earlier thought as a condition only affecting people in Europe. But recent studies have shown that the disease is not dependent on the age and ethnicity. One thing is certain though, the condition is inherited. The condition can arise at any time but usually is triggered by the consumption of gluten.

Removing the gluten in the diet is the key to reduce the inflammation in the small intestines caused by the disease. The effects can be noticed weeks after the change in the diet. If you have been suffering from the symptoms of the disease and have been diagnosed with celiac disease only recently, you might need to take vitamin supplements to recover from the nutritional deficiencies. The difficulties of diagnosing celiac disease lie on the fact that the symptoms and conditions resemble other digestive conditions or allergic reactions.

Those with celiac disease have to understand that they need to be on a life long gluten free diet since the inflammation of the small intestines can be triggered again. So a commitment to a lifestyle change is needed for them to be free of the symptoms of the disease.

A gluten free diet simply means avoiding food products that contain, are made and/or have been prepared from wheat, oats, barley and rye. This means reading carefully food labels and making sure that the food you will be picking up from the supermarket shelves are gluten free. Fortunately, there are products today which are gluten free. You can come up with alternative dishes as well.

Aside from the grains, you should start avoiding bear and alcohol products as well. Food made from brown rice syrup, cake flour, and caramel can also trigger the disease. Anything creamed or breaded which includes vegetables. Fried chicken has been found to set off the disease as well.

Other foods to be avoided include pastas, salad dressings, gravies and sauces prepared from tomato and meat, soft cheeses, dips, stuffings, herbal teas and even flavored coffees. It is especially important that you consult a proper dietitian to help you create a list of food that you can and cannot eat.

This is really the only existing treatment for celiac disease. Once the gluten is removed from the diet, the intestines villi will start to heal and grow back. This may take several months to years depending on the amount of damage caused by the disease and the age of the person who contracted it. The healing process will take longer for older people.