Arthritis and Driving: Tips for Ease

Those suffering from arthritis may find it difficult to walk to the car and back. However, most do not let arthritis stop them from enjoying their life. So, you may head out of the house and hop into your car. This is great, what if you start experiencing pain? How do you treat it on the road or prevent that pain from coming back the next time?

Keep arthritis pain relievers in the car. In one of your cars compartments, have a few pain relief supplies on hand. This may include over-the-counter pain pills, a tube of arthritis cream, or on-the-go heat patches. Whether you experience pain as soon as you get in your car, or later down the road, rely on these over-the-counter products to seek relief. If you live in an area with cold winters, do not keep these items in your car, as they may freeze. Instead, put them in your purse or fanny pack.

Speaking of over-the-counter products, most retail stores sell on-the-go heating patches. These patches stick to your body and warm with skin contact. ThermaCare is a well-known brand. They are ideal when you cant use an electric or microwaveable heating pad. If in pain before you leave the house, but must still leave, like for a holiday party or a doctors appointment, apply an on-the-go heated patch. Relief will last for up to 12 hours. Since they stick directly to the skin, no adjustments should be needed.

Buy a remote car starter. If you live in the northern United States, it is important to warm your car first. Unfortunately, this may mean an extra trip back and forth. It doesnt have to. Instead, purchase a remote car starter. This device allows you to start and warm your car from inside your home. They also make it easier to unlock car doors. Instead of fumbling with the keys, push the button and your car doors unlock! When buying a remote car starter, look for stores that offer free or discounted installation.

Buy no slip steeling wheel covers. Those who suffer from arthritis of the fingers, dread driving. In fact, some may fear the danger they put themselves and others in. If you find it difficult to grip your cars steering wheel, make a new purchase. That purchase should be an easy grip and non-slipable steeling wheel cover. Ask a store employee, family member, or friend to install the cover for you.

Keep a jar opener in the car. If you have arthritis of the hands, you likely already utilize rubber jar openers at home. They make griping, twisting, and turning easier. Keep one in your car. Use it to unscrew your cars gas cap. You can also find arthritis gas cap wrenches available for sale. They slip over your gas cap, have an extended and easy grip handle. These are nice, but they can be hard to find. For the same price, you could easily buy 20 rubber jar openers, which accomplish the same goal.

Keep your car well gassed. As previously stated, there are tools available to make opening and losing the gas cap easier. Even with these tools, it can still be difficult and painful. To prevent the onset of pain, always have a full tank of gas in your car. You wont be forced to put gas in when you are already in pain or more susceptible to it. If you have a full-service gas station in your area, use it.

As you can see, there are many steps that you can take to ease travel and car use. Just because you suffer from arthritis and are prone to pain, it does not mean you need to live your life in fear. Implement the above mentioned steps to reduce pain. If and when it does arrive, turn to your stash of over-the-counter arthritis care products to seek relief.


Word Count 647

Seek Arthritis Relief with Apple Cider Vinegar

Do suffer from arthritis? Are you tired of the aches, pains, difficulty moving, and trouble sleeping? Your physician will recommend pain reliever and exercise. Yes, these do help, but you may want to try something new. If and when you reach that point, turn to apple cider vinegar. For many years, arthritis patients, just like you, have claimed it relieved their pain and discomfort.

As nice as it is to know that apple cider vinegar can give you arthritis relief, you may be looking for more information on this natural remedy. What type of apple cider vinegar? How much? Do I drink it? Continue reading on to find out.

The following are accounts gathered from the internet. These remedies have worked for some. The common ingredient is apple cider vinegar. Always proceed with caution with natural and home remedies. Never consume or apply anything to your skin that may cause an allergic reaction. Know that natural and home remedies vary. What works for one may not work for another. You should experiment, through trial and error, to develop the apple cider vinegar remedy that works best for you.

Apple cider vinegar is made from apple must and cider. The apples are crushed and the liquid is squeezed out. Yeast and sugar are later added. This starts the fermentation process. The alcohol is later converted into vinegar. Your best bet is to purchase from a health and nutrition or organic food store. With that said, apple cider vinegar is available for sale at many retail stores, both on and offline.

When buying apple cider vinegar to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, opt for the fresh kind. It is found in most health and nutrition stores. When looking at the package, you should see sediments at the bottom. This is natural apple cider. Yes, the kind sold at the grocery store does look more enticing, but it has been altered and strained, losing some of its helpful properties.

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy #1

Combine up to three tablespoons of the vinegar in a cup with large water. If you cannot stomach the taste, as a few drops of honey. You can do this anytime through the day, but most recommend before bed. Some recommended drinking the mixture two to three times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy #2

Combine cup of apple cider with one to two cups of warm water. Place the combination in a bowl and soak the achy joints. For example, if it is your fingers or toes that hurt, soak them. Do so for at least ten minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy #3

Combine cup of apple cider vinegar with one to two cups of warm water. This is a continuation of remedy two. If your achy joints are too large to soak, put a cloth in the bowl. Let it soak up the mixture, wring to prevent dripping, and apply to the achy area. Keep the wrap on for at least ten minutes.

Apple cider vinegar is full of acid. For that reason, never drink straight. Always mix with water. This should not be a problem, as most are unable to stomach the sour taste anyways. As with most natural supplements, it is available in capsules form. You can take these, but it is best to opt for the real thing. You receive added health benefits and get a better value for your money.

Now that you have three different apple cider vinegar remedies, you may wonder exactly what they will do for you. As previously stated, results will vary. With that said, most noticed a decrease or elimination in pain. Users also noticed increased mobility. So, not only was it less painful to move around, but easier too!

