Natural Treatment of Hair Loss

The treatment for hair loss may be divided into two types. One type includes the artificial methods like hair transplantation, use of drugs, etc. The other type includes various ways of natural hair loss treatment.

The artificial hair loss treatment methods are undoubtedly effective. However, a natural hair loss treatment method is always a safer alternative.

Some tools for natural treatment for hair loss

The following herbal supplements play very effective roles in natural hair loss treatment

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) It is a palm-like plant of the North American origin. Extracts from saw palmetto berries contain fatty acids and sterols. The latter block 5-Alpha-Reductase and reduce DHT uptake by hair follicles. They also reduce the block binding of DHT to androgen receptors. The liposterolic extract of saw palmetto combined with beta-sitosterol (a phytosterol common to many plants and grains) has produced notable improvements in anti-androgen activity in several research studies.

Boarage oil Boarage oil is one of the proven hair loss treatments. It contains omega-3 fatty acids. Its presence in a diet may help to prevent hair loss. In fact, it may even help promote hair re-growth.

Boarage seeds also contain gamma linoleic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid. The latter – a good fat – may help prevent male pattern baldness.

Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) It has been used as a hair tonic for centuries. It supposedly stimulates new hair growth and revives hair color.

DHT is the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness and a nettle root extract reportedly prevents testosterone from being converted to DHT.

Green tea extract Green tea extracts also hamper the conversion of testosterone to DHT. The catechin concentration in green tea is higher than that in black tea. Unlike black tea, green tea is not allowed to dry and ferment. That helps to retain catechin integrity.

Grape seeds – Grape seeds contain OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins). They stimulate epithelial cell growth and check the growth-inhibiting effect of the molecule TGF-beta2 produced by androgen affected hair follicles.

Apple skin It is another effective natural hair loss treatment agent. Studies have established procyanidin therapy as a potential treatment for male pattern baldness. Apple procyanidins reportedly have high level hair-growth promoting capacity.

The skin of green apples is the richest known source of procyanidin.

Black cohosh It has the ability to regulate estrogen hormone levels. Therefore it is potentially helpful in hair loss prevention and restoration. It is a regular component of natural hair loss restoration formulas.

Licorice – This native European herb is famous as an excellent expectorant and is an effective hair loss treatment agent as well. As black cohosh, it can also regulate estrogen hormone level.

Ayurvedic antistress tea Consumption of a mixed drink of Nardostachys Jatamamsi and Bacopa Monnieri each day may prevent hair loss. Beside that, it also helps in relieving stress.

He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) – This Chinese herb is a common component of various natural hair loss treatment agents.

Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) It has two usability. One is treating male pattern baldness and the other is treating prostate related problems.

Cinnamon and Dragon Bone – It helps in solving round spots of alopecia.