Thyroid Self Test And Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a very common condition that effects millions of people across the globe without them even realizing it. Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid slows down in function which can have severe side effects on your body. Your thyroid primarily controls your metabolism but it also plays parts in other bodily functions as well, which is why it is important to make sure it is working as it should.

There is no real form of Thyroid self test that you can do, and considering the symptoms of hypothyroidism it can be hard to know if you even have it. Some of the symptoms can include constipation, fatigue, feeling cold, gaining weight and the inability to lose weight and depression or anxiety. As you can imagine, all of these symptoms can be caused by a host of other things which is why determining whether or not you even have hypothyroidism is such a problem.

Given these kinds of symptoms are so common you do not want to jump the gun and immediately assume you have hypothyroidism just because you are feeling a little blue or gained a few pounds. However if some of those symptoms have been going on for a while, you may want to consult your doctor about the possibility that you have hypothyroidism.

As I mentioned, you can not Thyroid self test, so you will have to go to your doctor to check to see if you have hypothyroidism. It is a fairly simple and quick procedure to see if you have it. They will take a small blood sample to see if you have elevated counts of TSH.

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is produced by your body when it detects your thyroid behaving abnormally. It is intended to correct the problem and get your thyroid back in working order. Sometimes this fails and that is why you suffer from hypothyroidism. Your doctor will test your blood and if there is a high enough amount of TSH it will tell them that you do indeed have hypothyroidism.

This is not a very serious condition, though, so do not panic if you do have it. Your doctor will likely tell you that you will have to take some medication for the rest of your life and maybe make some small adjustments to your life style, but nothing significant.

One of the most common reasons for your thyroid to act up is a lack of iodine. Iodine is a chemical produced by your body that essentially fuels your thyroid. Hypothyroidism is usually caused when your body does not produce enough iodine, forcing your thyroid to slow down since it does not have enough fuel. If this is the case your treatment will likely include iodine supplements to counter the problem.

In the end, while the symptoms are exceptionally common and there is no Thyroid self test, hypothyroidism is not that big of a problem. If you suspect you have it just go see your doctor, and if you do have it than just do as instructed. You will find it to be a very minor inconvenience on your life.

The Right Ringing Ears Cure

A chronic ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, is a fairly common problem, but that commonality doesn’t make it any easier to bear. While ringing and buzzing are the two most frequently described sounds, some people also report hearing clicking, hissing, or chirping sounds. Whatever sound you may be hearing, finding the right ringing ears cure for you will help you to lead a normal life again.

Most people with mild tinnitus (if there is such a thing) do their best to live with what they consider an annoying symptom. However, that never-ending sound in the ears can be the symptom of a more serious problem, and it should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

After all, you won’t be able to cure the problem until your doctor has figured out what the root cause of the problem is. You should always see your doctor about any health concerns that you have, but you will play an active role in helping him determine what the cause of your problem is.

Two of the more common causes of ringing in the ears are injury and loud noise. Any sort of trauma to the head can lead to ringing, and loud noise could be considered a type of trauma. A single event may not cause ringing, or the ringing may subside in a short time, never to return. However, if the noise in your head persists, then you need to get it checked out.

The right ringing ears cure for you will depend mostly upon what is causing the problem. If, for example, your tinnitus is caused by poor circulation then doing exercises to improve your circulation would make the most sense. On the other hand, if the ringing is due to a cumulative effect (such as being exposed to loud noises while working in a factory) then finding the proper treatment may take a bit more effort.

Some people have found relief in the form of holistic medicine or various herbs. While modern science may frown on these concoctions as cures, they may be worth a try if they are able to stop the ringing in your ears.

What you may not know is that some cases of tinnitus could be classified as psychological. That’s not to say that problem is imagined, but rather that there is a psychological component contributing to the problem. A lack of sleep, working too much, or being under a lot of stress can all be contributing factors to ringing ears, and they need a unique form of treatment. Something as simple as meditation or stress reduction techniques may be all it takes to get the ringing to go away.

If you are having a hard time finding a cure, you may be able to get some relief by using other noises to mask the ringing. White noise can be particularly effective, but you may need to do some experimenting yo find which noises work best for you.

