What you Eat can Improve the way that you Think

What you Eat can Improve the way that you Think

It is often said that we are what we eat, but did you know that pertains to your brain activities as well? What you eat can improve the way you think as long as you choose the right types of foods. First, it is very important to remember not to skip breakfast. Too many people do so including children. It results in the brain not being able to perform at its optimum level for the morning.

Your diet needs to consist of foods that contain plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are going to increase your stamina on an intellectual level. The main sources of Omega 3 fatty acids include fish, flax seed, and hemp seed. When you need a pick up of energy and brain power during the day, reach for a handful of nuts. They are going to give you the burst of energy and creativity that you need to get through the rest of the day.

Consuming large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way for your mind to be able to process information. They offer plenty of antioxidants in them that will remove toxins from your body. Replace those drinks that are full of sugar with plain water or green tea as well. The way that you will feel both physically and mentally when you make such changes is unbelievable.

There are certain types of foods that you want to avoid as well. They will slow down you brains ability to function as well as it could. Two of them that many people consume large quantities of include alcohol and caffeine. Do your very best to either avoid them or to only consume them in moderation.

Avoid consuming too many processed foods as well. They may taste good but they are full of ingredients that really arent good for your body. Make sure you take the time to read labels. Find out what certain words on packaging means so you can identify what it really is. For example there are many different terms used to mean sugar so make sure you know what is in the food that you consume.

Taking a daily multi vitamin is a good idea as well. This can help to ensure you get the daily recommended intake of various types of Vitamins. These Vitamins are necessary for your brain to function at its very best. Should you find that you crave foods that arent good for you, at least try to cut back on them. Then you wont feel deprived and at the same time your mental well being wont be compromised.

When you body is lacking essential vitamins and nutrients it is harder for you to stay focused. It is also going to affect your mood and the actions you take throughout the day. When you eat the right foods your mind will be very healthy. You will have less stress and be able to concentrate on what needs your attention.

It is never too late to take an inventory of what you eat. Chances can be made that dont result in you feeling like you are starving or missing out on great tasting foods. There is no reason why eating healthy has to taste terrible either. There are plenty of great recipes online that you can try out. A certified nutritionist can also help you to get on the right track.


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Fish Oil: Your Ultimate Defense Against Silent Inflammation

Silent inflammation has been linked to heart disease, cancer and dementia. It is a condition that occurs when the body’s natural immune response goes awry. Silent inflammation is an inflammation without pain and it can continue undetected for years, continually assaulting your heart, arteries and even the brain – without you noticing it.

According to Dr. Barry Sears, author of bestselling books “The Zone,” high carbohydrate diet is the culprit to this kind of health situation. In his boos “The Anti-inflammation Zone,” he had proposed taking supplements of high dose, ultra-refined fish oil as the best armor against inflammation.

The Japanese manage to maintain a state of wellness and away from silent inflammation by consuming copious amounts of fish. However, according to a research, the massive amounts of fish does not ensure them enough intake of omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil. Fish oil is ultimately the healthiest fat around because it has profiund anti-inflammatory properties. It has no long-term side effects and can even make you smarter.

The reason why high-dose fish oil is so effective is because it reduces arachodonic acid (AA) which is the building block of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids. By taking it within 30 days, fish oil will increase your levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Fish oil is the only dietary supplement that is supported by robust clinical studes by treating chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, immunological and inflammatory diseases, and neurological conditions like attention deficit disorder, depression, multiple sclerosis, and different types of dementia.

However, taking fish oil as defenses to silent inflammation has a drawback, it might lead you to contamination. So in taking fish oil as dietary supplement, Dr. Barry Sears cautioned to ensure that its ultra-refined and use the SIP as guidance for exact dosage. On a scale of 1 to 10 for supplements, Dr. Sears give high-dose fish oil a 12. The EPA found in fish oil partially inhibits the activity of the delta-5 desaturase enzyme that makes AA.

This represents the primary anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil, he adds. To achieve a significant impact on AA production, a person must provide a lot of EPA. A high-dose fish oil, especially rich in EPA will likely lead you to success in reducing silent inflammation as reflected in the reduction of the AA/EPA ratio. The ratio can be measured by SIP.

The public and the mainstream medicine are starting to accept the importance of insulin control to well-being. Now is the perfect time to bring to public’s attention the role of eicosanoids and the way high-dose fish oil can manipulate them. Dr. Barry Sears that the role of fish oil in medical practice because it tells us that medical care is based primarily on the food we eat, not the drugs we take.

Recent genetic research is forcing scientists to evaluate the value of fish oil in the evolution of modern humANS. It was genetic scientists who initiated the theory that consumption of high-dose fish oil was the reason why humans have the power to conquer the earth. A proper combination of insulin and high-dose pharmaceutical-grade fish oil may be the true miracle cure for the 21st century.

