Understanding Dental Pain

Pain has always been a major issue with dentistry. The fear of pain in dentistry is so high in fact, that many people fail to go to the dentist until their condition becomes so severe that they have no other choice than to see a dentist. A majority of individuals are terrified of the dental chair, although once they are numb, they sometimes fall asleep. Although the numbing shots may be a bit painful, once they are finished – there is literally no more pain.

Most often, people will concentrate on the thought of getting the shot, which will only magnify the pain. Something that normally doesnt hurt, can get a lot worse simply by thinking in your mind that it will be painful. In most cases, the numbing shots will work very well with one or two applications. If you are already in pain when you visit the dentist, the shots will put your mind at ease and stop the pain almost immediately.

If you have a tremendous fear of dental pain and simply cannot stand the thought of getting a shot, then you may be interested in laughing gas or IV sedation. Either of the two can help you relax before you the dentist applies numbing shots. IV sedation can either be conscious or put you out totally. Normally, IV sedation is preferred during wisdom teeth removal, as most people dont want to hear the grinding and snapping of the teeth. It works through your veins, as the anaesthesia is inserted into your arm through a vein.

If you have chosen either laughing gas or an IV sedation, your dentist will administer either of the two before he gives you shots or goes any further. Once the medicine has taken effect, you normally wont feel anything or remember it. Laughing gas and IV sedation can put your mind at ease, so you wont be uncomfortable during your surgery or extractions.

Although dental pain is something that many fear, it isnt near as bad as they may think. Most of the fear stems from not knowing, or thinking that it will hurt more than it actually does. The worst part of dental work is the numbing shots, which actually dont hurt all that bad. Once you have been numbed, youll find that the pain will be gone. Dental pain isnt near as bad you may hear or think – which is why you shouldnt fear it.

If you need dental work or if you are having a bad toothache, you shouldnt hesitate to get to the dentist. The dentist will explain everything he is going to do in your treatment, and ask you about other forms of sedation or medicine. Even though youll feel the shots, the rest of the procedures you wont feel at all.