The Positives Of Sunning-Lets Talk About The Sunny Side

With all of the talk about the dangers of spending too much time out in the sun I though it might be about time for someone to talk about the positives of sunning for a change.

The entire world is always talking and dwelling in the negative side of things, why do we do that all of the time? Just trying to be careful I guess.

The first and most obvious of the positives of sunning is only cosmetic in nature, in other words, how good you look. Getting a suntan helps people with lighter skin look healthier. (I am not talking about that woman who took a good thing to the extreme and who made the news in the past month or so, she doesn’t look healthy at all.)

There is a substance in the skin, called melanin, that gets activated any time we go out in the sun. The melanin is what makes your skin darker. It is your body’s own, natural protection against the sun’s rays.

The only problem with that is that people tend to not let the melanin do it’s job in the time frame it needs to do it. They want their sun tan all at once. If they would gradually let it build up over time then the dangers of the sun would not be a problem.

Of course, letting the skin do it’s job to protect each of us up here in the northern climates is a problem. The summers just are not long enough to allow this to happen.

You know what happens, right? You work all summer on your tan and in the fall when the sun is not as strong your tan begins to fade. It continues to fade to the point that you have to start all over again in the late spring, early summer when the temperatures allow us to be outside for extended periods of time.

Of course you can elect to go to a tanning salon to maintain your tan year round if you have the budget for it.

The next positive is that the sun helps the body make Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for the health of your skin and bones. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium to keep bones and teeth, heart and other muscles strong and working properly.

The last of the positives of sunning I would like to discuss is the one that can help your newborn baby. Some doctors and nurses will tell you to let your newborn get some sunlight, indirectly of course, so they do not get jaundiced after they are born.

Jaundice occurs in the newborn because the new little body has to rid itself of an overabundance of bilirubin. Bilirubin is the byproduct of red blood cell breakdown. Babies have an overabundance of red blood cells in their bodies after the umbilical cord gets cut and their livers have to take over cleaning their blood.

The new little liver may take ten days to two weeks to become proficient at doing this itself so a little sunlight is needed to help breakdown the bilirubin.

Suns Aging Effects-Everyone Wants To Look Their Best

Everyone wants to look their best all the time but if you tend to spend too much time outside in the summertime without protection the suns aging effects will eventually be quite noticeable.

I think we have all see pictures of the “Sun Tan Lady”, you know, the lady who was chastised in the news for tanning too much and taking her child in the tanning bed with her?

Well, personally, I think she looks terrible and I think a lot of other people do, too. She looks like she is made of leather. She should be made the poster woman for the suns aging effects and what not to do.

We all know that the sun puts out two types of harmful rays, UVA and UVB. The UVA rays are the ones that will eventually age your skin well beyond it’s years by increasing your chance for those deep creases, wrinkles, and brown spots (also called “age spots”).

UVB rays are the ones that cause more immediate damage like sunburn. Repeated overexposure to the suns harmful rays can eventually lead to some form of skin cancer.

So, what to do? Avoidance is the best policy when it comes to sun exposure but we all know that is virtually impossible. We need the sun, in moderation, so our bodies can produce the Vitamin D that so many of us are deficient in.

If you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, in the winter time then you know what I am talking about. The sunlight also affects the serotonin levels in our brain and that’s why we get to feeling better and our moods lift when it is sunny out.

You best bet is to just limit your time in the sun and find some shade or use sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, at least 30 spf.

Read the label of your favorite sunscreen and see how often you should reapply it and follow the directions closely. Most people think they can put in on once when they first go out and then wonder why they got sunburned anyway.

They did not follow the directions, that’s why.

If you happen to be like me and tan easily under the sun, you still should wear sunscreen. Getting a tan is the body’s natural defense to skin damage but they say that a tan is still damage.

You possibly could get away with using a lower sun protection factor sunscreen but you should still reapply it as directed. And just because you tan easily doesn’t mean you can’t get sunburned if you spend too much time in the sun because you can.

A good skin care regimen is also essential to keeping your skin healthy as you age. Keeping your skin clean and using lotions or creams to give your skin some extra hydration are best. You do not need anything fancy or expensive to do this.

The suns aging effects do not have to be a big concern if you take care of your skin and use adequate protection when you venture out into the sunlight.