Fish oil is so effective that having this dietary supplement is like having a miracle drug that has the perfect balance between eicosanoids with totally zero side effects.

Fish Oil: The Quantity I should Take

For people who came to know the health benefits of fish oil, the next question they ask is how much quantity does one take? Well, some would recommend at least 3.5 grams a day while others suggest a mere 2.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids would be enough to get the whole health benefits of fish oil. To be on the safe side, it would be better to consult your doctor of nutritionist for the proper dosage of fish oil.

There are in fact a number of factors to consider. Take age for example. It has been found out that the needs of younger people for essential fatty acids are higher than the older folks. One of the possible reasons is the fact that young people are more active which makes their needs for essential fatty acids greater than old people who have gone on with their retirements.

However, this should not be misunderstood that older people do not need daily intake of fish oil. The dosage or amount only diminishes but the importance of taking fish oil does not. Nothing can stress this more than the studies that have been conducted in the past which shows that the healthy essential fatty acids in fish oil help reduce and prevent the inflammation of blood vessels which is linked to heart disease.

According to experts, the lack of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and the docoxahexaenoic acid (DHA) can result to depression and heart disease. And since EPA and DHA are the primary omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil the significance of fish oil in ones diet cannot and should not be undermined. Plus, our body cannot produce essential fatty acids so our only hope to get them is through an outside source. Only by eating fish rich in fats and oil or taking those commercially available fish oil supplement capsules does our body get the necessary supply of omega-3.

Probably one way of determining the amount of omega-3 you take also depends on your intake amount of omega-6 fatty acids. You can find omega-6 acids from common vegetable cooking oils like canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower oil. These are present in a lot of food available in the supermarket, most especially the processed ones.

We need to balance the intake of omega-3 and omega-6 since the latter compete for enzymes with the former. And too much omega-6 could result to inflammation which can later affect the heart. The effects of omega-6 counters the benefits omega-3 gives the heart. According to some experts, having a ratio of 2 to 1, omega-6 to omega-3, would be the best combination to have. The ratio properly balances the effects of both essential fatty acids.

Other doctors recommend taking only a minimal quantity of say 2.5 grams per day or even lower depending on how much it will take to maintain your state of health. Taking too much might result to bodily imbalance which can become harmful to your overall health. However, if you have a certain disease or existing condition like, your doctors might prescribe you a stronger daily dosage of fish oil to help you cope and regain your health.

To sum up, the quantity of fish oil you should take depends on your state of health, diet, age, among other factors. Consulting your doctors would be the best move before starting on a daily intake of fish oil.

Fish Oil Grades

Fish oil production does not just provide one type of end product. In fact, there are also other grades of fish oil being produced. The three types of fish oil produced today depend on their level of quality.

Cod Liver Oil
Cod liver oil, despite its popularity as a nutritional supplement, is considered as a low quality grade of fish oil. It may only be used in small amounts as an ideal supplement since this form of fish oil may contain certain contaminants. Cod liver oil is also known to contain high levels of vitamin A which can be toxic to humans in large doses.

One teaspoon of cod liver oil contains 500 mg of long chain omega 3 fatty acids. Cod liver oil contains the highest levels of contaminants which may include DDT, PCBs as well as organic mercury. Taking this type of fish oil may not be safe in large quantities.

Health Food Fish Oil
Better quality grade fish oil is one that is sourced from a particular species of fish such as salmon. Most of these health food grade fish oil are usually available in soft gel capsules because they still carry with them a very poor taste profile. There is also a cholesterol free version of this type of fish oil grade.

This type of health food grade fish oil undergoes a slightly more purification process by means of limited molecular distillation in order to remove some of its cholesterol content in order to label it as cholesterol free. An even purified version of this health food grade version of fish oil is known as fish oil concentrate. This is the type of fish oil consisting of ethyl esters of the fish oil that undergoes fractional cooling. This allows a more purified form of fish oil with lesser amounts of contaminants that cod liver oil.

Generally, this type of fish oil contains a better concentration of omega 3 fatty acids. A single one gram capsule contains about 300 mg of omega 3 fatty acids. One capsule of a thermally fractionated health food grade can contain as much as 500 mg of long chain omega 3 fatty acids.

Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil
Pharmaceutical grade fish oils have been ultra refined in order to provide the highest quality of fish oil. This grade of fish oil undergoes through certain specialized processes in order to come up with the most refined fish oil. Certain specialized equipment is usually used in order to detect the minutest amount of contaminants in the fish oil. Because it is ultra refined, it is thousand times purer than the molecular distilled health food grade fish oils.

An ultra refined pharmaceutical grade fish oil contains more omega 3 fatty acids than the previous two fish oil grades. A one gram of this type of fish oil contains around 600 mg of long chain omega 3 fatty acids. And for being the most refined of the three grades of fish oil, it contains the smallest amount of contaminants.