Apple cider vinegar is not an immediate pain reliever. You may notice some improvement right away, but continued use is best. The longer you drink an apple cider vinegar mixture or soak your joints, the more benefits you feel. Some arthritis patients commented that they stopped drinking or soaking in the mixture due to improved movement and less pain. Unfortunately, those same individuals saw their pain return.


Word Count 694

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Early Treatment

When diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, many patients instinctively prepare for a life filled with pain. Yes, this may be true in some cases. But, a growing number of rheumatologists now believe that this form of arthritis can literally be stopped in its tracks. According to the popular Arthritis Today magazine, this is a growing theory. So, what does it mean for you?

If you suspect you are suffering from arthritis, it is important to seek immediate medical care. Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, sleep troubles, and decreased mobility. Treatment options do vary, but a proper diagnosis is key. There are over one hundred different types of arthritis. Although the treatments are similar, a diagnosis is important. Start with your primary care physician. He or she may later suggest you visit an arthritis specialist, also commonly known as a rheumatologist.

Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis typically include over-the-counter pain medication. This is to lessen the severity of the pain. Unfortunately, this relief is short lived. That is why many prescribe medication. When taken overtime, these medications work to combat arthritis. As for the importance of early treatment, the Arthritis Today magazine highlighted a study performed on the drug Humira. It showed that those diagnosed early were more likely to enter into remission in as little as two years!

Another important aspect of treatment is exercise. Excessive use of the troublesome joints can trigger pain. For that reason, patients need to start slow. For example, a patient suffering from arthritis of the fingers should move and stretch their fingers daily. Pain is likely at first, but the more a joint is safely and slowly worked, the more improvements patients are likely to see. Low impact exercises relieve joint stiffness and lessen the likelihood of deformities.

In addition to exercise, healthy eating is important. Combined, the two should result in weight loss. Not all arthritis sufferers are overweight, but some are. This increases pain, as the extra body weight applies more pressure to joints. With some patients, the pain is trigged by certain foods. Most see success by eliminating or reducing meat and dairy intake. In terms of natural remedies, nothing is scientifically proven, but many patients report relief after consuming pineapples, cayenne pepper, raw cabbage, and coldwater fish.

As for why early treatment is important, it slows the progression of the disease. Juveniles are the only individuals likely to outgrow rheumatoid arthritis. For adults, the disease will only progress and get worse, especially without treatment. The health complications are far too great to not give treatment a chance. These health complications may include disability, severe limitations in mobility, and deformities.

Although a growing number of arthritis experts do agree that early treatment can stop or slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, many have cause for concern. For example, an average window of opportunity is two years. Many believe that once those two years have passed patients will mistakenly believe they are past the point of no return and that treatment is useless. It is not. Treatment will reduce or temporarily eliminate many of the symptoms of arthritis. So, many will push for treatment regardless.

While there is little scientific proof that early treatment can stop rheumatoid arthritis in its tracks, it is worth the chance. As previously stated, all patients should undergo treatment. Whether that treatment comprises of over-the-counter products, prescribed medications, herbal supplements, or exercise, treatment can reduce the symptoms of arthritis. If you are able to stop the disease in its tracks, just consider that the icing on the cake.


Word Count 595

Pros and Cons of Over-the-Counter Arthritis Pain Relief

When it comes to arthritis pain and discomfort, many patients want relief and they want it now. Many are willing to try just about any over-the-counter product, try any natural remedy under the sun, and so forth. For many, the pain in unbearable. As previously stated, there are a number of over-the-counter products that result in pain relief, but are they your best option?

The Pros of Over-the-Counter Products

You have many options. Arthritis pain relief comes in many different formats. Most turn to pain relieving pills. These pills may include Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Bayer, or store brands. There are also arthritis creams available for sale. These creams usually contain the active ingredient capsaicin. Finally, there are heating pads. Heat has long been known to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. For at-home care, a microwavable or electric heating pad is best. For on the go in the car, onetime use heating patches are best.

When it comes to over-the-counter arthritis relief, you have many options. You may wish to try them all. Experiment and find the best source of relief.

They are easy to buy. Over-the-counter products are those that can be bought without a prescription. Anyone can buy them and just about anywhere. Heating pads, arthritis creams, and pain pills are available for sale both online and locally. In terms of local shopping, your options include health stores, department stores, drug stores, and supermarkets.

When buying over-the-counter products, dont change your shopping habits. There is no need to make a special trip.

Most over-the-counter products provide quick relief. With the exception of Tylenol Arthritis, which is designed to provide both fast and long-lasting pain relief, it can take up to fifteen minutes for the medicine to kick in. When in pain, this may seem like a lifetime, but it is actually very quick. For the quickest relief, opt for arthritis creams. Many report pain relief as soon as the cream touches their skin!

The Cons of Over-the-Counter Products

Their costs can add up overtime. The more you use a product, the more you need to buy. In terms of pain reliever, look for large packages, as they tend to cost less. If possible, buy in bulk. As for the heating patches and pouches, the patches are ideal for on the go travel, but do not use them at home. Instead, opt for a heating pad that you can continue to reuse. In the end, you get a better value for your money.

What is nice about prescribed medications is that insurance covers the cost. The average co-pay, which is typically around $5, is less than most over-the-counter products. You can lower the cost of over-the-counter products by shopping at discount retailers, as they are known for their everyday low prices. Coupons and sales can also lessen the costs.

Relief is short. As previously stated, many over-the-counter products provide fast acting arthritis pain relief. This is nice, but remember that relief will not be long-lived. As soon as your medication wears off or when your heating pad loses heat, your pain will start to return.

For the ultimate long-term relief of arthritis pain, swelling, and stiffness, do more than just rely on over-the-counter products. Prescribed medications, when taken overtime, as well as many natural and home remedies, provide long-lasting relief. If these prove successful for your body, you may not need over-the-counter products daily; just when pain flares up.


Word Count 572