Tanning Bed Safety-No Rules Of Any Kind Of Tanning

No matter how much information we see about the possible dangers of too much time in the sun, there are those people who love the way they look with a tan. Some of them will even use artificial light during the off season to keep that golden glow all year long. At the minimum, follow some simple tanning bed safety guidelines if you are going to go to a tanning parlor.

We have known for many years that too much exposure to the sun can have a long term detrimental effect on our overall health and the health of our skin. While the damage may not show up for decades we can develop skin cancer and premature aging to name just two.

In order to decrease these risks in the future use these tanning bed safety rules (as well as any rules that the individual tanning parlor may have in place):

1. Limit the amount of time you spend in a bed when you are first starting out. A good salon will make it part of their policy to limit how much time you can spend when you first start out.

They will force you to increase your time incrementally over a few weeks. It may be frustrating to be able to go for only two or three minutes at a time when first starting but it is the safest way to go.

While all exposure to UV rays can be damaging to your skin, and could lead to future skin cancer, the more often you burn your skin the more likely you are for long term damage.

Avoiding getting burned is one of the best ways to make the whole process “safer”.

2. Make sure you use the eye protection provided (or bring your own). Also, keep your eyes closed. The eye protection is only your first line of defense, your eye lids are your second line of defense. Use both.

Your skin is not the only thing that is vulnerable to too many UV rays. Your eyes are too. If you don’t protect them you may find that skin cancer is the least of your concerns.

3. Allow a minimum of 24 hours between tanning sessions. Again, a well run tanning parlor will make that part of their rules and won’t let you tan more frequently.

This may seem unnecessary but your skin can actually keep tanning for a long time even after you are out of the sun. Until you know how much exposure you really got and how your skin will react you need to allow yourself plenty of time in between visits.

4. Wear sunscreen even in the tanning booth. I know this may seem counter intuitive, but you can still get a tan even while wearing sunscreen, you are just cutting down the amount of these harmful rays that are making it through to your skin and thus minimizing the damage.

5. Make sure the beds are kept clean and sanitary. You don’t want to get more than a tan when you visit your local tanning parlor.

Tanning bed safety guidelines like these are the best way to keep yourself as safe as possible when doing something that isn’t that safe. Don’t compound your risk, follow these rules.

Try A Home Remedy For An Ear Infection

A home remedy for an ear infection may be your best option if you are a parent. Children tend to get ear infections often and it can be costly going to the doctor each time. Its especially bothersome when you are on vacation and you need a quick fix. Luckily there are many treatments you can do yourself. However, before trying any home remedies its a good idea to visit a doctor at least once.

People have been dealing with ear infections using the products they have sitting in their home for many years. These are things that have been working since the days when doctors werent readily available, so people had to treat themselves. You can take advantage of these treatments too.

A hot compress is a good option for at home or on the go. Have the child hold the hot compress to their ear with a towel or washcloth wrapped around it. You will also want them to lie on the side that is infected. This will force the build-up to come out of the ear while helping with the pain.

You probably have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your home and you can use this as a method of treating an ear infection. All you need is a couple drops into the infected ear and let it drop down in. The hydrogen peroxide will kill the infection.
Lemon juice can have a similar effect to hydrogen peroxide if you have that in your home and want to use something more natural. Lemon juice is an acidic which will neutralize the base chemical properties of the bacteria, stopping the infection.

Garlic and onions combined with olive oil can create an all natural solution to an ear infection. Youll need to simmer those ingredients together with a small amount of water. When it cools, use an eyedropper to put a few drops into the infected ear. Let it soak, and within 24 hours the infection will be gone.

Vinegar is found in most homes, and if you have it too you can use that to create an ear infection fighting solution. A combination of 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water will make a powerful cleaning solution that is safe for anyones ear.
Although it is a strange use for a liquor, vodka can also cure an ear infection, and not by drinking it. Dab a small amount of vodka onto a cotton ball and press it against the infected ear. Make sure some of the vodka drips into the ear. The strong alcohol content will remove the infection without causing harm like a pure alcohol would.

You can choose any of these home remedies and see which one works best for your children. Once you find one you like, you can continue to use that home remedy for an ear infection each time they get one. Be sure and remember that home remedies may not work and if the infections or pain continue, you should consult with your professional health care provider.